rowid,title,contents,year,author,author_slug,published,url,topic 314,Easy Ajax with Prototype,"There’s little more impressive on the web today than a appropriate touch of Ajax. Used well, Ajax brings a web interface much closer to the experience of a desktop app, and can turn a bear of an task into a pleasurable activity. But it’s really hard, right? It involves all the nasty JavaScript that no one ever does often enough to get really good at, and the browser support is patchy, and urgh it’s just so much damn effort. Well, the good news is that – ta-da – it doesn’t have to be a headache. But man does it still look impressive. Here’s how to amaze your friends. Introducing prototype.js Prototype is a JavaScript framework by Sam Stephenson designed to help make developing dynamic web apps a whole lot easier. In basic terms, it’s a JavaScript file which you link into your page that then enables you to do cool stuff. There’s loads of capability built in, a portion of which covers our beloved Ajax. The whole thing is freely distributable under an MIT-style license, so it’s good to go. What a nice man that Mr Stephenson is – friends, let us raise a hearty cup of mulled wine to his good name. Cheers! sluurrrrp. First step is to download the latest Prototype and put it somewhere safe. I suggest underneath the Christmas tree. Cutting to the chase Before I go on and set up an example of how to use this, let’s just get to the crux. Here’s how Prototype enables you to make a simple Ajax call and dump the results back to the page: var url = 'myscript.php'; var pars = 'foo=bar'; var target = 'output-div'; var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater(target, url, {method: 'get', parameters: pars}); This snippet of JavaScript does a GET to myscript.php, with the parameter foo=bar, and when a result is returned, it places it inside the element with the ID output-div on your page. Knocking up a basic example So to get this show on the road, there are three files we need to set up in our site alongside prototype.js. Obviously we need a basic HTML page with prototype.js linked in. This is the page the user interacts with. Secondly, we need our own JavaScript file for the glue between the interface and the stuff Prototype is doing. Lastly, we need the page (a PHP script in my case) that the Ajax is going to make its call too. So, to that basic HTML page for the user to interact with. Here’s one I found whilst out carol singing: Easy Ajax
As you can see, I’ve linked in prototype.js, and also a file called ajax.js, which is where we’ll be putting our glue. (Careful where you leave your glue, kids.) Our basic example is just going to take a name and then echo it back in the form of a seasonal greeting. There’s a form with an input field for a name, and crucially a DIV (greeting) for the result of our call. You’ll also notice that the form has a submit button – this is so that it can function as a regular form when no JavaScript is available. It’s important not to get carried away and forget the basics of accessibility. Meanwhile, back at the server So we need a script at the server which is going to take input from the Ajax call and return some output. This is normally where you’d hook into a database and do whatever transaction you need to before returning a result. To keep this as simple as possible, all this example here will do is take the name the user has given and add it to a greeting message. Not exactly Web 2-point-HoHoHo, but there you have it. Here’s a quick PHP script – greeting.php – that Santa brought me early. Season's Greetings, $the_name!

""; ?> You’ll perhaps want to do something a little more complex within your own projects. Just sayin’. Gluing it all together Inside our ajax.js file, we need to hook this all together. We’re going to take advantage of some of the handy listener routines and such that Prototype also makes available. The first task is to attach a listener to set the scene once the window has loaded. He’s how we attach an onload event to the window object and get it to call a function named init(): Event.observe(window, 'load', init, false); Now we create our init() function to do our evil bidding. Its first job of the day is to hide the submit button for those with JavaScript enabled. After that, it attaches a listener to watch for the user typing in the name field. function init(){ $('greeting-submit').style.display = 'none'; Event.observe('greeting-name', 'keyup', greet, false); } As you can see, this is going to make a call to a function called greet() onkeyup in the greeting-name field. That function looks like this: function greet(){ var url = 'greeting.php'; var pars = 'greeting-name='+escape($F('greeting-name')); var target = 'greeting'; var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater(target, url, {method: 'get', parameters: pars}); } The key points to note here are that any user input needs to be escaped before putting into the parameters so that it’s URL-ready. The target is the ID of the element on the page (a DIV in our case) which will be the recipient of the output from the Ajax call. That’s it No, seriously. That’s everything. Try the example. Amaze your friends with your 1337 Ajax sk1llz.",2005,Drew McLellan,drewmclellan,2005-12-01T00:00:00+00:00,,code 327,Improving Form Accessibility with DOM Scripting,"The form label element is an incredibly useful little element – it lets you link the form field unquestionably with the descriptive label text that sits alongside or above it. This is a very useful feature for people using screen readers, but there are some problems with this element. What happens if you have one piece of data that, for various reasons (validation, the way your data is collected/stored etc), needs to be collected using several form elements? The classic example is date of birth – ideally, you’ll ask for the date of birth once but you may have three inputs, one each for day, month and year, that you also need to provide hints about the format required. The problem is that to be truly accessible you need to label each field. So you end up needing something to say “this is a date of birth”, “this is the day field”, “this is the month field” and “this is the day field”. Seems like overkill, doesn’t it? And it can uglify a form no end. There are various ways that you can approach it (and I think I’ve seen them all). Some people omit the label and rely on the title attribute to help the user through; others put text in a label but make the text 1 pixel high and merging in to the background so that screen readers can still get that information. The most common method, though, is simply to set the label to not display at all using the CSS display:none property/value pairing (a technique which, for the time being, seems to work on most screen readers). But perhaps we can do more with this? The technique I am suggesting as another alternative is as follows (here comes the pseudo-code): Start with a totally valid and accessible form Ensure that each form input has a label that is linked to its related form control Apply a class to any label that you don’t want to be visible (for example superfluous) Then, through the magic of unobtrusive JavaScript/the DOM, manipulate the page as follows once the page has loaded: Find all the label elements that are marked as superfluous and hide them Find out what input element each of these label elements is related to Then apply a hint about formatting required for input (gleaned from the original, now-hidden label text) – add it to the form input as default text Finally, add in a behaviour that clears or selects the default text (as you choose) So, here’s the theory put into practice – a date of birth, grouped using a fieldset, and with the behaviours added in using DOM, and here’s the JavaScript that does the heavy lifting. But why not just use display:none? As demonstrated at Juicy Studio, display:none seems to work quite well for hiding label elements. So why use a sledge hammer to crack a nut? In all honesty, this is something of an experiment, but consider the following: Using the DOM, you can add extra levels of help, potentially across a whole form – or even range of forms – without necessarily increasing your markup (it goes beyond simply hiding labels) Screen readers today may identify a label that is set not to display, but they may not in the future – this might provide a way around By expanding this technique above, it might be possible to visually change the parent container that groups these items – in this case, a fieldset and legend, which are notoriously difficult to style consistently across different browsers – while still retaining the underlying semantic/logical structure Well, it’s an idea to think about at least. How is it for you? How else might you use DOM scripting to improve the accessiblity or usability of your forms?",2005,Ian Lloyd,ianlloyd,2005-12-03T00:00:00+00:00,,code 332,CSS Layout Starting Points,"I build a lot of CSS layouts, some incredibly simple, others that cause sleepless nights and remind me of the torturous puzzle books that were given to me at Christmas by aunties concerned for my education. However, most of the time these layouts fit quite comfortably into one of a very few standard formats. For example: Liquid, multiple column with no footer Liquid, multiple column with footer Fixed width, centred Rather than starting out with blank CSS and (X)HTML documents every time you need to build a layout, you can fairly quickly create a bunch of layout starting points, that will give you a solid basis for creating the rest of the design and mean that you don’t have to remember how a three column layout with a footer is best achieved every time you come across one! These starting points can be really basic, in fact that’s exactly what you want as the final design, the fonts, the colours and so on will be different every time. It’s just the main sections we want to be able to quickly get into place. For example, here is a basic starting point CSS and XHTML document for a fixed width, centred layout with a footer. Fixed Width and Centred starting point document

Sidebar content here

Your main content goes here.

Ho Ho Ho!

body { text-align: center; min-width: 740px; padding: 0; margin: 0; } #wrapper { text-align: left; width: 740px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; padding: 0; } #content { margin: 0 200px 0 0; } #content .inner { padding-top: 1px; margin: 0 10px 10px 10px; } #side { float: right; width: 180px; margin: 0; } #side .inner { padding-top: 1px; margin: 0 10px 10px 10px; } #footer { margin-top: 10px; clear: both; } #footer .inner { margin: 10px; } 9 times out of 10, after figuring out exactly what main elements I have in a layout, I can quickly grab the ‘one I prepared earlier’, mark-up the relevant sections within the ready-made divs, and from that point on, I only need to worry about the contents of those different areas. The actual layout is tried and tested, one that I know works well in different browsers and that is unlikely to throw me any nasty surprises later on. In addition, considering how the layout is going to work first prevents the problem of developing a layout, then realising you need to put a footer on it, and needing to redevelop the layout as the method you have chosen won’t work well with a footer. While enjoying your mince pies and mulled wine during the ‘quiet time’ between Christmas and New Year, why not create some starting point layouts of your own? The css-discuss Wiki, CSS layouts section is a great place to find examples that you can try out and find your favourite method of creating the various layout types.",2005,Rachel Andrew,rachelandrew,2005-12-04T00:00:00+00:00,,code 320,DOM Scripting Your Way to Better Blockquotes,"Block quotes are great. I don’t mean they’re great for indenting content – that would be an abuse of the browser’s default styling. I mean they’re great for semantically marking up a chunk of text that is being quoted verbatim. They’re especially useful in blog posts.

Progressive Enhancement, as a label for a strategy for Web design, was coined by Steven Champeon in a series of articles and presentations for Webmonkey and the SxSW Interactive conference.

Notice that you can’t just put the quoted text directly between the
tags. In order for your markup to be valid, block quotes may only contain block-level elements such as paragraphs. There is an optional cite attribute that you can place in the opening
tag. This should contain a URL containing the original text you are quoting:

Progressive Enhancement, as a label for a strategy for Web design, was coined by Steven Champeon in a series of articles and presentations for Webmonkey and the SxSW Interactive conference.

Great! Except… the default behavior in most browsers is to completely ignore the cite attribute. Even though it contains important and useful information, the URL in the cite attribute is hidden. You could simply duplicate the information with a hyperlink at the end of the quoted text:

Progressive Enhancement, as a label for a strategy for Web design, was coined by Steven Champeon in a series of articles and presentations for Webmonkey and the SxSW Interactive conference.


