rowid,title,contents,year,author,author_slug,published,url,topic 100,Moo'y Christmas,"A note from the editors: Moo has changed their API since this article was written. As the web matures, it is less and less just about the virtual world. It is becoming entangled with our world and it is harder to tell what is virtual and what is real. There are several companies who are blurring this line and make the virtual just an extension of the physical. Moo is one such company. Moo offers simple print on demand services. You can print business cards, moo mini cards, stickers, postcards and more. They give you the ability to upload your images, customize them, then have them sent to your door. Many companies allow this sort of digital to physical interaction, but Moo has taken it one step further and has built an API. Printable stocking stuffers The Moo API consists of a simple XML file that is sent to their servers. It describes all the information needed to dynamically assemble and print your object. This is very helpful, not just for when you want to print your own stickers, but when you want to offer them to your customers, friends, organization or community with no hassle. Moo handles the check-out and shipping, all you need to do is what you do best, create! Now using an API sounds complicated, but it is actually very easy. I am going to walk you through the options so you can easily be printing in no time. Before you can begin sending data to the Moo API, you need to register and get an API key. This is important, because it allows Moo to track usage and to credit you. To register, visit and click “Request an API key”. In the following examples, I will use {YOUR API KEY HERE} as a place holder, replace that with your API key and everything will work fine. First thing you need to do is to create an XML file to describe the check-out basket. Open any text-editor and start with some XML basics. Don’t worry, this is pretty simple and Moo gives you a few tools to check your XML for errors before you order. 0.7 {YOUR API KEY HERE} build ... Much like HTML’s and , Moo has created and elements all wrapped in a element. The element contains a few pieces of information that is the same across all the API calls. The element describes which version of the API is being used. This is more important for Moo than for you, so just stick with “0.7” for now. The allows Moo to track sales, referrers and credit your account. The element can only take “build” so that is pretty straight forward. The and elements are URLs. These are optional and are the URLs the customer is redirected to if there is an error, or when the check out process is complete. This allows for some basic branding and a custom “thank you” page which is under your control. That’s it for the element, pretty easy so far! Next up is the element. What goes inside here describes what is to be printed. There are two possible elements, we can put or we can put directly inside . They work in a similar ways, but they drop the customer into different parts of the Moo checkout process. If you specify then you send the customer straight to the Moo payment process. If you specify then you send the customer one-step earlier where they are allowed to pick and choose some images, remove the ones they don’t like, adjust the crop, etc. The example here will use but with a little bit of homework you can easily adjust to if you desire. ... sticker ... Inside the element, we can see there are two basic piece of information. The type of product we want to print, and the images that are to be printed. The element can take one of five options and is required! The possibilities are: minicard, notecard, sticker, postcard or greetingcard. We’ll now look at two of these more closely. Moo Stickers In the Moo sticker books you get 90 small squarish stickers in a small little booklet. The simplest XML you could send would be something like the following payload: ... sticker ... This creates a sticker book with only 3 unique images, but 30 copies of each image. The Sticker books always print 90 stickers in multiples of the images you uploaded. That example only has 3 elements, but you can easily duplicate the XML and send up to 90. The should be the full path to your image and the image needs to be a minimum of 300 pixels by 300 pixels. You can add more XML to describe cropping, but the simplest option is to either, let your customers choose or to pre-crop all your images square so there are no issues. The full XML you would post to the Moo API to print sticker books would look like this: 0.7 {YOUR API KEY HERE} build sticker Mini-cards The mini-cards are the small cute business cards in 14×35 dimensions and come in packs of 100. Since the mini-cards are print on demand, this allows you to have 100 unique images on the back of the cards. Just like the stickers example, we need the same XML setup. The element and elements will be the same as before. The part you will focus on is the section. Since you are sending along specific information, we can’t use the option any more. Switch this to which has a child of , which in turn has a and . This might seem like a lot of work, but once you have it set up you won’t need to change it. ... minicard ... ... So now that we have the basic framework, we can talk about the information specific to minicards. Inside the element, you will have one for each card. Much like before, this contains a way to describe the image. Note that this time the element is called , not images plural. Inside the element you have a which points to where the image lives and a . The should just be set to ‘variable’. You can pass crop information here instead, but we’re going to keep it simple for this tutorial. If you are interested in how that works, you should refer to the official API documentation. ... variable ... So far, we have managed to build a pack of 100 Moo mini-cards with the same image on the front. If you wanted 100 different images, you just need to replicate this snippit, 99 more times. That describes the front design, but the flip-side of your mini-cards can contain 6 lines of text, which is customizable in a variety of colors, fonts and styles. The API allows you to create different text on the back of each mini-card, something the web interface doesn’t implement. To describe the text on the mini-card we need to add a element inside the element. If you skip this element, the back of your mini-card will just be blank, but that’s not very festive! Inside the element, we need to describe the type of text we want to format, so we add a element, which in turn contains all the lines of text. Each of Moo’s printed products take different numbers of lines of text, so if you are not planning on making mini-cards, be sure to consult the documentation. For mini-cards, we can have 6 distinct lines, each with their own style and layout. Each line is represented by an element which has several optional children. The tells which line of the 6 to print the text one. The is the text you want to print and it must be shorter than 38 characters. The element is false by default, but if you want your text bolded, then add this and set it to true. The element is also optional. By default it is set to align left. You can also set this to right or center if you desirer. The element takes one of 3 types, modern, traditional or typewriter. The default is modern. Finally, you can set the , yes that’s color with a ‘u’, Moo is a British company, so they get to make the rules. When you start a print on demand company, you can spell it however you want. The element takes a 6 character hex value with a leading #. ... (1-6) String, I must be less than 38 chars! true left modern #ff0000 If you combine all of this into a mini-card request you’d get this example: 0.7 {YOUR API KEY HERE} build minicard variable 1 String, I must be less than 38 chars! true left modern #ff0000 Now you know how to construct the XML that describes what to print. Next, you need to know how to send it to Moo to make it happen! Posting to the API So your XML is file ready to go. First thing we need to do is check it to make sure it’s valid. Moo has created a simple validator where you paste in your XML, and it alerts you to problems. When you have a fully valid XML file, you’ll want to send that to the Moo API. There are a few ways to do this, but the simplest is with an HTML form. This is the sample code for an HTML form with a big “Buy My Stickers” button. Once you know that it is working, you can use all your existing HTML knowledge to style it up any way you like.
.... ... "">
This is just a basic
element that submits to the Moo API,, when someone clicks the button. There is a hidden input called “xml” which contains the value the XML file we created previously. For those of you who need to “view source” to fully understand what’s happening can see a working version and peek under the hood. Using the API has advantages over uploading the images directly yourself. The images and text that you send via the API can be dynamic. Some companies, like Dopplr, have taken user profiles and dynamic data that changes every minute to generate customer stickers of places that you’ve travelled to or mini-cards with a world map of all the cities you have visited. Every single customer has different travel plans and therefore different sets of stickers and mini-card maps. The API allows for the utmost current information to be printed, on demand, in real-time. Go forth and Moo’ltiply See, making an API call wasn’t that hard was it? You are now 90% of the way to creating anything with the Moo API. With a bit of reading, you can learn that extra 10% and print any Moo product. Be on the lookout in 2009 for the official release of the 1.0 API with improvements and some extras that were not available when this article was written. This article is released under the creative-commons attribution share-a-like license. That means you are free to re-distribute it, mash it up, translate it and otherwise re-using it ways the author never considered, in return he only asks you mention his name. This work by Brian Suda is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.",2008,Brian Suda,briansuda,2008-12-19T00:00:00+00:00,,code 240,My CSS Wish List,"I love Christmas. I love walking around the streets of London, looking at the beautifully decorated windows, seeing the shiny lights that hang above Oxford Street and listening to Christmas songs. I’m not going to lie though. Not only do I like buying presents, I love receiving them too. I remember making long lists that I would send to Father Christmas with all of the Lego sets I wanted to get. I knew I could only get one a year, but I would spend days writing the perfect list. The years have gone by, but I still enjoy making wish lists. And I’ll tell you a little secret: my mum still asks me to send her my Christmas list every year. This time I’ve made my CSS wish list. As before, I’d be happy with just one present. Before I begin… … this list includes: things that don’t exist in the CSS specification (if they do, please let me know in the comments – I may have missed them); others that are in the spec, but it’s incomplete or lacks use cases and examples (which usually means that properties haven’t been implemented by even the most recent browsers). Like with any other wish list, the further down I go, the more unrealistic my expectations – but that doesn’t mean I can’t wish. Some of the things we wouldn’t have thought possible a few years ago have been implemented and our wishes fulfilled (think multiple backgrounds, gradients and transformations, for example). The list Cross-browser implementation of font-size-adjust When one of the fall-back fonts from your font stack is used, rather than the preferred (first) one, you can retain the aspect ratio by using this very useful property. It is incredibly helpful when the fall-back fonts are smaller or larger than the initial one, which can make layouts look less polished. What font-size-adjust does is divide the original font-size of the fall-back fonts by the font-size-adjust value. This preserves the x-height of the preferred font in the fall-back fonts. Here’s a simple example: p { font-family: Calibri, ""Lucida Sans"", Verdana, sans-serif; font-size-adjust: 0.47; } In this case, if the user doesn’t have Calibri installed, both Lucida Sans and Verdana will keep Calibri’s aspect ratio, based on the font’s x-height. This property is a personal favourite and one I keep pointing to. Firefox supported this property from version three. So far, it’s the only browser that does. Fontdeck provides the font-size-adjust value along with its fonts, and has a handy tool for calculating it. More control over overflowing text The text-overflow property lets you control text that overflows its container. The most common use for it is to show an ellipsis to indicate that there is more text than what is shown. To be able to use it, the container should have overflow set to something other than visible, and white-space: nowrap: div { white-space: nowrap; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } This, however, only works for blocks of text on a single line. In the wish list of many CSS authors (and in mine) is a way of defining text-overflow: ellipsis on a block of multiple text lines. Opera has taken the first step and added support for the -o-ellipsis-lastline property, which can be used instead of ellipsis. This property is not part of the CSS3 spec, but we could certainly make good use of it if it were… WebKit has -webkit-line-clamp to specify how many lines to show before cutting with an ellipsis, but support is patchy at best and there is no control over where the ellipsis shows in the text. Many people have spent time wrangling JavaScript to do this for us, but the methods used are very processor intensive, and introduce a JavaScript dependency. Indentation and hanging punctuation properties You might notice a trend here: almost half of the items in this list relate to typography. The lack of fine-grained control over typographical detail is a general concern among designers and CSS authors. Indentation and hanging punctuation fall into this category. The CSS3 specification introduces two new possible values for the text-indent property: each-line; and hanging. each-line would indent the first line of the block container and each line after a forced line break; hanging would invert which lines are affected by the indentation. The proposed hanging-punctuation property would allow us to specify whether opening and closing brackets and quotes should hang outside the edge of the first and last lines. The specification is still incomplete, though, and asks for more examples and use cases. Text alignment and hyphenation properties Following the typographic trend of this list, I’d like to add better control over text alignment and hyphenation properties. The CSS3 module on Generated Content for Paged Media already specifies five new hyphenation-related properties (namely: hyphenate-dictionary; hyphenate-before and hyphenate-after; hyphenate-lines; and hyphenate-character), but it is still being developed and lacks examples. In the text alignment realm, the new text-align-last property allows you to define how the last line of a block (or a line just before a forced break) is aligned, if your text is set to justify. Its value can be: start; end; left; right; center; and justify. The text-justify property should also allow you to have more control over text set to text-align: justify but, for now, only Internet Explorer supports this. calc() This is probably my favourite item in the list: the calc() function. This function is part of the CSS3 Values and Units module, but it has only been implemented by Firefox (4.0). To take advantage of it now you need to use the Mozilla vendor code, -moz-calc(). Imagine you have a fluid two-column layout where the sidebar column has a fixed width of 240 pixels, and the main content area fills the rest of the width available. This is how you could create that using -moz-calc(): #main { width: -moz-calc(100% - 240px); } Can you imagine how many hacks and headaches we could avoid were this function available in more browsers? Transitions and animations are really nice and lovely but, for me, it’s the ability to do the things that calc() allows you to that deserves the spotlight and to be pushed for implementation. Selector grouping with -moz-any() The -moz-any() selector grouping has been introduced by Mozilla but it’s not part of any CSS specification (yet?); it’s currently only available on Firefox 4. This would be especially useful with the way HTML5 outlines documents, where we can have any number of variations of several levels of headings within numerous types of containers (think sections within articles within sections…). Here is a quick example (copied from the Mozilla blog post about the article) of how -moz-any() works. Instead of writing: section section h1, section article h1, section aside h1, section nav h1, article section h1, article article h1, article aside h1, article nav h1, aside section h1, aside article h1, aside aside h1, aside nav h1, nav section h1, nav article h1, nav aside h1, nav nav h1, { font-size: 24px; } You could simply write: -moz-any(section, article, aside, nav) -moz-any(section, article, aside, nav) h1 { font-size: 24px; } Nice, huh? More control over styling form elements Some are of the opinion that form elements shouldn’t be styled at all, since a user might not recognise them as such if they don’t match the operating system’s controls. I partially agree: I’d rather put the choice in the hands of designers and expect them to be capable of deciding whether their particular design hampers or improves usability. I would say the same idea applies to font-face: while some fear designers might go crazy and litter their web pages with dozens of different fonts, most welcome the freedom to use something other than Arial or Verdana. There will always be someone who will take this freedom too far, but it would be useful if we could, for example, style the default Opera date picker: or Safari’s slider control (think star movie ratings, for example): Parent selector I don’t think there is one CSS author out there who has never come across a case where he or she wished there was a parent selector. There have been many suggestions as to how this could work, but a variation of the child selector is usually the most popular: article < h1 { … } One can dream… Flexible box layout The Flexible Box Layout Module sounds a bit like magic: it introduces a new box model to CSS, allowing you to distribute and order boxes inside other boxes, and determine how the available space is shared. Two of my favourite features of this new box model are: the ability to redistribute boxes in a different order from the markup the ability to create flexible layouts, where boxes shrink (or expand) to fill the available space Let’s take a quick look at the second case. Imagine you have a three-column layout, where the first column takes up twice as much horizontal space as the other two:
With the flexible box model, you could specify it like this: body { display: box; box-orient: horizontal; } #main { box-flex: 2; } #links { box-flex: 1; } aside { box-flex: 1; } If you decide to add a fourth column to this layout, there is no need to recalculate units or percentages, it’s as easy as that. Browser support for this property is still in its early stages (Firefox and WebKit need their vendor prefixes), but we should start to see it being gradually introduced as more attention is drawn to it (I’m looking at you…). You can read a more comprehensive write-up about this property on the Mozilla developer blog. It’s easy to understand why it’s harder to start playing with this module than with things like animations or other more decorative properties, which don’t really break your layouts when users don’t see them. But it’s important that we do, even if only in very experimental projects. Nested selectors Anyone who has never wished they could do something like the following in CSS, cast the first stone: article { h1 { font-size: 1.2em; } ul { margin-bottom: 1.2em; } } Even though it can easily turn into a specificity nightmare and promote redundancy in your style sheets (if you abuse it), it’s easy to see how nested selectors could be useful. CSS compilers such as Less or Sass let you do this already, but not everyone wants or can use these compilers in their projects. Every wish list has an item that could easily be dropped. In my case, I would say this is one that I would ditch first – it’s the least useful, and also the one that could cause more maintenance problems. But it could be nice. Implementation of the ::marker pseudo-element The CSS Lists module introduces the ::marker pseudo-element, that allows you to create custom list item markers. When an element’s display property is set to list-item, this pseudo-element is created. Using the ::marker pseudo-element you could create something like the following: Footnote 1: Both John Locke and his father, Anthony Cooper, are named after 17th- and 18th-century English philosophers; the real Anthony Cooper was educated as a boy by the real John Locke. Footnote 2: Parts of the plane were used as percussion instruments and can be heard in the soundtrack. where the footnote marker is generated by the following CSS: li::marker { content: ""Footnote "" counter(notes) "":""; text-align: left; width: 12em; } li { counter-increment: notes; } You can read more about how to use counters in CSS in my article from last year. Bear in mind that the CSS Lists module is still a Working Draft and is listed as “Low priority”. I did say this wish list would start to grow more unrealistic closer to the end… Variables The sight of the word ‘variables’ may make some web designers shy away, but when you think of them applied to things such as repeated colours in your stylesheets, it’s easy to see how having variables available in CSS could be useful. Think of a website where the main brand colour is applied to elements like the main text, headings, section backgrounds, borders, and so on. In a particularly large website, where the colour is repeated countless times in the CSS and where it’s important to keep the colour consistent, using variables would be ideal (some big websites are already doing this by using server-side technology). Again, Less and Sass allow you to use variables in your CSS but, again, not everyone can (or wants to) use these. If you are using Less, you could, for instance, set the font-family value in one variable, and simply call that variable later in the code, instead of repeating the complete font stack, like so: @fontFamily: Calibri, ""Lucida Grande"", ""Lucida Sans Unicode"", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; body { font-family: @fontFamily; } Other features of these CSS compilers might also be useful, like the ability to ‘call’ a property value from another selector (accessors): header { background: #000000; } footer { background: header['background']; } or the ability to define functions (with arguments), saving you from writing large blocks of code when you need to write something like, for example, a CSS gradient: .gradient (@start:"""", @end:"""") { background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(@start), to(@end)); background: -moz-linear-gradient(-90deg,@start,@end); } button { .gradient(#D0D0D0,#9F9F9F); } Standardised comments Each CSS author has his or her own style for commenting their style sheets. While this isn’t a massive problem on smaller projects, where maybe only one person will edit the CSS, in larger scale projects, where dozens of hands touch the code, it would be nice to start seeing a more standardised way of commenting. One attempt at creating a standard for CSS comments is CSSDOC, an adaptation of Javadoc (a documentation generator that extracts comments from Java source code into HTML). CSSDOC uses ‘DocBlocks’, a term borrowed from the phpDocumentor Project. A DocBlock is a human- and machine-readable block of data which has the following structure: /** * Short description * * Long description (this can have multiple lines and contain