But somehow it feels wrong to have to write out the same URL twice every time you want to quote something. It could also get very tedious if you have a lot of quotes. Well, “tedious” is no problem to a programming language, so why not use a sprinkling of DOM Scripting? Here’s a plan for generating an attribution link for every block quote with a cite attribute: Write a function called prepareBlockquotes. Begin by making sure the browser understands the methods you will be using. Get all the blockquote elements in the document. Start looping through each one. Get the value of the cite attribute. If the value is empty, continue on to the next iteration of the loop. Create a paragraph. Create a link. Give the paragraph a class of “attribution”. Give the link an href attribute with the value from the cite attribute. Place the text “source” inside the link. Place the link inside the paragraph. Place the paragraph inside the block quote. Close the for loop. Close the function. Here’s how that translates to JavaScript: function prepareBlockquotes() { if (!document.getElementsByTagName || !document.createElement || !document.appendChild) return; var quotes = document.getElementsByTagName(""blockquote""); for (var i=0; i tags. You can style the attribution link using CSS. It might look good aligned to the right with a smaller font size. If you’re looking for something to do to keep you busy this Christmas, I’m sure that this function could be greatly improved. Here are a few ideas to get you started: Should the text inside the generated link be the URL itself? If the block quote has a title attribute, how would you take its value and use it as the text inside the generated link? Should the attribution paragraph be placed outside the block quote? If so, how would you that (remember, there is an insertBefore method but no insertAfter)? Can you think of other instances of useful information that’s locked away inside attributes? Access keys? Abbreviations?",2005,Jeremy Keith,jeremykeith,2005-12-05T00:00:00+00:00,,code 336,Practical Microformats with hCard,"You’ve probably heard about microformats over the last few months. You may have even read the easily digestible introduction at Digital Web Magazine, but perhaps you’ve not found time to actually implement much yet. That’s understandable, as it can sometimes be difficult to see exactly what you’re adding by applying a microformat to a page. Sure, you’re semantically enhancing the information you’re marking up, and the Semantic Web is a great idea and all, but what benefit is it right now, today? Well, the answer to that question is simple: you’re adding lots of information that can be and is being used on the web here and now. The big ongoing battle amongst the big web companies if one of territory over information. Everyone’s grasping for as much data as possible. Some of that information many of us are cautious to give away, but a lot of is happy to be freely available. Of the data you’re giving away, it makes sense to give it as much meaning as possible, thus enabling anyone from your friends and family to the giant search company down the road to make the most of it. Ok, enough of the waffle, let’s get working. Introducing hCard You may have come across hCard. It’s a microformat for describing contact information (or really address book information) from within your HTML. It’s based on the vCard format, which is the format the contacts/address book program on your computer uses. All the usual fields are available – name, address, town, website, email, you name it. If you’re running Firefox and Greasemonkey (or if you can, just to try this out), install this user script. What it does is look for instances of the hCard microformat in a page, and then add in a link to pass any hCards it finds to a web service which will convert it to a vCard. Take a look at the About the author box at the bottom of this article. It’s a hCard, so you should be able to click the icon the user script inserts and add me to your Outlook contacts or OS X Address Book with just a click. So microformats are useful after all. Free microformats all round! Implementing hCard This is the really easy bit. All the hCard microformat is, is a bunch of predefined class names that you apply to the markup you’ve probably already got around your contact information. Let’s take the example of the About the author box from this article. Here’s how the markup looks without hCard:

About the author

Drew McLellan is a web developer, author and no-good swindler from just outside London, England. At the Web Standards Project he works on press, strategy and tools. Drew keeps a personal weblog covering web development issues and themes.

This is a really simple example because there’s only two key bits of address book information here:- my name and my website address. Let’s push it a little and say that the Web Standards Project is the organisation I work for – that gives us Name, Company and URL. To kick off an hCard, you need a containing object with a class of vcard. The div I already have with a class of bio is perfect for this – all it needs to do is contain the rest of the contact information. The next thing to identify is my name. hCard uses a class of fn (meaning Full Name) to identify a name. As is this case there’s no element surrounding my name, we can just use a span. These changes give us:

About the author

Drew McLellan is a web developer... The two remaining items are my URL and the organisation I belong to. The class names designated for those are url and org respectively. As both of those items are links in this case, I can apply the classes to those links. So here’s the finished hCard.

About the author

Drew McLellan is a web developer, author and no-good swindler from just outside London, England. At the Web Standards Project he works on press, strategy and tools. Drew keeps a personal weblog covering web development issues and themes.

OK, that was easy. By just applying a few easy class names to the HTML I was already publishing, I’ve implemented an hCard that right now anyone with Greasemonkey can click to add to their address book, that Google and Yahoo! and whoever else can index and work out important things like which websites are associated with my name if they so choose (and boy, will they so choose), and in the future who knows what. In terms of effort, practically nil. Where next? So that was a trivial example, but to be honest it doesn’t really get much more complex even with the most pernickety permutations. Because hCard is based on vCard (a mature and well thought-out standard), it’s all tried and tested. Here’s some good next steps. Play with the hCard Creator Take a deep breath and read the spec Start implementing hCard as you go on your own projects – it takes very little time hCard is just one of an ever-increasing number of microformats. If this tickled your fancy, I suggest subscribing to the microformats site in your RSS reader to keep in touch with new developments. What’s the take-away? The take-away is this. They may sound like just more Web 2-point-HoHoHo hype, but microformats are a well thought-out, and easy to implement way of adding greater depth to the information you publish online. They have some nice benefits right away – certainly at geek-level – but in the longer term they become much more significant. We’ve been at this long enough to know that the web has a long, long memory and that what you publish today will likely be around for years. But putting the extra depth of meaning into your documents now you can help guard that they’ll continue to be useful in the future, and not just a bunch of flat ASCII.",2005,Drew McLellan,drewmclellan,2005-12-06T00:00:00+00:00,,code 326,Don't be eval(),"JavaScript is an interpreted language, and like so many of its peers it includes the all powerful eval() function. eval() takes a string and executes it as if it were regular JavaScript code. It’s incredibly powerful and incredibly easy to abuse in ways that make your code slower and harder to maintain. As a general rule, if you’re using eval() there’s probably something wrong with your design. Common mistakes Here’s the classic misuse of eval(). You have a JavaScript object, foo, and you want to access a property on it – but you don’t know the name of the property until runtime. Here’s how NOT to do it: var property = 'bar'; var value = eval('foo.' + property); Yes it will work, but every time that piece of code runs JavaScript will have to kick back in to interpreter mode, slowing down your app. It’s also dirt ugly. Here’s the right way of doing the above: var property = 'bar'; var value = foo[property]; In JavaScript, square brackets act as an alternative to lookups using a dot. The only difference is that square bracket syntax expects a string. Security issues In any programming language you should be extremely cautious of executing code from an untrusted source. The same is true for JavaScript – you should be extremely cautious of running eval() against any code that may have been tampered with – for example, strings taken from the page query string. Executing untrusted code can leave you vulnerable to cross-site scripting attacks. What’s it good for? Some programmers say that eval() is B.A.D. – Broken As Designed – and should be removed from the language. However, there are some places in which it can dramatically simplify your code. A great example is for use with XMLHttpRequest, a component of the set of tools more popularly known as Ajax. XMLHttpRequest lets you make a call back to the server from JavaScript without refreshing the whole page. A simple way of using this is to have the server return JavaScript code which is then passed to eval(). Here is a simple function for doing exactly that – it takes the URL to some JavaScript code (or a server-side script that produces JavaScript) and loads and executes that code using XMLHttpRequest and eval(). function evalRequest(url) { var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200) { eval(xmlhttp.responseText); } }""GET"", url, true); xmlhttp.send(null); } If you want this to work with Internet Explorer you’ll need to include this compatibility patch.",2005,Simon Willison,simonwillison,2005-12-07T00:00:00+00:00,,code 313,Centered Tabs with CSS,"Doug Bowman’s Sliding Doors is pretty much the de facto way to build tabbed navigation with CSS, and rightfully so – it is, as they say, rockin’ like Dokken. But since it relies heavily on floats for the positioning of its tabs, we’re constrained to either left- or right-hand navigation. But what if we need a bit more flexibility? What if we need to place our navigation in the center? Styling the li as a floated block does give us a great deal of control over margin, padding, and other presentational styles. However, we should learn to love the inline box – with it, we can create a flexible, centered alternative to floated navigation lists. Humble Beginnings Do an extra shot of ‘nog, because you know what’s coming next. That’s right, a simple unordered list:
If we were wedded to using floats to style our list, we could easily fix the width of our ul, and trick it out with some margin: 0 auto; love to center it accordingly. But this wouldn’t net us much flexibility: if we ever changed the number of navigation items, or if the user increased her browser’s font size, our design could easily break. Instead of worrying about floats, let’s take the most basic approach possible: let’s turn our list items into inline elements, and simply use text-align to center them within the ul: #navigation ul, #navigation ul li { list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } #navigation ul { text-align: center; } #navigation ul li { display: inline; margin-right: .75em; } #navigation ul li.last { margin-right: 0; } Our first step is sexy, no? Well, okay, not really – but it gives us a good starting point. We’ve tamed our list by removing its default styles, set the list items to display: inline, and centered the lot. Adding a background color to the links shows us exactly how the different elements are positioned. Now the fun stuff. Inline Elements, Padding, and You So how do we give our links some dimensions? Well, as the CSS specification tells us, the height property isn’t an option for inline elements such as our anchors. However, what if we add some padding to them? #navigation li a { padding: 5px 1em; } I just love leading questions. Things are looking good, but something’s amiss: as you can see, the padded anchors seem to be escaping their containing list. Thankfully, it’s easy to get things back in line. Our anchors have 5 pixels of padding on their top and bottom edges, right? Well, by applying the same vertical padding to the list, our list will finally “contain” its child elements once again. ’Tis the Season for Tabbing Now, we’re finally able to follow the “Sliding Doors” model, and tack on some graphics: #navigation ul li a { background: url(""tab-right.gif"") no-repeat 100% 0; color: #06C; padding: 5px 0; text-decoration: none; } #navigation ul li a span { background: url(""tab-left.gif"") no-repeat; padding: 5px 1em; } #navigation ul li a:hover span { color: #69C; text-decoration: underline; } Finally, our navigation’s looking appropriately sexy. By placing an equal amount of padding on the top and bottom of the ul, our tabs are properly “contained”, and we can subsequently style the links within them. But what if we want them to bleed over the bottom-most border? Easy: we can simply decrease the bottom padding on the list by one pixel, like so. A Special Note for Special Browsers The Mac IE5 users in the audience are likely hopping up and down by now: as they’ve discovered, our centered navigation behaves rather annoyingly in their browser. As Philippe Wittenbergh has reported, Mac IE5 is known to create “phantom links” in a block-level element when text-align is set to any value but the default value of left. Thankfully, Philippe has documented a workaround that gets that [censored] venerable browser to behave. Simply place the following code into your CSS, and the links will be restored to their appropriate width: /**//*/ #navigation ul li a { display: inline-block; white-space: nowrap; width: 1px; } /**/ IE for Windows, however, displays an extra kind of crazy. The padding I’ve placed on my anchors is offsetting the spans that contain the left curve of my tabs; thankfully, these shenanigans are easily straightened out: /**/ * html #navigation ul li a { padding: 0; } /**/ And with that, we’re finally finished. All set. And that’s it. With your centered navigation in hand, you can finally enjoy those holiday toddies and uncomfortable conversations with your skeevy Uncle Eustace.",2005,Ethan Marcotte,ethanmarcotte,2005-12-08T00:00:00+00:00,,code 318,Auto-Selecting Navigation,"In the article Centered Tabs with CSS Ethan laid out a tabbed navigation system which can be centred on the page. A frequent requirement for any tab-based navigation is to be able to visually represent the currently selected tab in some way. If you’re using a server-side language such as PHP, it’s quite easy to write something like class=""selected"" into your markup, but it can be even simpler than that. Let’s take the navigation div from Ethan’s article as an example.
As you can see we have a standard unordered list which is then styled with CSS to look like tabs. By giving each tab a class which describes it’s logical section of the site, if we were to then apply a class to the body tag of each page showing the same, we could write a clever CSS selector to highlight the correct tab on any given page. Sound complicated? Well, it’s not a trivial concept, but actually applying it is dead simple. Modifying the markup First thing is to place a class name on each li in the list:
Then, on each page of your site, apply the a matching class to the body tag to indicate which section of the site that page is in. For example, on your About page: ... Writing the CSS selector You can now write a single CSS rule to match the selected tab on any given page. The logic is that you want to match the ‘about’ tab on the ‘about’ page and the ‘products’ tab on the ‘products’ page, so the selector looks like this: body.home #navigation li.home, body.about #navigation li.about, #navigation, body.products #navigation li.products, #navigation{ ... whatever styles you need to show the tab selected ... } So all you need to do when you create a new page in your site is to apply a class to the body tag to say which section it’s in. The CSS will do the rest for you – without any server-side help.",2005,Drew McLellan,drewmclellan,2005-12-10T00:00:00+00:00,,code 333,The Attribute Selector for Fun and (no ad) Profit,"If I had a favourite CSS selector, it would undoubtedly be the attribute selector (Ed: You really need to get out more). For those of you not familiar with the attribute selector, it allows you to style an element based on the existence, value or partial value of a specific attribute. At it’s very basic level you could use this selector to style an element with particular attribute, such as a title attribute. CSS In this example I’m going to make all elements with a title attribute grey. I am also going to give them a dotted bottom border that changes to a solid border on hover. Finally, for that extra bit of feedback, I will change the cursor to a question mark on hover as well. abbr[title] { color: #666; border-bottom: 1px dotted #666; } abbr[title]:hover { border-bottom-style: solid; cursor: help; } This provides a nice way to show your site users that elements with title tags are special, as they contain extra, hidden information. Most modern browsers such as Firefox, Safari and Opera support the attribute selector. Unfortunately Internet Explorer 6 and below does not support the attribute selector, but that shouldn’t stop you from adding nice usability embellishments to more modern browsers. Internet Explorer 7 looks set to implement this CSS2.1 selector, so expect to see it become more common over the next few years. Styling an element based on the existence of an attribute is all well and good, but it is still pretty limited. Where attribute selectors come into their own is their ability to target the value of an attribute. You can use this for a variety of interesting effects such as styling VoteLinks. VoteWhats? If you haven’t heard of VoteLinks, it is a microformat that allows people to show their approval or disapproval of a links destination by adding a pre-defined keyword to the rev attribute. For instance, if you had a particularly bad meal at a restaurant, you could signify your dissaproval by adding a rev attribute with a value of vote-against. Momma Cherri's You could then highlight these links by adding an image to the right of these links. a[rev=""vote-against""]{ padding-right: 20px; background: url(images/vote-against.png) no-repeat right top; } This is a useful technique, but it will only highlight VoteLinks on sites you control. This is where user stylesheets come into effect. If you create a user stylesheet containing this rule, every site you visit that uses VoteLinks will receive your new style. Cool huh? However my absolute favourite use for attribute selectors is as a lightweight form of ad blocking. Most online adverts conform to industry-defined sizes. So if you wanted to block all banner-ad sized images, you could simply add this line of code to your user stylesheet. img[width=""468""][height=""60""], img[width=""468px""][height=""60px""] { display: none !important; } To hide any banner-ad sized element, such as flash movies, applets or iFrames, simply apply the above rule to every element using the universal selector. *[width=""468""][height=""60""], *[width=""468px""][height=""60px""] { display: none !important; } Just bare in mind when using this technique that you may accidentally hide something that isn’t actually an advert; it just happens to be the same size. The Interactive Advertising Bureau lists a number of common ad sizes. Using these dimensions, you can create stylesheet that blocks all the popular ad formats. Apply this as a user stylesheet and you never need to suffer another advert again. Here’s wishing you a Merry, ad-free Christmas.",2005,Andy Budd,andybudd,2005-12-11T00:00:00+00:00,,code 322,Introduction to Scriptaculous Effects,"Gather around kids, because this year, much like in that James Bond movie with Denise Richards, Christmas is coming early… in the shape of scrumptuous smooth javascript driven effects at your every whim. Now what I’m going to do, is take things down a notch. Which is to say, you don’t need to know much beyond how to open a text file and edit it to follow this article. Personally, I for instance can’t code to save my life. Well, strictly speaking, that’s not entirely true. If my life was on the line, and the code needed was really simple and I wasn’t under any time constraints, then yeah maybe I could hack my way out of it But my point is this: I’m not a programmer in the traditional sense of the word. In fact, what I do best, is scrounge code off of other people, take it apart and then put it back together with duct tape, chewing gum and dumb blind luck. No, don’t run! That happens to be a good thing in this case. You see, we’re going to be implementing some really snazzy effects (which are considerably more relevant than most people are willing to admit) on your site, and we’re going to do it with the aid of Thomas Fuchs’ amazing library. And it will be like stealing candy from a child. What Are We Doing? I’m going to show you the very basics of implementing the javascript library’s Combination Effects. These allow you to fade elements on your site in or out, slide them up and down and so on. Why Use Effects at All? Before get started though, let me just take a moment to explain how I came to see smooth transitions as something more than smoke and mirror-like effects included for with little more motive than to dazzle and make parents go ‘uuh, snazzy’. Earlier this year, I had the good fortune of meeting the kind, gentle and quite knowledgable Matt Webb at a conference here in Copenhagen where we were both speaking (though I will be the first to admit my little talk on Open Source Design was vastly inferior to Matt’s talk). Matt held a talk called Fixing Broken Windows (based on the Broken Windows theory), which really made an impression on me, and which I have since then referred back to several times. You can listen to it yourself, as it’s available from Though since Matt’s session uses many visual examples, you’ll have to rely on your imagination for some of the examples he runs through during it. Also, I think it looses audio for a few seconds every once in a while. Anyway, one of the things Matt talked a lot about, was how our eyes are wired to react to movement. The world doesn’t flickr. It doesn’t disappear or suddenly change and force us to look for the change. Things move smoothly in the real world. They do not pop up. How it Works Once the necessary files have been included, you trigger an effect by pointing it at the ID of an element. Simple as that. Implementing the Effects So now you know why I believe these effects have a place in your site, and that’s half the battle. Because you see, actually getting these effects up and running, is deceptively simple. First, go and download the latest version of the library (as of this writing, it’s version 1.5 rc5). Unzip itand open it up. Now we’re going to bypass the instructions in the readme file. can do a bunch of quite advanced things, but all we really want from it is its effects. And by sidestepping the rest of the features, we can shave off roughly 80KB of unnecessary javascript, which is well worth it if you ask me. As with Drew’s article on Easy Ajax with Prototype, also uses the Prototype framework by Sam Stephenson. But contrary to Drew’s article, you don’t have to download Prototype, as a version comes bundled with (though feel free to upgrade to the latest version if you so please). So in the unzipped folder, containing the files and folder, go into ‘lib’ and grab the ‘prototype.js’ file. Move it to whereever you want to store the javascript files. Then fetch the ‘effects.js’ file from the ‘src’ folder and put it in the same place. To make things even easier for you to get this up and running, I have prepared a small javascript snippet which does some checking to see what you’re trying to do. The effects are all either ‘turn this off’ or ‘turn this on’. What this snippet does, is check to see what state the target currently has (is it on or off?) and then use the necessary effect. You can either skip to the end and download the example code, or copy and paste this code into a file manually (I’ll refer to that file as combo.js): Effect.OpenUp = function(element) { element = $(element); new Effect.BlindDown(element, arguments[1] || {}); } Effect.CloseDown = function(element) { element = $(element); new Effect.BlindUp(element, arguments[1] || {}); } Effect.Combo = function(element) { element = $(element); if( == 'none') { new Effect.OpenUp(element, arguments[1] || {}); }else { new Effect.CloseDown(element, arguments[1] || {}); } } Currently, this code uses the BlindUp and BlindDown code, which I personally like, but there’s nothing wrong with you changing the effect-type into one of the other effects available. Now, include the three files in the header of your code, like so: Now insert the element you want to use the effect on, like so:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