tags * * @tags (optional) */ CSSDOC includes a standard for documenting bug fixes and hacks, colours, versioning and copyright information, amongst other important bits of data. I know this isn’t a CSS feature request per se; rather, it’s just me pointing you at something that is usually overlooked but that could contribute towards keeping style sheets easier to maintain and to hand over to new developers. Final notes I understand that if even some of these were implemented in browsers now, it would be a long time until all vendors were up to speed. But if we don’t talk about them and experiment with what’s available, then it will definitely never happen. Why haven’t I mentioned better browser support for existing CSS3 properties? Because that would be the same as adding chocolate to your Christmas wish list – you don’t need to ask, everyone knows you want it. The list could go on. There are dozens of other things I would love to see integrated in CSS or further developed. These are my personal favourites: some might be less useful than others, but I’ve wished for all of them at some point. Part of the research I did while writing this article was asking some friends what they would add to their lists; other than a couple of items I already had in mine, everything else was different. I’m sure your list would be different too. So tell me, what’s on your CSS wish list?",2010,Inayaili de León Persson,inayailideleon,2010-12-03T00:00:00+00:00,,code 164,My Other Christmas Present Is a Definition List,"A note from the editors: readers should note that the HTML5 redefinition of definition lists has come to pass and is now à la mode. Last year, I looked at how the markup for tag clouds was generally terrible. I thought this year I would look not at a method of marking up a common module, but instead just at a simple part of HTML and how it generally gets abused. No, not tables. Definition lists. Ah, definition lists. Often used but rarely understood. Examining the definition of definitions To start with, let’s see what the HTML spec has to say about them. Definition lists vary only slightly from other types of lists in that list items consist of two parts: a term and a description. The canonical example of a definition list is a dictionary. Words can have multiple descriptions (even the word definition has at least five). Also, many terms can share a single definition (for example, the word colour can also be spelt color, but they have the same definition). Excellent, we can all grasp that. But it very quickly starts to fall apart. Even in the HTML specification the definition list is mis-used. Another application of DL, for example, is for marking up dialogues, with each DT naming a speaker, and each DD containing his or her words. Wrong. Completely and utterly wrong. This is the biggest flaw in the HTML spec, along with dropping support for the start attribute on ordered lists. “Why?”, you may ask. Let me give you an example from Romeo and Juliet, act 2, scene 2.