The above element will start out invisible, and when triggered will be revealed. If you want it to start visible, simply remove the style parameter. And now for the trigger Click Here And that, is pretty much it. Clicking the link should unfold the DIV targeted by the effect, in this case ‘content’. Effect Options Now, it gets a bit long-haired though. The documentation for is next to non-existing, and because of that you’ll have to do some digging yourself to appreciate the full potentialof these effects. First of all, what kind of effects are available? Well you can go to the demo page and check them out, or you can open the ‘effects.js’ file and have a look around, something I recommend doing regardlessly, to gain an overview of what exactly you’re dealing with. If you dissect it for long enough, you can even distill some of the options available for the various effects. In the case of the BlindUp and BlindDown effect, which we’re using in our example (as triggered from combo.js), one of the things that would be interesting to play with would be the duration of the effect. If it’s too long, it will feel slow and unresponsive. Too fast and it will be imperceptible. You set the options like so: Click Here The change from the previous link being the inclusion of , {duration: .2}. In this case, I have lowered the duration to 0.2 second, to really make it feel snappy. You can also go all-out and turn on all the bells and whistles of the Blind effect like so (slowed down to a duration of three seconds so you can see what’s going on): Click Here Conclusion And that’s pretty much it. The rest is a matter of getting to know the rest of the effects and their options as well as finding out just when and where to use them. Remember the ancient Chinese saying: Less is more. Download Example I have prepared a very basic example, which you can download and use as a reference point.",2005,Michael Heilemann,michaelheilemann,2005-12-12T00:00:00+00:00,,code 334,Transitional vs. Strict Markup,"When promoting web standards, standardistas often talk about XHTML as being more strict than HTML. In a sense it is, since it requires that all elements are properly closed and that attribute values are quoted. But there are two flavours of XHTML 1.0 (three if you count the Frameset DOCTYPE, which is outside the scope of this article), defined by the Transitional and Strict DOCTYPEs. And HTML 4.01 also comes in those flavours. The names reveal what they are about: Transitional DOCTYPEs are meant for those making the transition from older markup to modern ways. Strict DOCTYPEs are actually the default – the way HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0 were constructed to be used. A Transitional DOCTYPE may be used when you have a lot of legacy markup that cannot easily be converted to comply with a Strict DOCTYPE. But Strict is what you should be aiming for. It encourages, and in some cases enforces, the separation of structure and presentation, moving the presentational aspects from markup to CSS. From the HTML 4 Document Type Definition: This is HTML 4.01 Strict DTD, which excludes the presentation attributes and elements that W3C expects to phase out as support for style sheets matures. Authors should use the Strict DTD when possible, but may use the Transitional DTD when support for presentation attribute and elements is required. An additional benefit of using a Strict DOCTYPE is that doing so will ensure that browsers use their strictest, most standards compliant rendering modes. Tommy Olsson provides a good summary of the benefits of using Strict over Transitional in Ten questions for Tommy Olsson at Web Standards Group: In my opinion, using a Strict DTD, either HTML 4.01 Strict or XHTML 1.0 Strict, is far more important for the quality of the future web than whether or not there is an X in front of the name. The Strict DTD promotes a separation of structure and presentation, which makes a site so much easier to maintain. For those looking to start using web standards and valid, semantic markup, it is important to understand the difference between Transitional and Strict DOCTYPEs. For complete listings of the differences between Transitional and Strict DOCTYPEs, see XHTML: Differences between Strict & Transitional, Comparison of Strict and Transitional XHTML, and XHTML1.0 Element Attributes by DTD. Some of the differences are more likely than others to cause problems for developers moving from a Transitional DOCTYPE to a Strict one, and I’d like to mention a few of those. Elements that are not allowed in Strict DOCTYPEs center font iframe strike u Attributes not allowed in Strict DOCTYPEs align (allowed on elements related to tables: col, colgroup, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, and tr) language background bgcolor border (allowed on table) height (allowed on img and object) hspace name (allowed in HTML 4.01 Strict, not allowed on form and img in XHTML 1.0 Strict) noshade nowrap target text, link, vlink, and alink vspace width (allowed on img, object, table, col, and colgroup) Content model differences An element type’s content model describes what may be contained by an instance of the element type. The most important difference in content models between Transitional and Strict is that blockquote, body, and form elements may only contain block level elements. A few examples: text and images are not allowed immediately inside the body element, and need to be contained in a block level element like p or div input elements must not be direct descendants of a form element text in blockquote elements must be wrapped in a block level element like p or div Go Strict and move all presentation to CSS Something that can be helpful when doing the transition from Transitional to Strict DOCTYPEs is to focus on what each element of the page you are working on is instead of how you want it to look. Worry about looks later and get the structure and semantics right first.",2005,Roger Johansson,rogerjohansson,2005-12-13T00:00:00+00:00,,code 331,Splintered Striper,"Back in March 2004, David F. Miller demonstrated a little bit of DOM scripting magic in his A List Apart article Zebra Tables. His script programmatically adds two alternating CSS background colours to table rows, making them more readable and visually pleasing, while saving the document author the tedious task of manually assigning the styling to large static data tables. Although David’s original script performs its duty well, it is nonetheless very specific and limited in its application. It only: works on a single table, identified by its id, with at least a single tbody section assigns a background colour allows two colours for odd and even rows acts on data cells, rather than rows, and then only if they have no class or background colour already defined Taking it further In a recent project I found myself needing to apply a striped effect to a medium sized unordered list. Instead of simply modifying the Zebra Tables code for this particular case, I decided to completely recode the script to make it more generic. Being more general purpose, the function in my splintered striper experiment is necessarily more complex. Where the original script only expected a single parameter (the id of the target table), the new function is called as follows: striper('[parent element tag]','[parent element class or null]','[child element tag]','[comma separated list of classes]') This new, fairly self-explanatory function: targets any type of parent element (and, if specified, only those with a certain class) assigns two or more classes (rather than just two background colours) to the child elements inside the parent preserves any existing classes already assigned to the child elements See it in action View the demonstration page for three usage examples. For simplicity’s sake, we’re making the calls to the striper function from the body’s onload attribute. In a real deployment situation, we would look at attaching a behaviour to the onload programmatically — just remember that, as we need to pass variables to the striper function, this would involve creating a wrapper function which would then be attached…something like: function stripe() { striper('tbody','splintered','tr','odd,even'); } window.onload=stripe; A final thought Just because the function is called striper does not mean that it’s limited to purely applying a striped look; as it’s more of a general purpose “alternating class assignment” script, you can achieve a whole variety of effects with it.",2005,Patrick Lauke,patricklauke,2005-12-15T00:00:00+00:00,,code 319,Avoiding CSS Hacks for Internet Explorer,"Back in October, IEBlog issued a call to action, asking developers to clean up their CSS hacks for IE7 testing. Needless to say, a lot of hubbub ensued… both on IEBlog and elsewhere. My contribution to all of the noise was to suggest that developers review their code and use good CSS hacks. But what makes a good hack? Tantek Çelik, the Godfather of CSS hacks, gave us the answer by explaining how CSS hacks should be designed. In short, they should (1) be valid, (2) target only old/frozen/abandoned user-agents/browsers, and (3) be ugly. Tantek also went on to explain that using a feature of CSS is not a hack. Now, I’m not a frequent user of CSS hacks, but Tantek’s post made sense to me. In particular, I felt it gave developers direction on how we should be coding to accommodate that sometimes troublesome browser, Internet Explorer. But what I’ve found, through my work with other developers, is that there is still much confusion over the use of CSS hacks and IE. Using examples from the code I’ve seen recently, allow me to demonstrate how to clean up some IE-specific CSS hacks. The two hacks that I’ve found most often in the code I’ve seen and worked with are the star html bug and the underscore hack. We know these are both IE-specific by checking Kevin Smith’s CSS Filters chart. Let’s look at each of these hacks and see how we can replace them with the same CSS feature-based solution. The star html bug This hack violates Tantek’s second rule as it targets current (and future) UAs. I’ve seen this both as a stand alone rule, as well as an override to some other rule in a style sheet. Here are some code samples: * html div#header {margin-top:-3px;} .promo h3 {min-height:21px;} * html .promo h3 {height:21px;} The underscore hack This hack violates Tantek’s first two rules: it’s invalid (according to the W3C CSS Validator) and it targets current UAs. Here’s an example: ol {padding:0; _padding-left:5px;} Using child selectors We can use the child selector to replace both the star html bug and underscore hack. Here’s how: Write rules with selectors that would be successfully applied to all browsers. This may mean starting with no declarations in your rule! div#header {} .promo h3 {} ol {padding:0;} To these rules, add the IE-specific declarations. div#header {margin-top:-3px;} .promo h3 {height:21px;} ol {padding:0 0 0 5px;} After each rule, add a second rule. The selector of the second rule must use a child selector. In this new rule, correct any IE-specific declarations previously made. div#header {margin-top:-3px;} body > div#header {margin-top:0;} .promo h3 {height:21px;} .promo > h3 {height:auto; min-height:21px;} ol {padding:0 0 0 5px;} html > body ol {padding:0;} Voilà – no more hacks! There are a few caveats to this that I won’t go into… but assuming you’re operating in strict mode and barring any really complicated stuff you’re doing in your code, your CSS will still render perfectly across browsers. And while this may make your CSS slightly heftier in size, it should future-proof it for IE7 (or so I hope). Happy holidays!",2005,Kimberly Blessing,kimberlyblessing,2005-12-17T00:00:00+00:00,,code 323,Introducing UDASSS!,"Okay. What’s that mean? Unobtrusive Degradable Ajax Style Sheet Switcher! Boy are you in for treat today ‘cause we’re gonna have a whole lotta Ajaxifida Unobtrucitosity CSS swappin’ Fun! Okay are you really kidding? Nope. I’ve even impressed myself on this one. Unfortunately, I don’t have much time to tell you the ins and outs of what I actually did to get this to work. We’re talking JavaScript, CSS, PHP…Ajax. But don’t worry about that. I’ve always believed that a good A.P.I. is an invisible A.P.I… and this I felt I achieved. The only thing you need to know is how it works and what to do. A Quick Introduction Anyway… First of all, the idea is very simple. I wanted something just like what Paul Sowden put together in Alternative Style: Working With Alternate Style Sheets from Alistapart Magazine EXCEPT a few minor (not-so-minor actually) differences which I’ve listed briefly below: Allow users to switch styles without JavaScript enabled (degradable) Preventing the F.O.U.C. before the window ‘load’ when getting preferred styles Keep the JavaScript entirely off our markup (no onclick’s or onload’s) Make it very very easy to implement (ok, Paul did that too) What I did to achieve this was used server-side cookies instead of JavaScript cookies. Hence, PHP. However this isn’t a “PHP style switcher” – which is where Ajax comes in. For the extreme technical folks, no, there is no xml involved here, or even a callback response. I only say Ajax because everyone knows what ‘it’ means. With that said, it’s the Ajax that sets the cookies ‘on the fly’. Got it? Awesome! What you need Luckily, I’ve done the work for you. It’s all packaged up in a nice zip file (at the end…keep reading for now) – so from here on out, just follow these instructions As I’ve mentioned, one of the things we’ll be working with is PHP. So, first things first, open up a file called index and save it with a ‘.php’ extension. Next, place the following text at the top of your document (even above your DOCTYPE) add('css/global.css','screen,projection'); // [Global Styles] $styleSheet->add('css/preferred.css','screen,projection','Wog Standard'); // [Preferred Styles] $styleSheet->add('css/alternate.css','screen,projection','Tiny Fonts',true); // [Alternate Styles] $styleSheet->add('css/alternate2.css','screen,projection','Big O Fonts',true); // // [Alternate Styles] $styleSheet->getPreferredStyles(); ?> The way this works is REALLY EASY. Pay attention closely. Notice in the first line we’ve included our style-switcher.php file. Next we instantiate a PHP class called AlternateStyles() which will allow us to configure our style sheets. So for kicks, let’s just call our object $styleSheet As part of the AlternateStyles object, there lies a public method called add. So naturally with our $styleSheet object, we can call it to (da – da-da-da!) Add Style Sheets! How the add() method works The add method takes in a possible four arguments, only one is required. However, you’ll want to add some… since the whole point is working with alternate style sheets. $path can simply be a uri, absolute, or relative path to your style sheet. $media adds a media attribute to your style sheets. $title gives a name to your style sheets (via title attribute).$alternate (which shows boolean) simply tells us that these are the alternate style sheets. add() Tips For all global style sheets (meaning the ones that will always be seen and will not be swapped out), simply use the add method as shown next to // [Global Styles]. To add preferred styles, do the same, but add a ‘title’. To add the alternate styles, do the same as what we’ve done to add preferred styles, but add the extra boolean and set it to true. Note following when adding style sheets Multiple global style sheets are allowed You can only have one preferred style sheet (That’s a browser rule) Feel free to add as many alternate style sheets as you like Moving on Simply add the following snippet to the of your web document: drop(); ?> Nothing much to explain here. Just use your copy & paste powers. How to Switch Styles Whether you knew it or not, this baby already has the built in ‘ubobtrusive’ functionality that lets you switch styles by the drop of any link with a class name of ‘altCss‘. Just drop them where ever you like in your document as follows: Bog Standard Small Fonts Large Fonts Take special note where the file is linking to. Yep. Just linking right back to the page we’re on. The only extra parameters we pass in is a variable called ‘css’ – and within that we append the names of our style sheets. Also take very special note on the names of the style sheets have an under_score to take place of any spaces we might have. Go ahead… play around and change the style sheet on the example page. Try disabling JavaScript and refreshing your browser. Still works! Cool eh? Well, I put this together in one night so it’s still a work in progress and very beta. If you’d like to hear more about it and its future development, be sure stop on by my site where I’ll definitely be maintaining it. Download the beta anyway Well this wouldn’t be fun if there was nothing to download. So we’re hooking you up so you don’t go home (or logoff) unhappy Download U.D.A.S.S.S | V0.8 Merry Christmas! Thanks for listening and I hope U.D.A.S.S.S. has been well worth your time and will bring many years of Ajaxy Style Switchin’ Fun! Many Blessings, Merry Christmas and have a great new year!",2005,Dustin Diaz,dustindiaz,2005-12-18T00:00:00+00:00,,code 321,Tables with Style,"It might not seem like it but styling tabular data can be a lot of fun. From a semantic point of view, there are plenty of elements to tie some style into. You have cells, rows, row groups and, of course, the table element itself. Adding CSS to a paragraph just isn’t as exciting. Where do I start? First, if you have some tabular data (you know, like a spreadsheet with rows and columns) that you’d like to spiffy up, pop it into a table — it’s rightful place! To add more semantics to your table — and coincidentally to add more hooks for CSS — break up your table into row groups. There are three types of row groups: the header (thead), the body (tbody) and the footer (tfoot). You can only have one header and one footer but you can have as many table bodies as is appropriate. Sample table example Inspiration Table Striping To improve scanning information within a table, a common technique is to style alternating rows. Also known as zebra tables. Whether you apply it using a class on every other row or turn to JavaScript to accomplish the task, a handy-dandy trick is to use a semi-transparent PNG as your background image. This is especially useful over patterned backgrounds. tbody tr.odd td { background:transparent url(background.png) repeat top left; } * html tbody tr.odd td { background:#C00; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader( src='background.png', sizingMethod='scale'); } We turn off the default background and apply our PNG hack to have this work in Internet Explorer. Styling Columns Did you know you could style a column? That’s right. You can add special column (col) or column group (colgroup) elements. With that you can add border or background styles to the column. ... Check out the example. Fun with Backgrounds Pop in a tiled background to give your table some character! Internet Explorer’s PNG hack unfortunately only works well when applied to a cell. To figure out which background will appear over another, just remember the hierarchy: (bottom) Table → Column → Row Group → Row → Cell (top) The Future is Bright Once browser-makers start implementing CSS3, we’ll have more power at our disposal. Just with :first-child and :last-child, you can pull off a scalable version of our previous table with rounded corners and all — unfortunately, only Firefox manages to pull this one off successfully. And the selector the masses are clamouring for, nth-child, will make zebra tables easy as eggnog.",2005,Jonathan Snook,jonathansnook,2005-12-19T00:00:00+00:00,,code 335,Naughty or Nice? CSS Background Images,"Web Standards based development involves many things – using semantically sound HTML to provide structure to our documents or web applications, using CSS for presentation and layout, using JavaScript responsibly, and of course, ensuring that all that we do is accessible and interoperable to as many people and user agents as we can. This we understand to be good. And it is good. Except when we don’t clearly think through the full implications of using those techniques. Which often happens when time is short and we need to get things done. Here are some naughty examples of CSS background images with their nicer, more accessible counterparts. Transaction related messages I’m as guilty of this as others (or, perhaps, I’m the only one that has done this, in which case this can serve as my holiday season confessional) We use lovely little icons to show status messages for a transaction to indicate if the action was successful, or was there a warning or error? For example: “Your postal/zip code was not in the correct format.” Notice that we place a nice little icon there, and use background colours and borders to convey a specific message: there was a problem that needs to be fixed. Notice that all of this visual information is now contained in the CSS rules for that div:

Your postal/zip code was not in the correct format.

div.error { background: #ffcccc url(../images/error_small.png) no-repeat 5px 4px; color: #900; border-top: 1px solid #c00; border-bottom: 1px solid #c00; padding: 0.25em 0.5em 0.25em 2.5em; font-weight: bold; } Using this approach also makes it very easy to create a div.success and div.warning CSS rules meaning we have less to change in our HTML. Nice, right? No. Naughty. Visual design communicates The CSS is being used to convey very specific information. The choice of icon, the choice of background colour and borders tell us visually that there is something wrong. With the icon as a background image – there is no way to specify any alt text for the icon, and significant meaning is lost. A screen reader user, for example, misses the fact that it is an “error.” The solution? Ask yourself: what is the bare minimum needed to indicate there was an error? Currently in the absence of CSS there will be no icon – which (I’m hoping you agree) is critical to communicating there was an error. The icon should be considered content and not simply presentational. The borders and background colour are certainly much less critical – they belong in the CSS. Lets change the code to place the image directly in the HTML and using appropriate alt text to better communicate the meaning of the icon to all users:

Your postal/zip code was not in the correct format.

div.bettererror { background-color: #ffcccc; color: #900; border-top: 1px solid #c00; border-bottom: 1px solid #c00; padding: 0.25em 0.5em 0.25em 2.5em; font-weight: bold; position: relative; min-height: 1.25em; } div.bettererror img { display: block; position: absolute; left: 0.25em; top: 0.25em; padding: 0; margin: 0; } div.bettererror p { position: absolute; left: 2.5em; padding: 0; margin: 0; } Compare these two examples of transactional messages Status of a Record This example is pretty straightforward. Consider the following: a real estate listing on a web site. There are three “states” for a listing: new, normal, and sold. Here’s how they look: Example of a New Listing Example of A Sold Listing If we (forgive the pun) blindly apply the “use a CSS background image” technique we clearly run into problems with the new and sold images – they actually contain content with no way to specify an alternative when placed in the CSS. In this case of the “new” image, we can use the same strategy as we used in the first example (the transaction result). The “new” image should be considered content and is placed in the HTML as part of the


that identifies the listing. However when considering the “sold” listing, there are less changes to be made to keep the same look by leaving the “SOLD” image as a background image and providing the equivalent information elsewhere in the listing – namely, right in the heading. For those that can’t see the background image, the status is communicated clearly and right away. A screen reader user that is navigating by heading or viewing a listing will know right away that a particular property is sold. Of note here is that in both cases (new and sold) placing the status near the beginning of the record helps with a zoom layout as well. Better Example of A Sold Listing Summary Remember: in the holiday season, its what you give that counts!! Using CSS background images is easy and saves time for you but think of the children. And everyone else for that matter… CSS background images should only be used for presentational images, not for those that contain content (unless that content is already represented and readily available elsewhere).",2005,Derek Featherstone,derekfeatherstone,2005-12-20T00:00:00+00:00,,code 315,Edit-in-Place with Ajax,"Back on day one we looked at using the Prototype library to take all the hard work out of making a simple Ajax call. While that was fun and all, it didn’t go that far towards implementing something really practical. We dipped our toes in, but haven’t learned to swim yet. So here is swimming lesson number one. Anyone who’s used Flickr to publish their photos will be familiar with the edit-in-place system used for quickly amending titles and descriptions on photographs. Hovering over an item turns its background yellow to indicate it is editable. A simple click loads the text into an edit box, right there on the page. Prototype includes all sorts of useful methods to help reproduce something like this for our own projects. As well as the simple Ajax GETs we learned how to do last time, we can also do POSTs (which we’ll need here) and a whole bunch of manipulations to the user interface – all through simple library calls. Here’s what we’re building, so let’s do it. Getting Started There are two major components to this process; the user interface manipulation and the Ajax call itself. Our set-up is much the same as last time (you may wish to read the first article if you’ve not already done so). We have a basic HTML page which links in the prototype.js file and our own editinplace.js. Here’s what Santa dropped down my chimney: Edit-in-Place with Ajax


Dashing through the snow on a one horse open sleigh.

So that’s our page. The editable item is going to be the

called desc. The process goes something like this: Highlight the area onMouseOver Clear the highlight onMouseOut If the user clicks, hide the area and replace with a '; var button = ' OR '; new Insertion.After(obj, textarea+button); Event.observe('_save', 'click', function(){saveChanges(obj)}, false); Event.observe('_cancel', 'click', function(){cleanUp(obj)}, false); } The first thing to do is to hide the object. Prototype comes to the rescue with Element.hide() (and of course, too). Following that, we build up the textarea and buttons as a string, and then use Insertion.After() to place our new editor underneath the (now hidden) editable object. The last thing to do before we leave the user to edit is it attach listeners to the Save and Cancel buttons to call either the saveChanges() function, or to cleanUp() after a cancel. In the event of a cancel, we can clean up behind ourselves like so: function cleanUp(obj, keepEditable){ Element.remove('_editor');; if (!keepEditable) showAsEditable(obj, true); } Saving the Changes This is where all the Ajax fun occurs. Whilst the previous article introduced Ajax.Updater() for simple Ajax calls, in this case we need a little bit more control over what happens once the response is received. For this purpose, Ajax.Request() is perfect. We can use the onSuccess and onFailure parameters to register functions to handle the response. function saveChanges(obj){ var new_content = escape($F('_edit')); obj.innerHTML = ""Saving...""; cleanUp(obj, true); var success = function(t){editComplete(t, obj);} var failure = function(t){editFailed(t, obj);} var url = 'edit.php'; var pars = 'id=' + + '&content=' + new_content; var myAjax = new Ajax.Request(url, {method:'post', postBody:pars, onSuccess:success, onFailure:failure}); } function editComplete(t, obj){ obj.innerHTML = t.responseText; showAsEditable(obj, true); } function editFailed(t, obj){ obj.innerHTML = 'Sorry, the update failed.'; cleanUp(obj); } As you can see, we first grab in the contents of the textarea into the variable new_content. We then remove the editor, set the content of the original object to “Saving…” to show that an update is occurring, and make the Ajax POST. If the Ajax fails, editFailed() sets the contents of the object to “Sorry, the update failed.” Admittedly, that’s not a very helpful way to handle the error but I have to limit the scope of this article somewhere. It might be a good idea to stow away the original contents of the object (obj.preUpdate = obj.innerHTML) for later retrieval before setting the content to “Saving…”. No one likes a failure – especially a messy one. If the Ajax call is successful, the server-side script returns the edited content, which we then place back inside the object from editComplete, and tidy up. Meanwhile, back at the server The missing piece of the puzzle is the server-side script for committing the changes to your database. Obviously, any solution I provide here is not going to fit your particular application. For the purposes of getting a functional demo going, here’s what I have in PHP. Not exactly rocket science is it? I’m just catching the content item from the POST and echoing it back. For your application to be useful, however, you’ll need to know exactly which record you should be updating. I’m passing in the ID of my

, which is not a fat lot of use. You can modify saveChanges() to post back whatever information your app needs to know in order to process the update. You should also check the user’s credentials to make sure they have permission to edit whatever it is they’re editing. Basically the same rules apply as with any script in your application. Limitations There are a few bits and bobs that in an ideal world I would tidy up. The first is the error handling, as I’ve already mentioned. The second is that from an idealistic standpoint, I’d rather not be using innerHTML. However, the reality is that it’s presently the most efficient way of making large changes to the document. If you’re serving as XML, remember that you’ll need to replace these with proper DOM nodes. It’s also important to note that it’s quite difficult to make something like this universally accessible. Whenever you start updating large chunks of a document based on user interaction, a lot of non-traditional devices don’t cope well. The benefit of this technique, though, is that if JavaScript is unavailable none of the functionality gets implemented at all – it fails silently. It is for this reason that this shouldn’t be used as a complete replacement for a traditional, universally accessible edit form. It’s a great time-saver for those with the ability to use it, but it’s no replacement. See it in action I’ve put together an example page using the inert PHP script above. That is to say, your edits aren’t committed to a database, so the example is reset when the page is reloaded.",2005,Drew McLellan,drewmclellan,2005-12-23T00:00:00+00:00,,code 316,Have Your DOM and Script It Too,"When working with the XMLHttpRequest object it appears you can only go one of three ways: You can stay true to the colorful moniker du jour and stick strictly to the responseXML property You can play with proprietary – yet widely supported – fire and inject the value of responseText property into the innerHTML of an element of your choosing Or you can be eval() and parse JSON or arbitrary JavaScript delivered via responseText But did you know that there’s a fourth option giving you the best of the latter two worlds? Mint uses this unmentioned approach to grab fresh HTML and run arbitrary JavaScript simultaneously. Without relying on eval(). “But wait-”, you might say, “when would I need to do this?” Besides the example below this technique is handy for things like tab groups that need initialization onload but miss the main onload event handler by a mile thanks to asynchronous scripting. Consider the problem Originally Mint used option 2 to refresh or load new tabs into individual Pepper panes without requiring a full roundtrip to the server. This was all well and good until I introduced the new Client Mode which when enabled allows anyone to view a Mint installation without being logged in. If voyeurs are afoot as Client Mode is disabled, the next time they refresh a pane the entire login page is inserted into the current document. That’s not very helpful so I needed a way to redirect the current document to the login page. Enter the solution Wouldn’t it be cool if browsers interpreted the contents of script tags crammed into innerHTML? Sure, but unfortunately, that just wasn’t meant to be. However like the body element, image elements have an onload event handler. When the image has fully loaded the handler runs the code applied to it. See where I’m going with this? By tacking a tiny image (think single pixel, transparent spacer gif – shudder) onto the end of the HTML returned by our Ajax call, we can smuggle our arbitrary JavaScript into the existing document. The image is added to the DOM, and our stowaway can go to town.

This is the results of our Ajax call.

Please be neat So we’ve just jammed some meaningless cruft into our DOM. If our script does anything with images this addition could have some unexpected side effects. (Remember The Fly?) So in order to save that poor, unsuspecting element whose innerHTML we just swapped out from sharing Jeff Goldblum’s terrible fate we should tidy up after ourselves. And by using the removeChild method we do just that.

This is the results of our Ajax call.