My niesse?
At what o'clock tomorrow shall I send to thee?
At the hour of nine.
Now, the problem here is that a given definition can have multiple descriptions (the DD). Really the dialog “descriptions” should be rolled up under the terms, like so:
At what o'clock tomorrow shall I send to thee?
My niesse?
At the hour of nine.
Suddenly the play won’t make anywhere near as much sense. (If it’s anything, the correct markup for a play is an ordered list of CITE and BLOCKQUOTE elements.) This is the first part of the problem. That simple example has turned definition lists in everyone’s mind from pure definitions to more along the lines of a list with pre-configured heading(s) and text(s). Screen reader, enter stage left. In many screen readers, a simple definition list would be read out as “definition term equals definition description”. So in our play excerpt, Juliet equals Romeo! That’s not right, either. But this also leads a lot of people astray with definition lists to believing that they are useful for key/value pairs. Behaviour and convention The WHAT-WG have noticed the common mis-use of the DL, and have codified it into the new spec. In the HTML5 draft, a definition list is no longer a definition list. The dl element introduces an unordered association list consisting of zero or more name-value groups (a description list). Each group must consist of one or more names (dt elements) followed by one or more values (dd elements). They also note that the “dl element is inappropriate for marking up dialogue, since dialogue is ordered”. So for that example they have created a DIALOG (sic) element. Strange, then, that they keep DL as-is but instead refer to it an “association list”. They have not created a new AL element, and kept DL for the original purpose. They have chosen not to correct the usage or to create a new opportunity for increased specificity in our HTML, but to “pave the cowpath” of convention. How to use a definition list Given that everyone else is using a DL incorrectly, should we? Well, if they all jumped off a bridge, would you too? No, of course you wouldn’t. We don’t have HTML5 yet, so we’re stuck with the existing semantics of HTML4 and XHTML1. Which means that: Listing dialogue is not defining anything. Listing the attributes of a piece of hardware (resolution = 1600×1200) is illustrating sample values, not defining anything (however, stating what ‘resolution’ actually means in this context would be a definition). Listing the cast and crew of a given movie is not defining the people involved in making movies. (Stuart Gordon may have been the director of Space Truckers, but that by no means makes him the true definition of a director.) A menu of navigation items is simply a nested ordered or unordered list of links, not a definition list. Applying styling handles to form labels and elements is not a good use for a definition list. And so on. Living by the specification, a definition list should be used for term definitions – glossaries, lexicons and dictionaries – only. Anything else is a crime against markup.",2007,Mark Norman Francis,marknormanfrancis,2007-12-05T00:00:00+00:00,,code 36,Naming Things,"There are only two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation and naming things. Phil Karlton Being a professional web developer means taking responsibility for the code you write and ensuring it is comprehensible to others. Having a documented code style is one means of achieving this, although the size and type of project you’re working on will dictate the conventions used and how rigorously they are enforced. Working in-house may mean working with multiple developers, perhaps in distributed teams, who are all committing changes – possibly to a significant codebase – at the same time. Left unchecked, this codebase can become unwieldy. Coding conventions ensure everyone can contribute, and help build a product that works as a coherent whole. Even on smaller projects, perhaps working within an agency or by yourself, at some point the resulting product will need to be handed over to a third party. It’s sensible, therefore, to ensure that your code can be understood by those who’ll eventually take ownership of it. Put simply, code is read more often than it is written or changed. A consistent and predictable naming scheme can make code easier for other developers to understand, improve and maintain, presumably leaving them free to worry about cache invalidation. Let’s talk about semantics Names not only allow us to identify objects, but they can also help us describe the objects being identified. Semantics (the meaning or interpretation of words) is the cornerstone of standards-based web development. Using appropriate HTML elements allows us to create documents and applications that have implicit structural meaning. Thanks to HTML5, the vocabulary we can choose from has grown even larger. HTML elements provide one level of meaning: a widely accepted description of a document’s underlying structure. It’s only with the mutual agreement of browser vendors and developers that