",2005,Shaun Inman,shauninman,2005-12-24T00:00:00+00:00,,code 132,Tasty Text Trimmer,"In most cases, when designing a user interface it’s best to make a decision about how data is best displayed and stick with it. Failing to make a decision ultimately leads to too many user options, which in turn can be taxing on the poor old user. Under some circumstances, however, it’s good to give the user freedom in customising their workspace. One good example of this is the ‘Article Length’ tool in Apple’s Safari RSS reader. Sliding a slider left of right dynamically changes the length of each article shown. It’s that kind of awesomey magic stuff that’s enough to keep you from sleeping. Let’s build one. The Setup Let’s take a page that has lots of long text items, a bit like a news page or like Safari’s RSS items view. If we were to attach a class name to each element we wanted to resize, that would give us something to hook onto from the JavaScript. Example 1: The basic page. As you can see, I’ve wrapped my items in a DIV and added a class name of chunk to them. It’s these chunks that we’ll be finding with the JavaScript. Speaking of which … Our Core Functions There are two main tasks that need performing in our script. The first is to find the chunks we’re going to be resizing and store their original contents away somewhere safe. We’ll need this so that if we trim the text down we’ll know what it was if the user decides they want it back again. We’ll call this loadChunks. var loadChunks = function(){ var everything = document.getElementsByTagName('*'); var i, l; chunks = []; for (i=0, l=everything.length; i -1){ chunks.push({ ref: everything[i], original: everything[i].innerHTML }); } } }; The variable chunks is stored outside of this function so that we can access it from our next core function, which is doTrim. var doTrim = function(interval) { if (!chunks) loadChunks(); var i, l; for (i=0, l=chunks.length; i Once this is done you can add links to Flickr pages anywhere in your document, and when you give them the CSS class getflickrphotos they get turned into gallery links. When a visitor clicks these links they turn into loading messages and show a “popup” gallery with the connected photos once they were loaded. As the JSON returned is very small it won’t take long. You can close the gallery, or click any of the thumbnails to view a photo. Clicking the photo makes it disappear and go back to the thumbnails. Check out the example page and click the different gallery links to see the results. Notice that getFlickr works with Unobtrusive JavaScript as when scripting is disabled the links still get to the photos on Flickr. getFlickr for JavaScript Hackers If you want to use getFlickr with your own JavaScripts you can use its main method leech(): getFlickr.leech(sTag, sCallback); sTag the tag you are looking for sCallback an optional function to call when the data was retrieved. After you called the leech() method you have two strings to use: getFlickr.html[sTag] contains an HTML list (without the outer UL element) of all the images linked to the correct pages at flickr. The images are the medium size, you can easily change that by replacing _m.jpg with _s.jpg for thumbnails. getFlickr.tags[sTag] contains a string of all the other tags flickr users added with the tag you searched for(space separated) You can call getFlickr.leech() several times when the page has loaded to cache several result feeds before the page gets loaded. This’ll make the photos quicker for the end user to show up. If you want to offer a form for people to search for flickr photos and display them immediately you can use the following HTML:



    All the JavaScript you’ll need (for a basic display) is this: function populate(){ var tag = document.getElementById('tag').value; document.getElementById('photos').innerHTML = getFlickr.html[tag].replace(/_m\.jpg/g,'_s.jpg'); document.getElementById('tags').innerHTML = getFlickr.tags[tag]; return false; } Easy as pie, enjoy! Check out the example page and try the form to see the results.",2006,Christian Heilmann,chrisheilmann,2006-12-03T00:00:00+00:00,,code 138,Rounded Corner Boxes the CSS3 Way,"If you’ve been doing CSS for a while you’ll know that there are approximately 3,762 ways to create a rounded corner box. The simplest techniques rely on the addition of extra mark-up directly to your page, while the more complicated ones add the mark-up though DOM manipulation. While these techniques are all very interesting, they do seem somewhat of a kludge. The goal of CSS is to separate structure from presentation, yet here we are adding superfluous mark-up to our code in order to create a visual effect. The reason we are doing this is simple. CSS2.1 only allows a single background image per element. Thankfully this looks set to change with the addition of multiple background images into the CSS3 specification. With CSS3 you’ll be able to add not one, not four, but eight background images to a single element. This means you’ll be able to create all kinds of interesting effects without the need of those additional elements. While the CSS working group still seem to be arguing over the exact syntax, Dave Hyatt went ahead and implemented the currently suggested mechanism into Safari. The technique is fiendishly simple, and I think we’ll all be a lot better off once the W3C stop arguing over the details and allow browser vendors to get on and provide the tools we need to build better websites. To create a CSS3 rounded corner box, simply start with your box element and apply your 4 corner images, separated by commas. .box { background-image: url(top-left.gif), url(top-right.gif), url(bottom-left.gif), url(bottom-right.gif); } We don’t want these background images to repeat, which is the normal behaviour, so lets set all their background-repeat properties to no-repeat. .box { background-image: url(top-left.gif), url(top-right.gif), url(bottom-left.gif), url(bottom-right.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat, no-repeat, no-repeat, no-repeat; } Lastly, we need to define the positioning of each corner image. .box { background-image: url(top-left.gif), url(top-right.gif), url(bottom-left.gif), url(bottom-right.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat, no-repeat, no-repeat, no-repeat; background-position: top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right; } And there we have it, a simple rounded corner box with no additional mark-up. As well as using multiple background images, CSS3 also has the ability to create rounded corners without the need of any images at all. You can do this by setting the border-radius property to your desired value as seen in the next example. .box { border-radius: 1.6em; } This technique currently works in Firefox/Camino and creates a nice, if somewhat jagged rounded corner. If you want to create a box that works in both Mozilla and WebKit based browsers, why not combine both techniques and see what happens.",2006,Andy Budd,andybudd,2006-12-04T00:00:00+00:00,,code 121,Hide And Seek in The Head,"If you want your JavaScript-enhanced pages to remain accessible and understandable to scripted and noscript users alike, you have to think before you code. Which functionalities are required (ie. should work without JavaScript)? Which ones are merely nice-to-have (ie. can be scripted)? You should only start creating the site when you’ve taken these decisions. Special HTML elements Once you have a clear idea of what will work with and without JavaScript, you’ll likely find that you need a few HTML elements for the noscript version only. Take this example: A form has a nifty bit of Ajax that automatically and silently sends a request once the user enters something in a form field. However, in order to preserve accessibility, the user should also be able to submit the form normally. So the form should have a submit button in noscript browsers, but not when the browser supports sufficient JavaScript. Since the button is meant for noscript browsers, it must be hard-coded in the HTML: When JavaScript is supported, it should be removed: var checkJS = [check JavaScript support]; window.onload = function () { if (!checkJS) return; document.getElementById('noScriptButton').style.display = 'none'; } Problem: the load event Although this will likely work fine in your testing environment, it’s not completely correct. What if a user with a modern, JavaScript-capable browser visits your page, but has to wait for a huge graphic to load? The load event fires only after all assets, including images, have been loaded. So this user will first see a submit button, but then all of a sudden it’s removed. That’s potentially confusing. Fortunately there’s a simple solution: play a bit of hide and seek in the : var checkJS = [check JavaScript support]; if (checkJS) { document.write(''); } First, check if the browser supports enough JavaScript. If it does, document.write an extra So we end up with a nice simple to understand but also quick to write XSL which can be used on ATOM Flickr feeds and ATOM News feeds. With a little playing around with XSL, you can make XML beautiful again. All the files can be found in the zip file (14k)",2006,Ian Forrester,ianforrester,2006-12-07T00:00:00+00:00,,code 143,Marking Up a Tag Cloud,"Everyone’s doing it. The problem is, everyone’s doing it wrong. Harsh words, you might think. But the crimes against decent markup are legion in this area. You see, I’m something of a markup and semantics junkie. So I’m going to analyse some of the more well-known tag clouds on the internet, explain what’s wrong, and then show you one way to do it better. I think the first ever tag cloud I saw was on Here’s how they mark it up. Unfortunately, that is one of the worst examples of tag cloud markup I have ever seen. The page states that a tag cloud is a list of tags where size reflects popularity. However, despite describing it in this way to the human readers, the page’s author hasn’t described it that way in the markup. It isn’t a list of tags, just a bunch of anchors in a
    . This is also inaccessible because a screenreader will not pause between adjacent links, and in some configurations will not announce the individual links, but rather all of the tags will be read as just one link containing a whole bunch of words. Markup crime number one. Flickr Ah, Flickr. The darling photo sharing site of the internet, and the biggest blind spot in every standardista’s vision. Forgive it for having atrocious markup and sometimes confusing UI because it’s just so much damn fun to use. Let’s see what they do.

     06   africa   amsterdam  ...

    Again we have a simple collection of anchors like, only this time in a paragraph. But rather than using a class to represent the size of the tag they use an inline style. An inline style using a pixel-based font size. That’s so far away from the goal of separating style from content, they might as well use a tag. You could theoretically parse that to extract the information, but you have more work to guess what the pixel sizes represent. Markup crime number two (and extra jail time for using non-breaking spaces purely for visual spacing purposes.) Technorati Ah, now. Here, you’d expect something decent. After all, the Overlord of microformats and King of Semantics Tantek Çelik works there. Surely we’ll see something decent here?
    1. Britney Spears
    2. Bush
    3. Christmas
    4. ...
    5. SEO
    6. Shopping
    7. ...
    Unfortunately it turns out not to be that decent, and stop calling me Shirley. It’s not exactly terrible code. It does recognise that a tag cloud is a list of links. And, since they’re in alphabetical order, that it’s an ordered list of links. That’s nice. However … fifteen nested tags? FIFTEEN? That’s emphasis for you. Yes, it is parse-able, but it’s also something of a strange way of looking at emphasis. The HTML spec states that is emphasis, and is for stronger emphasis. Nesting tags seems counter to the idea that different tags are used for different levels of emphasis. Plus, if you had a screen reader that stressed the voice for emphasis, what would it do? Shout at you? Markup crime number three. So what should it be? As tells us, a tag cloud is a list of tags where the size that they are rendered at contains extra information. However, by hiding the extra context purely within the CSS or the HTML tags used, you are denying that context to some users. The basic assumption being made is that all users will be able to see the difference between font sizes, and this is demonstrably false. A better way to code a tag cloud is to put the context of the cloud within the content, not the markup or CSS alone. As an example, I’m going to take some of my favourite flickr tags and put them into a cloud which communicates the relative frequency of each tag. To start with a tag cloud in its most basic form is just a list of links. I am going to present them in alphabetical order, so I’ll use an ordered list. Into each list item I add the number of photos I have with that particular tag. The tag itself is linked to the page on flickr which contains those photos. So we end up with this first example. To display this as a traditional tag cloud, we need to alter it in a few ways: The items need to be displayed next to each other, rather than one-per-line The context information should be hidden from display (but not from screen readers) The tag should link to the page of items with that tag Displaying the items next to each other simply means setting the display of the list elements to inline. The context can be hidden by wrapping it in a and then using the off-left method to hide it. And the link just means adding an anchor (with rel=""tag"" for some extra microformats bonus points). So, now we have a simple collection of links in our second example. The last stage is to add the sizes. Since we already have context in our content, the size is purely for visual rendering, so we can just use classes to define the different sizes. For my example, I’ll use a range of class names from not-popular through ultra-popular, in order of smallest to largest, and then use CSS to define different font sizes. If you preferred, you could always use less verbose class names such as size1 through size6. Anyway, adding some classes and CSS gives us our final example, a semantic and more accessible tag cloud.",2006,Mark Norman Francis,marknormanfrancis,2006-12-09T00:00:00+00:00,,code 124,Writing Responsible JavaScript,"Without a doubt, JavaScript has been making something of a comeback in the last year. If you’re involved in client-side development in any way at all, chances are that you’re finding yourself writing more JavaScript now than you have in a long time. If you learned most of your JavaScript back when DHTML was all the rage and before DOM Scripting was in vogue, there have been some big shifts in the way scripts are written. Most of these are in the way event handlers are assigned and functions declared. Both of these changes are driven by the desire to write scripts that are responsible page citizens, both in not tying behaviour to content and in taking care not to conflict with other scripts. I thought it may be useful to look at some of these more responsible approaches to learn how to best write scripts that are independent of the page content and are safely portable between different applications. Event Handling Back in the heady days of Web 1.0, if you wanted to have an object on the page react to something like a click, you would simply go ahead and attach an onclick attribute. This was easy and understandable, but much like the font tag or the style attribute, it has the downside of mixing behaviour or presentation in with our content. As we’re learned with CSS, there are big benefits in keeping those layers separate. Hey, if it works for CSS, it should work for JavaScript too. Just like with CSS, instead of adding an attribute to our element within the document, the more responsible way to do that is to look for the item from your script (like CSS does with a selector) and then assign the behaviour to it. To give an example, take this oldskool onclick use case: Play the animation This could be rewritten by removing the onclick attribute, and instead doing the following from within your JavaScript. document.getElementById('anim-link').onclick = playAnimation; It’s all in the timing Of course, it’s never quite that easy. To be able to attach that onclick, the element you’re targeting has to exist in the page, and the page has to have finished loading for the DOM to be available. This is where the onload event is handy, as it fires once everything has finished loading. Common practise is to have a function called something like init() (short for initialise) that sets up all these event handlers as soon as the page is ready. Back in the day we would have used the onload attibute on the element to do this, but of course what we really want is: window.onload = init; As an interesting side note, we’re using init here rather than init() so that the function is assigned to the event. If we used the parentheses, the init function would have been run at that moment, and the result of running the function (rather than the function itself) would be assigned to the event. Subtle, but important. As is becoming apparent, nothing is ever simple, and we can’t just go around assigning our initialisation function to window.onload. What if we’re using other scripts in the page that might also want to listen out for that event? Whichever script got there last would overwrite everything that came before it. To manage this, we need a script that checks for any existing event handlers, and adds the new handler to it. Most of the JavaScript libraries have their own systems for doing this. If you’re not using a library, Simon Willison has a good stand-alone example function addLoadEvent(func) { var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != 'function') { window.onload = func; } else { window.onload = function() { if (oldonload) { oldonload(); } func(); } } } Obviously this is just a toe in the events model’s complex waters. Some good further reading is PPK’s Introduction to Events. Carving out your own space Another problem that rears its ugly head when combining multiple scripts on a single page is that of making sure that the scripts don’t conflict. One big part of that is ensuring that no two scripts are trying to create functions or variables with the same names. Reusing a name in JavaScript just over-writes whatever was there before it. When you create a function in JavaScript, you’ll be familiar with doing something like this. function foo() { ... goodness ... } This is actually just creating a variable called foo and assigning a function to it. It’s essentially the same as the following. var foo = function() { ... goodness ... } This name foo is by default created in what’s known as the ‘global namespace’ – the general pool of variables within the page. You can quickly see that if two scripts use foo as a name, they will conflict because they’re both creating those variables in the global namespace. A good solution to this problem is to add just one name into the global namespace, make that one item either a function or an object, and then add everything else you need inside that. This takes advantage of JavaScript’s variable scoping to contain you mess and stop it interfering with anyone else. Creating An Object Say I was wanting to write a bunch of functions specifically for using on a site called ‘Foo Online’. I’d want to create my own object with a name I think is likely to be unique to me. var FOOONLINE = {}; We can then start assigning functions are variables to it like so: FOOONLINE.message = 'Merry Christmas!'; FOOONLINE.showMessage = function() { alert(this.message); }; Calling FOOONLINE.showMessage() in this example would alert out our seasonal greeting. The exact same thing could also be expressed in the following way, using the object literal syntax. var FOOONLINE = { message: 'Merry Christmas!', showMessage: function() { alert(this.message); } }; Creating A Function to Create An Object We can extend this idea bit further by using a function that we run in place to return an object. The end result is the same, but this time we can use closures to give us something like private methods and properties of our object. var FOOONLINE = function(){ var message = 'Merry Christmas!'; return { showMessage: function(){ alert(message); } } }(); There are two important things to note here. The first is the parentheses at the end of line 10. Just as we saw earlier, this runs the function in place and causes its result to be assigned. In this case the result of our function is the object that is returned at line 4. The second important thing to note is the use of the var keyword on line 2. This ensures that the message variable is created inside the scope of the function and not in the global namespace. Because of the way closure works (which if you’re not familiar with, just suspend your disbelief for a moment) that message variable is visible to everything inside the function but not outside. Trying to read FOOONLINE.message from the page would return undefined. This is useful for simulating the concept of private class methods and properties that exist in other programming languages. I like to take the approach of making everything private unless I know it’s going to be needed from outside, as it makes the interface into your code a lot clearer for someone else to read. All Change, Please So that was just a whistle-stop tour of a couple of the bigger changes that can help to make your scripts better page citizens. I hope it makes useful Sunday reading, but obviously this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to designing modular, reusable code. For some, this is all familiar ground already. If that’s the case, I encourage you to perhaps submit a comment with any useful resources you’ve found that might help others get up to speed. Ultimately it’s in all of our interests to make sure that all our JavaScript interoperates well – share your tips.",2006,Drew McLellan,drewmclellan,2006-12-10T00:00:00+00:00,,code 129,Knockout Type - Thin Is Always In,"OS X has gorgeous native anti-aliasing (although I will admit to missing 10px aliased Geneva — *sigh*). This is especially true for dark text on a light background. However, things can go awry when you start using light text on a dark background. Strokes thicken. Counters constrict. Letterforms fill out like seasonal snackers. So how do we combat the fat? In Safari and other Webkit-based browsers we can use the CSS ‘text-shadow’ property. While trying to add a touch more contrast to the navigation on I noticed an interesting side-effect on the weight of the type. The second line in the example image above has the following style applied to it: This creates an invisible drop-shadow. (Why is it invisible? The shadow is positioned directly behind the type (the first two zeros) and has no spread (the third zero). So the color, black, is completely eclipsed by the type it is supposed to be shadowing.) Why applying an invisible drop-shadow effectively lightens the weight of the type is unclear. What is clear is that our light-on-dark text is now of a comparable weight to its dark-on-light counterpart. You can see this trick in effect all over and in the navigation on and The HTML and CSS source code used to create the example images used in this article can be found here.",2006,Shaun Inman,shauninman,2006-12-17T00:00:00+00:00,,code 128,Boost Your Hyperlink Power,"There are HTML elements and attributes that we use every day. Headings, paragraphs, lists and images are the mainstay of every Web developer’s toolbox. Perhaps the most common tool of all is the anchor. The humble a element is what joins documents together to create the gloriously chaotic collection we call the World Wide Web. Anatomy of an Anchor The power of the anchor element lies in the href attribute, short for hypertext reference. This creates a one-way link to another resource, usually another page on the Web: The href attribute sits in the opening a tag and some descriptive text sits between the opening and closing tags: Drew McLellan “Whoop-dee-freakin’-doo,” I hear you say, “this is pretty basic stuff” – and you’re quite right. But there’s more to the anchor element than just the href attribute. The Theory of relativity You might be familiar with the rel attribute from the link element. I bet you’ve got something like this in the head of your documents: The rel attribute describes the relationship between the linked document and the current document. In this case, the value of rel is “stylesheet”. This means that the linked document is the stylesheet for the current document: that’s its relationship. Here’s another common use of rel: This describes the relationship of the linked file – an RSS feed – as “alternate”: an alternate view of the current document. Both of those examples use the link element but you are free to use the rel attribute in regular hyperlinks. Suppose you’re linking to your RSS feed in the body of your page: Subscribe to my RSS feed. You can add extra information to this anchor using the rel attribute: Subscribe to my RSS feed. There’s no prescribed list of values for the rel attribute so you can use whatever you decide is semantically meaningful. Let’s say you’ve got a complex e-commerce application that includes a link to a help file. You can explicitly declare the relationship of the linked file as being “help”: need help? Elemental Microformats Although it’s completely up to you what values you use for the rel attribute, some consensus is emerging in the form of microformats. Some of the simplest microformats make good use of rel. For example, if you are linking to a license that covers the current document, use the rel-license microformat: Licensed under a Creative Commons attribution license That describes the relationship of the linked document as “license.” The rel-tag microformat goes a little further. It uses rel to describe the final part of the URL of the linked file as a “tag” for the current document: Learn more about semantic markup This states that the current document is being tagged with the value “Microformats.” XFN, which stands for XHTML Friends Network, is a way of describing relationships between people: Drew McLellan This microformat makes use of a very powerful property of the rel attribute. Like the class attribute, rel can take multiple values, separated by spaces: Drew McLellan Here I’m describing Drew as being a friend, someone I’ve met, and a colleague (because we’re both Web monkies). You Say You Want a revolution While rel describes the relationship of the linked resource to the current document, the rev attribute describes the reverse relationship: it describes the relationship of the current document to the linked resource. Here’s an example of a link that might appear on help.html: continue shopping The rev attribute declares that the current document is “help” for the linked file. The vote-links microformat makes use of the rev attribute to allow you to qualify your links. By using the value “vote-for” you can describe your document as being an endorsement of the linked resource: I agree with Richard Dawkins. There’s a corresponding vote-against value. This means that you can link to a document but explicitly state that you don’t agree with it. I agree with Richard Dawkins about those creationists. Of course there’s nothing to stop you using both rel and rev on the same hyperlink: Richard Dawkins The Wisdom of Crowds The simplicity of rel and rev belies their power. They allow you to easily add extra semantic richness to your hyperlinks. This