indicates a paragraph. Yet (with the exception of widely accepted microdata and microformat schemas) only HTML elements convey any meaning that can be parsed consistently by user agents. While using semantic values for class names is a noble endeavour, they provide no additional information to the visitor of a website; take them away and a document will have exactly the same semantic value. I didn’t always think this was the case, but the real world has a habit of changing your opinion. Much of my thinking around semantics has been informed by the writing of my peers. In “About HTML semantics and front-end architecture”, Nicholas Gallagher wrote: The important thing for class name semantics in non-trivial applications is that they be driven by pragmatism and best serve their primary purpose – providing meaningful, flexible, and reusable presentational/behavioural hooks for developers to use. These thoughts are echoed by Harry Roberts in his CSS Guidelines: The debate surrounding semantics has raged for years, but it is important that we adopt a more pragmatic, sensible approach to naming things in order to work more efficiently and effectively. Instead of focussing on ‘semantics’, look more closely at sensibility and longevity – choose names based on ease of maintenance, not for their perceived meaning. Naming methodologies Front-end development has undergone a revolution in recent years. As the projects we’ve worked on have grown larger and more important, our development practices have matured. The pros and cons of object-orientated approaches to CSS can be endlessly debated, yet their introduction has highlighted the usefulness of having documented naming schemes. Jonathan Snook’s SMACSS (Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS) collects style rules into five categories: base, layout, module, state and theme. This grouping makes it clear what each rule does, and is aided by a naming convention: By separating rules into the five categories, naming convention is beneficial for immediately understanding which category a particular style belongs to and its role within the overall scope of the page. On large projects, it is more likely to have styles broken up across multiple files. In these cases, naming convention also makes it easier to find which file a style belongs to. I like to use a prefix to differentiate between layout, state and module rules. For layout, I use l- but layout- would work just as well. Using prefixes like grid- also provide enough clarity to separate layout styles from other styles. For state rules, I like is- as in is-hidden or is-collapsed. This helps describe things in a very readable way. SMACSS is more a set of suggestions than a rigid framework, so its ideas can be incorporated into your own practice. Nicholas Gallagher’s SUIT CSS project is far more strict in its naming conventions: SUIT CSS relies on structured class names and meaningful hyphens (i.e., not using hyphens merely to separate words). This helps to work around the current limits of applying CSS to the DOM (i.e., the lack of style encapsulation), and to better communicate the relationships between classes. Over the last year, I’ve favoured a BEM-inspired approach to CSS. BEM stands for block, element, modifier, which describes the three types of rule that contribute to the style of a single component. This means that, given the following markup:

  • Rudolph
  • Dasher
  • Dancer
  • Prancer
  • Vixen
  • Comet
  • Cupid
  • Dunder
  • Blixem
I know that: .sleigh is a containing block or component. .sleigh__reindeer is used only as a descendent element of .sleigh. .sleigh__reindeer––famous is used only as a modifier of .sleigh__reindeer. With this naming scheme in place, I know which styles relate to a particular component, and which are shared. Beyond reducing specificity-related head-scratching, this approach has given me a framework within which I can consistently label items, and has sped up my workflow considerably. Each of these methodologies shows that any robust CSS naming convention will have clear rules around case (lowercase, camelCase, PascalCase) and the use of special (allowed) characters like hyphens and underscores. What makes for a good name? Regardless of higher-level conventions, there’s no getting away from the fact that, at some point, we’re still going to have to name things. Recognising that classes should be named with other developers in mind, what makes for a good name? Understandable The most important aspect is for a name to be understandable. Words used in your project may come from a variety of sources: some may be widely understood, and others only be recognised by people working within a particular environment. Culture Most words you’ll choose will have common currency outside the world of web development, although they may have a particular interpretation among developers (think menu, list, input). However, words may have a narrower cultural significance; for example, in Germany and other German-speaking countries, impressum is the term used for legally mandated statements of ownership. Industry Industries often use specific terms to describe common business practices and concepts. Publishing has a number of these (headline, standfirst, masthead, colophon…) all have well understood meanings – and not all of them are relevant to online usage. Organisation Companies may have internal names (or nicknames) for their products and services. The Guardian is rife with such names: bisons (and buffalos), pixies (and super-pixies), bentos (and mini-bentos)… all of which mean something very different outside the organisation. Although such names can be useful inside smaller teams, in larger organisations they can become a barrier to entry, a sort of secret code used among employees who have been around long enough to know what they mean. Product Your team will undoubtedly have created names for specific features or interface components used in your product. For example, at Clearleft we coined the term gravigation for a navigation bar that was pinned to the bottom of the viewport. Elements of a visual design language may have names, too. Transport for London’s bar and circle logo is known internally as the roundel, while Nike’s logo is called the swoosh. Branding agencies often christen colours within a brand palette, too, either to evoke aspects of the identity or to indicate intended usage. Once you recognise the origin of the words you use, you’ll be better able to judge their appropriateness. Using Latin words for class names may satisfy a need to use semantic-sounding terms but, unless you work in a company whose employees have a basic grasp of Latin, a degree of translation will be required. Military ranks might be a clever way of declaring sizes without implying actual values, but I’d venture most people outside the armed forces don’t know how they’re ordered. Obvious Quite often, the first name that comes into your head will be the best option. Names that obliquely reference the function of a class (e.g. receptacle instead of container, kevlar instead of no-bullets) only serve to add an additional layer of abstraction. Don’t overthink it! One way of knowing if the names you use are well understood is to look at what similar concepts are called in existing vocabularies., Dublin Core and the BBC’s ontologies are all useful sources for object names. Functional While we’ve learned to avoid using presentational classes, there remains a tension between naming things based on their content, and naming them for their intended presentation or behaviour (which may change at different breakpoints). Rather than think about a component’s appearance or behaviour, instead look to its function, its purpose. To clarify, ask what a component’s function is, and not how the component functions. For example, the Guardian’s internal content system uses the following names for different types of image placement: supporting, showcase and thumbnail, with inline being the default. These options make no promise of the resulting position on a webpage (or smartphone app, or television screen…), but do suggest intended use, and therefore imply the likely presentation. Consistent Being consistent in your approach to names will allow for easier naming of successive components, and extending the vocabulary when necessary. For example, a predictably named hierarchy might use names like primary and secondary. Should another level need to be added, tertiary is clearly be preferred over third. Appropriate Your project will feature a mix of style rules. Some will perform utility functions (clearing floats, removing bullets from a list, reseting margins), while others will perform specific functions used only once or twice in a project. Names should reflect this. For commonly used classes, be generic; for unique components be more specific. It’s also worth remembering that you can use multiple classes on an element, so combining both generic and specific can give you a powerful modular design system: Generic: list Specific: naughty-children Combined: naughty-children list If following the BEM methodology, you might use the following classes: Generic: list Specific: list––nice-children Combined: list list––nice-children Extensible Good naming schemes can be extended. One way of achieving this is to use namespaces, which are basically a way of grouping related names under a higher-level term. Microformats are a good example of a well-designed naming scheme, with many of its vocabularies taking property names from existing and related specifications (e.g. hCard is a 1:1 representation of vCard). Microformats 2 goes one step further by grouping properties under several namespaces: h-* for root class names (e.g. h-card) p-* for simple (text) properties (e.g. p-name) u-* for URL properties (e.g. u-photo) dt-* for date/time properties (e.g. dt-bday) e-* for embedded markup properties (e.g. e-note) The inclusion of namespaces is a massive improvement over the earlier specification, but the downside is that microformats now occupy five separate namespaces. This might be problematic if you are using u-* for your utility classes. While nothing will break, your naming system won’t be as robust, so plan accordingly. (Note: Microformats perform a very specific function, separate from any presentational concerns. It’s therefore considered best practice to not use microformat classes as styling hooks, but instead use additional classes that relate to the function of the component and adhere to your own naming conventions.) Short Names should be as long as required, but no longer. When looking for words to describe a particular function, I try to look for single words where possible. Avoid abbreviations unless they are understood within the contexts described above. rrp is fine if labelling a recommended retail price in an online shop, but not very helpful if used to mean ragged-right paragraph, for example. Fun! Finally, names can be an opportunity to have some fun! Names can give character to a project, be it by providing an outlet for in-jokes or adding little easter eggs for those inclined to look. The copyright statement on Apple’s website has long been named sosumi, a word that has a nice little history inside Apple. Until recently, the hamburger menu icon on the Guardian website was labelled honest-burger, after the developer’s favourite burger restaurant. A few thoughts on preprocessors CSS preprocessors have solved a lot of problems, but they have an unfortunate downside: they require you to name yet more things! Whereas we needed to worry only about style rules, now we need names for variables, mixins, functions… oh my! A second article could be written about naming these, so for now I’ll offer just a few thoughts. The first is to note that preprocessors make it easier to change things, as they allow for DRYer code. So while the names of variables are important (and the advice in this article still very much applies), you can afford to relax a little. Looking to name colour variables? If possible, find out if colours have been assigned names in a brand palette. If not, use obvious names (based on appearance or function, depending on your preference) and adapt as the palette grows. If it becomes difficult to name colours that are too similar, I’d venture that the problem lies with the design rather than the naming scheme. The same is true for responsive breakpoints. Preprocessors allow you to move awkward naming conventions out of the markup and into the CSS. Although terms like mobile, tablet and desktop are not desirable given the need to think about device-agnostic design, if these terms are widely understood within a product team and among stakeholders, using them will ensure everyone is using the same language (they can always be changed later). It still feels like we’re at the very beginning of understanding how preprocessors fit into a development workflow, if at all! I suspect over the next few years, best practices will emerge for all of these considerations. In the meantime, use your brain! Even with sensible rules and conventions in place, naming things can remain difficult, but hopefully I’ve made this exercise a little less painful. Christmas is a time of giving, so to the developer reading your code in a year’s time, why not make your gift one of clearer class names.",2014,Paul Lloyd,paulrobertlloyd,2014-12-21T00:00:00+00:00,,code 335,Naughty or Nice? CSS Background Images,"Web Standards based development involves many things – using semantically sound HTML to provide structure to our documents or web applications, using CSS for presentation and layout, using JavaScript responsibly, and of course, ensuring that all that we do is accessible and interoperable to as many people and user agents as we can. This we understand to be good. And it is good. Except when we don’t clearly think through the full implications of using those techniques. Which often happens when time is short and we need to get things done. Here are some naughty examples of CSS background images with their nicer, more accessible counterparts. Transaction related messages I’m as guilty of this as others (or, perhaps, I’m the only one that has done this, in which case this can serve as my holiday season confessional) We use lovely little icons to show status messages for a transaction to indicate if the action was successful, or was there a warning or error? For example: “Your postal/zip code was not in the correct format.” Notice that we place a nice little icon there, and use background colours and borders to convey a specific message: there was a problem that needs to be fixed. Notice that all of this visual information is now contained in the CSS rules for that div:

Your postal/zip code was not in the correct format.

div.error { background: #ffcccc url(../images/error_small.png) no-repeat 5px 4px; color: #900; border-top: 1px solid #c00; border-bottom: 1px solid #c00; padding: 0.25em 0.5em 0.25em 2.5em; font-weight: bold; } Using this approach also makes it very easy to create a div.success and div.warning CSS rules meaning we have less to change in our HTML. Nice, right? No. Naughty. Visual design communicates The CSS is being used to convey very specific information. The choice of icon, the choice of background colour and borders tell us visually that there is something wrong. With the icon as a background image – there is no way to specify any alt text for the icon, and significant meaning is lost. A screen reader user, for example, misses the fact that it is an “error.” The solution? Ask yourself: what is the bare minimum needed to indicate there was an error? Currently in the absence of CSS there will be no icon – which (I’m hoping you agree) is critical to communicating there was an error. The icon should be considered content and not simply presentational. The borders and background colour are certainly much less critical – they belong in the CSS. Lets change the code to place the image directly in the HTML and using appropriate alt text to better communicate the meaning of the icon to all users:

Your postal/zip code was not in the correct format.

div.bettererror { background-color: #ffcccc; color: #900; border-top: 1px solid #c00; border-bottom: 1px solid #c00; padding: 0.25em 0.5em 0.25em 2.5em; font-weight: bold; position: relative; min-height: 1.25em; } div.bettererror img { display: block; position: absolute; left: 0.25em; top: 0.25em; padding: 0; margin: 0; } div.bettererror p { position: absolute; left: 2.5em; padding: 0; margin: 0; } Compare these two examples of transactional messages Status of a Record This example is pretty straightforward. Consider the following: a real estate listing on a web site. There are three “states” for a listing: new, normal, and sold. Here’s how they look: Example of a New Listing Example of A Sold Listing If we (forgive the pun) blindly apply the “use a CSS background image” technique we clearly run into problems with the new and sold images – they actually contain content with no way to specify an alternative when placed in the CSS. In this case of the “new” image, we can use the same strategy as we used in the first example (the transaction result). The “new” image should be considered content and is placed in the HTML as part of the


that identifies the listing. However when considering the “sold” listing, there are less changes to be made to keep the same look by leaving the “SOLD” image as a background image and providing the equivalent information elsewhere in the listing – namely, right in the heading. For those that can’t see the background image, the status is communicated clearly and right away. A screen reader user that is navigating by heading or viewing a listing will know right away that a particular property is sold. Of note here is that in both cases (new and sold) placing the status near the beginning of the record helps with a zoom layout as well. Better Example of A Sold Listing Summary Remember: in the holiday season, its what you give that counts!! Using CSS background images is easy and saves time for you but think of the children. And everyone else for that matter… CSS background images should only be used for presentational images, not for those that contain content (unless that content is already represented and readily available elsewhere).",2005,Derek Featherstone,derekfeatherstone,2005-12-20T00:00:00+00:00,,code 294,New Tricks for an Old Dog,"Much of my year has been spent helping new team members find their way around the expansive and complex codebase that is the TweetDeck front-end, trying to build a happy and productive group of people around a substantial codebase with many layers of legacy. I’ve loved doing this. Everything from writing new documentation, drawing diagrams, and holding technical architecture sessions teaches you something you didn’t know or exposes an area of uncertainty that you can go work on. In this article, I hope to share some experiences and techniques that will prove useful in your own situation and that you can impress your friends in some new and exciting ways! How do you do, fellow kids? To start with I’d like to introduce you to our JavaScript framework, Flight. Right now it’s used by and TweetDeck although, as a company, Twitter is largely moving to React. Over time, as we used Flight for more complex interfaces, we found it wasn’t scaling with us. Composing components into trees was fiddly and often only applied for a specific parent-child pairing. It seems like an obvious feature with hindsight, but it didn’t come built-in to Flight, and it made reusing components a real challenge. There was no standard way to manage the state of a component; they all did it slightly differently, and the technique often varied by who was writing the code. This cost us in maintainability as you just couldn’t predict how a component would be built until you opened it. Making matters worse, Flight relied on events to move data around the application. Unfortunately, events aren’t good for giving structure to complex logic. They jump around in a way that’s hard to understand and debug, and force you to search your code for a specific string — the event name‚ to figure out what’s going on. To find fixes for these problems, we looked around at other frameworks. We like React for it’s simple, predictable state management and reactive re-render flow, and Elm for bringing strict functional programming to everyone. But when you have lots of existing code, rewriting or switching framework is a painful and expensive option. You have to understand how it will interact with your existing code, how you’ll test it alongside existing code, and how it will affect the size and performance of the application. This all takes time and effort! Instead of planning a rewrite, we looked for the ideas hidden within other frameworks that we could reapply in our own situation or bring to the tools we already were using. Boiled down, what we liked seemed quite simple: Component nesting & composition Easy, predictable state management Normal functions for data manipulation Making these ideas applicable to Flight took some time, but we’re in a much better place now. Through persistent trial-and-error, we have well documented, testable and standard techniques for creating complex component hierarchies, updating and reacting to state changes, and passing data around the app. While the specifics of our situation and Flight aren’t really important, this experience taught me something: Distill good tech into great ideas. You can apply great ideas anywhere. You don’t have to use cool kids’ latest framework, hottest build tool or fashionable language to benefit from them. If you can identify a nugget of gold at the heart of it all, why not use it to improve what you have already? Times, they are a changin’ Apart from stealing ideas from the new and shiny, how can we keep make the most of improved tooling and techniques? Times change and so should the way we write code. Going back in time a bit, TweetDeck used some slightly outmoded tools for building and bundling. Without a transpiler like Babel we were missing out new language features, and without a more advanced build tools like Webpack, every module’s source was encased in AMD boilerplate. In fact, we found ourselves with a mix of both AMD syntaxes: define([""lodash""], function (_) { // . . . }); define(function (require) { var _ = require(""lodash""); // . . . }); This just wouldn’t do. And besides, what we really wanted was CommonJS, or even ES2015 module syntax: import _ from ""lodash""; These days we’re using Babel, Webpack, ES2015 modules and many new language features that make development just… better. But how did we get there? To explain, I want to introduce you to codemods and jscodeshift. A codemod is a large-scale refactor of a whole codebase, often mechanical or repetitive. Think of renaming a module or changing an API like URL(""..."") to new URL(""...""). jscodeshift is a toolkit for running automated codemods, where you express a code transformation using code. The automated codemod operates on each file’s syntax tree – a data-structure representation of the code — finding and modifying in place as it goes. Here’s an example that renames all instances of the variable foo to bar: module.exports = function (fileInfo, api) { return api .jscodeshift(fileInfo.source) .findVariableDeclarators('foo') .renameTo('bar') .toSource(); }; It’s a seriously powerful tool, and we’ve used it to write a series of codemods that: rename modules, unify our use of AMD to a single syntax, transition from one testing framework to another, and switch from AMD to CommonJS. These changes can be pretty huge and far-reaching. Here’s an example commit from when we switched to CommonJS: commit 8f75de8fd4c702115c7bf58febba1afa96ae52fc Date: Tue Jul 12 2016 Run AMD -> CommonJS codemod 418 files changed, 47550 insertions(+), 48468 deletions(-) Yep, that’s just under 50k lines changed, tested, merged and deployed without any trouble. AMD be gone! From this step-by-step approach, using codemods to incrementally tweak and improve, we extracted a little codemod recipe for making significant, multi-stage changes: Find all the existing patterns Choose the two most similar Unify with a codemod Repeat. For example: For module loading, we had 2 competing AMD patterns plus some use of CommonJS The two AMD syntaxes were the most similar We used a codemod to move to unify the AMD patterns Later we returned to AMD to convert it to CommonJS It’s worked for us, and if you’d like to know more about codemods then check out Evolving Complex Systems Incrementally by Facebook engineer, Christoph Pojer. Welcome aboard! As TweetDeck has gotten older and larger, the amount of things a new engineer has to learn about has exploded. The myriad of microservices that manage our data and their layers of authentication, security and business logic around them make for an overwhelming amount of information to hand to a newbie. Inspired by Amy’s amazing Guide to the Care and Feeding of Junior Devs, we realised it was important to take time to design our onboarding that each of our new hires go through to make the most of their first few weeks. Joining a new company, team, or both, is stressful and uncomfortable. Everything you can do to help a new hire will be valuable to them. So please, take time to design your onboarding! And as you build up an onboarding process, you’ll create things that are useful for more than just new hires; it’ll force you to write documentation, for example, in a way that’s understandable for people who are unfamiliar with your team, product and codebase. This can lead to more outside contributions: potential contributors feel more comfortable getting set up on your product without asking for help. This is something that’s taken for granted in open source, but somehow I think we forget about it in big companies. After all, better documentation is just a good thing. You will forget things from time to time, and you’d be surprised how often the “beginner” docs help! For TweetDeck, we put together system and architecture diagrams, and one-pager explanations of important concepts: What are our dependencies? Where are the potential points of failure? Where does authentication live? Storage? Caching? Who owns “X”? Of course, learning continues long after onboarding. The landscape is constantly shifting; old services are deprecated, new APIs appear and what once true can suddenly be very wrong. Keeping up with this is a serious challenge, and more than any one person can track. To address this, we’ve thought hard about our knowledge sharing practices across the whole team. For example, we completely changed the way we do code review. In my opinion, code review is the single most effective practice you can introduce to share knowledge around, and build the quality and consistency of your team’s work. But, if you’re not doing it, here’s my suggestion for getting started: Every pull request gets a +1 from someone else. That’s all — it’s very light-weight and easy. Just ask someone to have a quick look over your code before it goes into master. At Twitter, every commit gets a code review. We do a lot of reviewing, so small efficiency and effectiveness improvements make a big difference. Over time we learned some things: Don’t review for more than hour 1 Keep reviews smaller than ~400 lines 2 Code review your own code first 2 After an hour, and above roughly 400 lines, your ability to detect issues in a code review starts to decrease. So review little and often. The gaps around lunch, standup and before you head home are ideal. And remember, if someone’s put code up for a review, that review is blocking them doing other work. It’s your job to unblock them. On TweetDeck, we actually try to keep reviews under 250 lines. It doesn’t sound like much, but this constraint applies pressure to make smaller, incremental changes. This makes breakages easier to detect and roll back, and leads to a very natural feature development process that encourages learning and iteration. But the most important thing I’ve learned personally is that reviewing my own code is the best way to spot issues. I try to approach my own reviews the way I approach my team’s: with fresh, critical eyes, after a break, using a dedicated code review tool. It’s amazing what you can spot when you put a new in a new interface around code you’ve been staring at for hours! And yes, this list features science. The data backs up these conclusions, and if you’d like to learn more about scientific approaches to software engineering then I recommend you buy Making Software: What Really Works, and Why We Believe It. It’s ace. For more dedicated information sharing, we’ve introduced regular seminars for everyone who works on a specific area or technology. It works like this: a team-member shares or teaches something to everyone else, and next time it’s someone else’s turn. Giving everyone a chance to speak, and encouraging a wide range of topics, is starting to produce great results. If you’d like to run a seminar, one thing you could try to get started: run a point at the thing you least understand in our architecture session — thanks to James for this idea. And guess what… your onboarding architecture diagrams will help (and benefit from) this! More, please! There’s a few ideas here to get you started, but there are even more in a talk I gave this year called Frontend Archaeology, including a look at optimising for confidence with front-end operations. And finally, thanks to Amy for proof reading this and to Passy for feedback on the original talk. Dunsmore et al. 2000. Object-Oriented Inspection in the Face of Delocalisation. Beverly, MA: SmartBear Software. ↩ Cohen, Jason. 2006. Best Kept Secrets of Peer Code Review. Proceedings of the 22nd ICSE 2000: 467-476. ↩ ↩",2016,Tom Ashworth,tomashworth,2016-12-18T00:00:00+00:00,,code 336,Practical Microformats with hCard,"You’ve probably heard about microformats over the last few months. You may have even read the easily digestible introduction at Digital Web Magazine, but perhaps you’ve not found time to actually implement much yet. That’s understandable, as it can sometimes be difficult to see exactly what you’re adding by applying a microformat to a page. Sure, you’re semantically enhancing the information you’re marking up, and the Semantic Web is a great idea and all, but what benefit is it right now, today? Well, the answer to that question is simple: you’re adding lots of information that can be and is being used on the web here and now. The big ongoing battle amongst the big web companies if one of territory over information. Everyone’s grasping for as much data as possible. Some of that information many of us are cautious to give away, but a lot of is happy to be freely available. Of the data you’re giving away, it makes sense to give it as much meaning as possible, thus enabling anyone from your friends and family to the giant search company down the road to make the most of it. Ok, enough of the waffle, let’s get working. Introducing hCard You may have come across hCard. It’s a microformat for describing contact information (or really address book information) from within your HTML. It’s based on the vCard format, which is the format the contacts/address book program on your computer uses. All the usual fields are available – name, address, town, website, email, you name it. If you’re running Firefox and Greasemonkey (or if you can, just to try this out), install this user script. What it does is look for instances of the hCard microformat in a page, and then add in a link to pass any hCards it finds to a web service which will convert it to a vCard. Take a look at the About the author box at the bottom of this article. It’s a hCard, so you should be able to click the icon the user script inserts and add me to your Outlook contacts or OS X Address Book with just a click. So microformats are useful after all. Free microformats all round! Implementing hCard This is the really easy bit. All the hCard microformat is, is a bunch of predefined class names that you apply to the markup you’ve probably already got around your contact information. Let’s take the example of the About the author box from this article. Here’s how the markup looks without hCard:

About the author

Drew McLellan is a web developer, author and no-good swindler from just outside London, England. At the Web Standards Project he works on press, strategy and tools. Drew keeps a personal weblog covering web development issues and themes.

This is a really simple example because there’s only two key bits of address book information here:- my name and my website address. Let’s push it a little and say that the Web Standards Project is the organisation I work for – that gives us Name, Company and URL. To kick off an hCard, you need a containing object with a class of vcard. The div I already have with a class of bio is perfect for this – all it needs to do is contain the rest of the contact information. The next thing to identify is my name. hCard uses a class of fn (meaning Full Name) to identify a name. As is this case there’s no element surrounding my name, we can just use a span. These changes give us:

About the author

Drew McLellan is a web developer... The two remaining items are my URL and the organisation I belong to. The class names designated for those are url and org respectively. As both of those items are links in this case, I can apply the classes to those links. So here’s the finished hCard.

About the author

Drew McLellan is a web developer, author and no-good swindler from just outside London, England. At the Web Standards Project he works on press, strategy and tools. Drew keeps a personal weblog covering web development issues and themes.

OK, that was easy. By just applying a few easy class names to the HTML I was already publishing, I’ve implemented an hCard that right now anyone with Greasemonkey can click to add to their address book, that Google and Yahoo! and whoever else can index and work out important things like which websites are associated with my name if they so choose (and boy, will they so choose), and in the future who knows what. In terms of effort, practically nil. Where next? So that was a trivial example, but to be honest it doesn’t really get much more complex even with the most pernickety permutations. Because hCard is based on vCard (a mature and well thought-out standard), it’s all tried and tested. Here’s some good next steps. Play with the hCard Creator Take a deep breath and read the spec Start implementing hCard as you go on your own projects – it takes very little time hCard is just one of an ever-increasing number of microformats. If this tickled your fancy, I suggest subscribing to the microformats site in your RSS reader to keep in touch with new developments. What’s the take-away? The take-away is this. They may sound like just more Web 2-point-HoHoHo hype, but microformats are a well thought-out, and easy to implement way of adding greater depth to the information you publish online. They have some nice benefits right away – certainly at geek-level – but in the longer term they become much more significant. We’ve been at this long enough to know that the web has a long, long memory and that what you publish today will likely be around for years. But putting the extra depth of meaning into your documents now you can help guard that they’ll continue to be useful in the future, and not just a bunch of flat ASCII.",2005,Drew McLellan,drewmclellan,2005-12-06T00:00:00+00:00,,code 54,Putting My Patterns through Their Paces,"Over the last few years, the conversation around responsive design has shifted subtly, focusing not on designing pages, but on patterns: understanding the small, reusable elements that comprise a larger design system. And given that many of those patterns are themselves responsive, learning to manage these small layout systems has become a big part of my work. The thing is, the more pattern-driven work I do, the more I realize my design process has changed in a number of subtle, important ways. I suppose you might even say that pattern-driven design has, in a few ways, redesigned me. Meet the Teaser Here’s a recent example. A few months ago, some friends and I redesigned The Toast. (It was a really, really fun project, and we learned a lot.) Each page of the site is, as you might guess, stitched together from a host of tiny, reusable patterns. Some of them, like the search form and footer, are fairly unique, and used once per page; others are used more liberally, and built for reuse. The most prevalent example of these more generic patterns is the teaser, which is classed as, uh, .teaser. (Look, I never said I was especially clever.) In its simplest form, a teaser contains a headline, which links to an article: Fairly straightforward, sure. But it’s just the foundation: from there, teasers can have a byline, a description, a thumbnail, and a comment count. In other words, we have a basic building block (.teaser) that contains a few discrete content types – some required, some not. In fact, very few of those pieces need to be present; to qualify as a teaser, all we really need is a link and a headline. But by adding more elements, we can build slight variations of our teaser, and make it much, much more versatile. Nearly every element visible on this page is built out of our generic “teaser” pattern. But the teaser variation I’d like to call out is the one that appears on The Toast’s homepage, on search results or on section fronts. In the main content area, each teaser in the list features larger images, as well as an interesting visual treatment: the byline and comment count were the most prominent elements within each teaser, appearing above the headline. The approved visual design of our teaser, as it appears on lists on the homepage and the section fronts. And this is, as it happens, the teaser variation that gave me pause. Back in the old days – you know, like six months ago – I probably would’ve marked this module up to match the design. In other words, I would’ve looked at the module’s visual hierarchy (metadata up top, headline and content below) and written the following HTML:

By Author Name


Article Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur…

But then I caught myself, and realized this wasn’t the best approach. Moving Beyond Layout Since I’ve started working responsively, there’s a question I work into every step of my design process. Whether I’m working in Sketch, CSSing a thing, or researching a project, I try to constantly ask myself: What if someone doesn’t browse the web like I do? …Okay, that doesn’t seem especially fancy. (And maybe you came here for fancy.) But as straightforward as that question might seem, it’s been invaluable to so many aspects of my practice. If I’m working on a widescreen layout, that question helps me remember the constraints of the small screen; if I’m working on an interface that has some enhancements for touch, it helps me consider other input modes as I work. It’s also helpful as a reminder that many might not see the screen the same way I do, and that accessibility (in all its forms) should be a throughline for our work on the web. And that last point, thankfully, was what caught me here. While having the byline and comment count at the top was a lovely visual treatment, it made for a terrible content hierarchy. For example, it’d be a little weird if the page was being read aloud in a speaking browser: the name of the author and the number of comments would be read aloud before the title of the article with which they’re associated. That’s why I find it’s helpful to begin designing a pattern’s hierarchy before its layout: to move past the visual presentation in front of me, and focus on the underlying content I’m trying to support. In other words, if someone’s encountering my design without the CSS I’ve written, what should their experience be? So I took a step back, and came up with a different approach:

Article Title

By Author Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur… 126 comments

Much, much better. This felt like a better match for the content I was designing: the headline – easily most important element – was at the top, followed by the author’s name and an excerpt. And while the comment count is visually the most prominent element in the teaser, I decided it was hierarchically the least critical: that’s why it’s at the very end of the excerpt, the last element within our teaser. And with some light styling, we’ve got a respectable-looking hierarchy in place: Yeah, you’re right – it’s not our final design. But from this basic-looking foundation, we can layer on a bit more complexity. First, we’ll bolster the markup with an extra element around our title and byline: With that in place, we can use flexbox to tweak our layout, like so: .teaser-hed { display: flex; flex-direction: column-reverse; } flex-direction: column-reverse acts a bit like a change in gravity within our teaser-hed element, vertically swapping its two children. Getting closer! But as great as flexbox is, it doesn’t do anything for elements outside our container, like our little comment count, which is, as you’ve probably noticed, still stranded at the very bottom of our teaser. Flexbox is, as you might already know, wonderful! And while it enjoys incredibly broad support, there are enough implementations of old versions of Flexbox (in addition to plenty of bugs) that I tend to use a feature test to check if the browser’s using a sufficiently modern version of flexbox. Here’s the one we used: var doc = document.body || document.documentElement; var style =; if ( style.webkitFlexWrap == '' || style.msFlexWrap == '' || style.flexWrap == '' ) { doc.className += "" supports-flex""; } Eagle-eyed readers will note we could have used @supports feature queries to ask browsers if they support certain CSS properties, removing the JavaScript dependency. But since we wanted to serve the layout to IE we opted to write a little question in JavaScript, asking the browser if it supports flex-wrap, a property used elsewhere in the design. If the browser passes the test, then a class of supports-flex gets applied to our html element. And with that class in place, we can safely quarantine our flexbox-enabled layout from less-capable browsers, and finish our teaser’s design: .supports-flex .teaser-hed { display: flex; flex-direction: column-reverse; } .supports-flex .teaser .comment-count { position: absolute; right: 0; top: 1.1em; } If the supports-flex class is present, we can apply our flexbox layout to the title area, sure – but we can also safely use absolute positioning to pull our comment count out of its default position, and anchor it to the top right of our teaser. In other words, the browsers that don’t meet our threshold for our advanced styles are left with an attractive design that matches our HTML’s content hierarchy; but the ones that pass our test receive the finished, final design. And with that, our teaser’s complete. Diving Into Device-Agnostic Design This is, admittedly, a pretty modest application of flexbox. (For some truly next-level work, I’d recommend Heydon Pickering’s “Flexbox Grid Finesse”, or anything Zoe Mickley Gillenwater publishes.) And for such a simple module, you might feel like this is, well, quite a bit of work. And you’d be right! In fact, it’s not one layout, but two: a lightly styled content hierarchy served to everyone, with the finished design served conditionally to the browsers that can successfully implement it. But I’ve found that thinking about my design as existing in broad experience tiers – in layers – is one of the best ways of designing for the modern web. And what’s more, it works not just for simple modules like our teaser, but for more complex or interactive patterns as well. Open video Even a simple search form can be conditionally enhanced, given a little layered thinking. This more layered approach to interface design isn’t a new one, mind you: it’s been championed by everyone from Filament Group to the BBC. And with all the challenges we keep uncovering, a more device-agnostic approach is one of the best ways I’ve found to practice responsive design. As Trent Walton once wrote, Like cars designed to perform in extreme heat or on icy roads, websites should be built to face the reality of the web’s inherent variability. We have a weird job, working on the web. We’re designing for the latest mobile devices, sure, but we’re increasingly aware that our definition of “smartphone” is much too narrow. Browsers have started appearing on our wrists and in our cars’ dashboards, but much of the world’s mobile data flows over sub-3G networks. After all, the web’s evolution has never been charted along a straight line: it’s simultaneously getting slower and faster, with devices new and old coming online every day. With all the challenges in front of us, including many we don’t yet know about, a more device-agnostic, more layered design process can better prepare our patterns – and ourselves – for the future. (It won’t help you get enough to eat at holiday parties, though.)",2015,Ethan Marcotte,ethanmarcotte,2015-12-10T00:00:00+00:00,,code 235,"Real Animation Using JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5 Video","When I was in school to be a 3-D animator, I read a book called Timing for Animation. Though only 152 pages long, it’s essentially the bible for anyone looking to be a great animator. In fact, Pixar chief creative officer John Lasseter used the first edition as a reference when he was an animator at Walt Disney Studios in the early 1980s. In the book, authors John Halas and Harold Whitaker advise: Timing is the part of animation which gives meaning to movement. Movement can easily be achieved by drawing the same thing in two different positions and inserting a number of other drawings between the two. The result on the screen will be movement; but it will not be animation. But that’s exactly what we’re doing with CSS3 and JavaScript: we’re moving elements, not animating them. We’re constantly specifying beginning and end states and allowing the technology to interpolate between the two. And yet, it’s the nuances within those middle frames that create the sense of life we’re looking for. As bandwidth increases and browser rendering grows more consistent, we can create interactions in different ways than we’ve been able to before. We’re encountering motion more and more on sites we’d generally label ‘static.’ However, this motion is mostly just movement, not animation. It’s the manipulation of an element’s properties, most commonly width, height, x- and y-coordinates, and opacity. So how do we create real animation? The metaphor In my experience, animation is most believable when it simulates, exaggerates, or defies the real world. A bowling ball falls differently than a racquetball. They each have different weights and sizes, which affect the way they land, bounce, and impact other objects. This is a major reason that JavaScript animation frequently feels mechanical; it doesn’t complete a metaphor. Expanding and collapsing a
feels very different than a opening a door or unfolding a piece of paper, but it often shouldn’t. The interaction itself should tie directly to the art direction of a page. Physics Understanding the physics of a situation is key to creating convincing animation, even if your animation seeks to defy conventional physics. Isaac Newton’s first law of motion’s_laws_of_motion states, “Every body remains in a state of rest or uniform motion (constant velocity) unless it is acted upon by an external unbalanced force.” Once a force acts upon an object, the object’s shape can change accordingly, depending on the strength of the force and the mass of the object. Another nugget of wisdom from Halas and Whitaker: All objects in nature have their own weight, construction, and degree of flexibility, and therefore each behaves in its own individual way when a force acts upon it. This behavior, a combination of position and timing, is the basis of animation. The basic question which an animator is continually asking himself is this: “What will happen to this object when a force acts upon it?” And the success of his animation largely depends on how well he answers this question. In animating with CSS3 and JavaScript, keep physics in mind. How ‘heavy’ is the element you’re interacting with? What kind of force created the action? A gentle nudge? A forceful shove? These subtleties will add a sense of realism to your animations and make them much more believable to your users. Misdirection Magicians often use misdirection to get their audience to focus on one thing rather than another. They fool us into thinking something happened that actually didn’t. Animation is the same, especially on a screen. By changing the arrangement of pixels on screen at a fast enough rate, your eyes fool your mind into thinking an object is actually in motion. Another important component of misdirecting in animation is the use of multiple objects. Try to recall a cartoon where a character vanishes. More often, the character makes some sort of exaggerated motion (this is called anticipation) then disappears, and a puff a smoke follows. That smoke is an extra element, but it goes a long way into make you believe that character actually disappeared. Very rarely does a vanishing character’s opacity simply go from one hundred per cent to zero. That’s not believable. So why do we do it with
s? Armed with the ammunition of metaphors and misdirection, let’s code an example. Shake, rattle, and roll (These demos require at least a basic understanding of jQuery and CSS3. Run away if your’re afraid, or brush up on CSS animation and resources for learning jQuery. Also, these demos use WebKit-specific features and are best viewed in the latest version of Safari, so performance in other browsers may vary.) We often see the design pattern of clicking a link to reveal content. Our “first demo”:”/examples/2010/real-animation/demo1/ shows us exactly that. It uses jQuery’s “ slideDown()”: method, as many instances do. But what force acted on the
that caused it to open? Did pressing the button unlatch some imaginary hook? Did it activate an unlocking sequence with some gears? Take 2 Our second demo is more explicit about what happens: the button fell on the
and shook its content loose. Here’s how it’s done. function clickHandler(){ $('#button').addClass('animate'); return false; } Clicking the link adds a class of animate to our button. That class has the following CSS associated with it: In our keyframe definition, we’ve specified from and to states. This is great, because we can be explicit about how an object starts and finishes moving. What’s also extra handy is that these CSS keyframes broadcast events that you can react to with JavaScript. In this example, we’re listening to the webkitAnimationEnd event and opening the
only when the sequence is complete. Here’s that code. function attachAnimationEventHandlers(){ var wrap = document.getElementById('wrap'); wrap.addEventListener('webkitAnimationEnd', function($e) { switch($e.animationName){ case ""ANIMATE"" : openMain(); break; default: } }, false); } function openMain(){ $('#main .inner').slideDown('slow'); } (For more info on handling animation events, check out the documentation at the Safari Reference Library.) Take 3 The problem with the previous demo is that the subtleties of timing aren’t evident. It still feels a bit choppy. For our third demo, we’ll use percentages instead of keywords so that we can insert as many points as we need to communicate more realistic timing. The percentages allow us to add the keys to well-timed animation: anticipation, hold, release, and reaction. Take 4 The button animation is starting to feel much better, but the reaction of the
opening seems a bit slow. This fourth demo uses jQuery’s delay() method to time the opening precisely when we want it. Since we know the button’s animation is one second long and its reaction starts at eighty per cent of that, that puts our delay at 800ms (eighty per cent of one second). However, here’s a little pro tip: let’s start the opening at 750ms instead. The extra fifty milliseconds makes it feel more like the opening is a reaction to the exact hit of the button. Instead of listening for the webkitAnimationEnd event, we can start the opening as soon as the button is clicked, and the movement plays on the specified delay. function clickHandler(){ $('#button').addClass('animate'); openMain(); return false; } function openMain(){ $('#main .inner').delay(750).slideDown('slow'); } Take 5 We can tweak the timing of that previous animation forever, but that’s probably as close as we’re going to get to realistic animation with CSS and JavaScript. However, for some extra sauce, we could relegate the whole animation in our final demo to a video sequence which includes more nuances and extra elements for misdirection. Here’s the basis of video replacement. Add a