creates a bounty that can be harvested by search engines, aggregators and browsers. Make it your New Year’s resolution to make friends with these attributes and extend the power of hypertext.",2006,Jeremy Keith,jeremykeith,2006-12-18T00:00:00+00:00,,code 126,Intricate Fluid Layouts in Three Easy Steps,"The Year of the Script may have drawn attention away from CSS but building fluid, multi-column, cross-browser CSS layouts can still be as unpleasant as a lump of coal. Read on for a worry-free approach in three quick steps. The layout system I developed, YUI Grids CSS, has three components. They can be used together as we’ll see, or independently. The Three Easy Steps Choose fluid or fixed layout, and choose the width (in percents or pixels) of the page. Choose the size, orientation, and source-order of the main and secondary blocks of content. Choose the number of columns and how they distribute (for example 50%-50% or 25%-75%), using stackable and nestable grid structures. The Setup There are two prerequisites: We need to normalize the size of an em and opt into the browser rendering engine’s Strict Mode. Ems are a superior unit of measure for our case because they represent the current font size and grow as the user increases their font size setting. This flexibility—the container growing with the user’s wishes—means larger text doesn’t get crammed into an unresponsive container. We’ll use YUI Fonts CSS to set the base size because it provides consistent-yet-adaptive font-sizes while preserving user control. The second prerequisite is to opt into Strict Mode (more info on rendering modes) by declaring a Doctype complete with URI. You can choose XHTML or HTML, and Transitional or Strict. I prefer HTML 4.01 Strict, which looks like this: Including the CSS A single small CSS file powers a nearly-infinite number of layouts thanks to a recursive system and the interplay between the three distinct components. You could prune to a particular layout’s specific needs, but why bother when the complete file weighs scarcely 1.8kb uncompressed? Compressed, YUI Fonts and YUI Grids combine for a miniscule 0.9kb over the wire. You could save an HTTP request by concatenating the two CSS files, or by adding their contents to your own CSS, but I’ll keep them separate for now: Example: The Setup Now we’re ready to build some layouts. Step 1: Choose Fluid or Fixed Layout Choose between preset widths of 750px, 950px, and 100% by giving a document-wrapping div an ID of doc, doc2, or doc3. These options cover most use cases, but it’s easy to define a custom fixed width. The fluid 100% grid (doc3) is what I’ve been using almost exclusively since it was introduced in the last YUI released.
    All pages are centered within the viewport, and grow with font size. The 100% width page (doc3) preserves 10px of breathing room via left and right margins. If you prefer your content flush to the viewport, just add doc3 {margin:auto} to your CSS. Regardless of what you choose in the other two steps, you can always toggle between these widths and behaviors by simply swapping the ID value. It’s really that simple. Example: 100% fluid layout Step 2: Choose a Template Preset This is perhaps the most frequently omitted step (they’re all optional), but I use it nearly every time. In a source-order-independent way (good for accessibility and SEO), “Template Presets” provide commonly used template widths compatible with ad-unit dimension standards defined by the Interactive Advertising Bureau, an industry association. Choose between the six Template Presets (.yui-t1 through .yui-t6) by setting the class value on the document-wrapping div established in Step 1. Most frequently I use yui-t3, which puts the narrow secondary block on the left and makes it 300px wide.
    The Template Presets control two “blocks” of content, which are defined by two divs, each with yui-b (“b” for “block”) class values. Template Presets describe the width and orientation of the secondary block; the main block will take up the rest of the space.
    Use a wrapping div with an ID of yui-main to structurally indicate which block is the main block. This wrapper—not the source order—identifies the main block.
    Example: Main and secondary blocks sized and oriented with .yui-t3 Template Preset Again, regardless of what values you choose in the other steps, you can always toggle between these Template Presets by toggling the class value of your document-wrapping div. It’s really that simple. Step 3: Nest and Stack Grid Structures. The bulk of the power of the system is in this third step. The key is that columns are built by parents telling children how to behave. By default, two children each consume half of their parent’s area. Put two units inside a grid structure, and they will sit side-by-side, and they will each take up half the space. Nest this structure and two columns become four. Stack them for rows of columns. An Even Number of Columns The default behavior creates two evenly-distributed columns. It’s easy. Define one parent grid with .yui-g (“g” for grid) and two child units with .yui-u (“u” for unit). The code looks like this:
    Be sure to indicate the “first“ unit because the :first-child pseudo-class selector isn’t supported across all A-grade browsers. It’s unfortunate we need to add this, but luckily it’s not out of place in the markup layer since it is structural information. Example: Two evenly-distributed columns in the main content block An Odd Number of Columns The default system does not work for an odd number of columns without using the included “Special Grids” classes. To create three evenly distributed columns, use the “yui-gb“ Special Grid:
    Example: Three evenly distributed columns in the main content block Uneven Column Distribution Special Grids are also used for unevenly distributed column widths. For example, .yui-ge tells the first unit (column) to take up 75% of the parent’s space and the other unit to take just 25%.
    Example: Two columns in the main content block split 75%-25% Putting It All Together Start with a full-width fluid page (div#doc3). Make the secondary block 180px wide on the right (div.yui-t4). Create three rows of columns: Three evenly distributed columns in the first row (div.yui-gb), two uneven columns (66%-33%) in the second row (div.yui-gc), and two evenly distributed columns in the thrid row.
    Example: A complex layout. Wasn’t that easy? Now that you know the three “levers” of YUI Grids CSS, you’ll be creating headache-free fluid layouts faster than you can say “Peace on Earth”.",2006,Nate Koechley,natekoechley,2006-12-20T00:00:00+00:00,,code 135,A Scripting Carol,"We all know the stories of the Ghost of Scripting Past – a time when the web was young and littered with nefarious scripting, designed to bestow ultimate control upon the developer, to pollute markup with event handler after event handler, and to entrench advertising in the minds of all that gazed upon her. And so it came to be that JavaScript became a dirty word, thrown out of solutions by many a Scrooge without regard to the enhancements that JavaScript could bring to any web page. JavaScript, as it was, was dead as a door-nail. With the arrival of our core philosophy that all standardistas hold to be true: “separate your concerns – content, presentation and behaviour,” we are in a new era of responsible development the Web Standards Way™. Or are we? Have we learned from the Ghosts of Scripting Past? Or are we now faced with new problems that come with new ways of implementing our solutions? The Ghost of Scripting Past If the Ghost of Scripting Past were with us it would probably say: You must remember your roots and where you came from, and realize the misguided nature of your early attempts for control. That person you see down there, is real and they are the reason you exist in the first place… without them, you are nothing. In many ways we’ve moved beyond the era of control and we do take into account the user, or at least much more so than we used to. Sadly – there is one advantage that old school inline event handlers had where we assigned and reassigned CSS style property values on the fly – we knew that if JavaScript wasn’t supported, the styles wouldn’t be added because we ended up doing them at the same time. If anything, we need to have learned from the past that just because it works for us doesn’t mean it is going to work for anyone else – we need to test more scenarios than ever to observe the multitude of browsing arrangements we’ll observe: CSS on with JavaScript off, CSS off/overridden with JavaScript on, both on, both off/not supported. It is a situation that is ripe for conflict. This may shock some of you, but there was a time when testing was actually easier: back in the day when Netscape 4 was king. Yes, that’s right. I actually kind of enjoyed Netscape 4 (hear me out, please). With NS4’s CSS implementation known as JavaScript Style Sheets, you knew that if JavaScript was off the styles were off too. The Ghost of Scripting Present With current best practice – we keep our CSS and JavaScript separate from each other. So what happens when some of our fancy, unobtrusive DOM Scripting doesn’t play nicely with our wonderfully defined style rules? Lets look at one example of a collapsing and expanding menu to illustrate where we are now: Simple Collapsing/Expanding Menu Example We’re using some simple JavaScript (I’m using jquery in this case) to toggle between a CSS state for expanded and not expanded: JavaScript $(document).ready(function(){ TWOFOURWAYS.enableTree(); }); var TWOFOURWAYS = new Object(); TWOFOURWAYS.enableTree = function () { $(""ul li a"").toggle(function(){ $(this.parentNode).addClass(""expanded""); }, function() { $(this.parentNode).removeClass(""expanded""); }); return false; } CSS ul li ul { display: none; } ul li.expanded ul { display: block; } At this point we’ve separated our presentation from our content and behaviour, and all is well, right? Not quite. Here’s where I typically see failures in the assessment work that I do on web sites and applications (Yes, call me Scrooge – I don’t care!). We know our page needs to work with or without scripting, and we know it needs to work with or without CSS. All too often the testing scenarios don’t take into account combinations. Testing it out So what happens when we test this? Make sure you test with: CSS off JavaScript off Use the simple example again. With CSS off, we revert to a simple nested list of links and all functionality is maintained. With JavaScript off, however, we run into a problem – we have now removed the ability to expand the menu using the JavaScript triggered CSS change. Hopefully you see the problem – we have a JavaScript and CSS dependency that is critical to the functionality of the page. Unobtrusive scripting and binary on/off tests aren’t enough. We need more. This Ghost of Scripting Present sighting is seen all too often. Lets examine the JavaScript off scenario a bit further – if we require JavaScript to expand/show the branch of the tree we should use JavaScript to hide them in the first place. That way we guarantee functionality in all scenarios, and have achieved our baseline level of interoperability. To revise this then, we’ll start with the sub items expanded, use JavaScript to collapse them, and then use the same JavaScript to expand them. HTML CSS /* initial style is expanded */ ul li ul.collapseme { display: block; } JavaScript // remove the class collapseme after the page loads $(""ul ul.collapseme"").removeClass(""collapseme""); And there you have it – a revised example with better interoperability. This isn’t rocket surgery by any means. It is a simple solution to a ghostly problem that is too easily overlooked (and often is). The Ghost of Scripting Future Well, I’m not so sure about this one, but I’m guessing that in a few years’ time, we’ll all have seen a few more apparitions and have a few more tales to tell. And hopefully we’ll be able to share them on 24 ways. Thanks to Drew for the invitation to contribute and thanks to everyone else out there for making this a great (and haunting) year on the web!",2006,Derek Featherstone,derekfeatherstone,2006-12-21T00:00:00+00:00,,code 165,Transparent PNGs in Internet Explorer 6,"Newer breeds of browser such as Firefox and Safari have offered support for PNG images with full alpha channel transparency for a few years. With the use of hacks, support has been available in Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6, but the hacks are non-ideal and have been tricky to use. With IE7 winning masses of users from earlier versions over the last year, full PNG alpha-channel transparency is becoming more of a reality for day-to-day use. However, there are still numbers of IE6 users out there who we can’t leave out in the cold this Christmas, so in this article I’m going to look what we can do to support IE6 users whilst taking full advantage of transparency for the majority of a site’s visitors. So what’s alpha channel transparency? Cast your minds back to the Ghost of Christmas Past, the humble GIF. Images in GIF format offer transparency, but that transparency is either on or off for any given pixel. Each pixel’s either fully transparent, or a solid colour. In GIF, transparency is effectively just a special colour you can chose for a pixel. The PNG format tackles the problem rather differently. As well as having any colour you chose, each pixel also carries a separate channel of information detailing how transparent it is. This alpha channel enables a pixel to be fully transparent, fully opaque, or critically, any step in between. This enables designers to produce images that can have, for example, soft edges without any of the ‘halo effect’ traditionally associated with GIF transparency. If you’ve ever worked on a site that has different colour schemes and therefore requires multiple versions of each graphic against a different colour, you’ll immediately see the benefit. What’s perhaps more interesting than that, however, is the extra creative freedom this gives designers in creating beautiful sites that can remain web-like in their ability to adjust, scale and reflow. The Internet Explorer problem Up until IE7, there has been no fully native support for PNG alpha channel transparency in Internet Explorer. However, since IE5.5 there has been some support in the form of proprietary filter called the AlphaImageLoader. Internet Explorer filters can be applied directly in your CSS (for both inline and background images), or by setting the same CSS property with JavaScript. CSS: img { filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(...); } JavaScript: = ""progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(...)""; That may sound like a problem solved, but all is not as it may appear. Firstly, as you may realise, there’s no CSS property called filter in the W3C CSS spec. It’s a proprietary extension added by Microsoft that could potentially cause other browsers to reject your entire CSS rule. Secondly, AlphaImageLoader does not magically add full PNG transparency support so that a PNG in the page will just start working. Instead, when applied to an element in the page, it draws a new rendering surface in the same space that element occupies and loads a PNG into it. If that sounds weird, it’s because that’s precisely what it is. However, by and large the result is that PNGs with an alpha channel can be accommodated. The pitfalls So, whilst support for PNG transparency in IE5.5 and 6 is possible, it’s not without its problems. Background images cannot be positioned or repeated The AlphaImageLoader does work for background images, but only for the simplest of cases. If your design requires the image to be tiled (background-repeat) or positioned (background-position) you’re out of luck. The AlphaImageLoader allows you to set a sizingMethod to either crop the image (if necessary) or to scale it to fit. Not massively useful, but something at least. Delayed loading and resource use The AlphaImageLoader can be quite slow to load, and appears to consume more resources than a standard image when applied. Typically, you’d need to add thousands of GIFs or JPEGs to a page before you saw any noticeable impact on the browser, but with the AlphaImageLoader filter applied Internet Explorer can become sluggish after just a handful of alpha channel PNGs. The other noticeable effect is that as more instances of the AlphaImageLoader are applied, the longer it takes to render the PNGs with their transparency. The user sees the PNG load in its original non-supported state (with black or grey areas where transparency should be) before one by one the filter kicks in and makes them properly transparent. Both the issue of sluggish behaviour and delayed load only really manifest themselves with volume and size of image. Use just a couple of instances and it’s fine, but be careful adding more than five or six. As ever, test, test, test. Links become unclickable, forms unfocusable This is a big one. There’s a bug/weirdness with AlphaImageLoader that sometimes prevents interaction with links and forms when a PNG background image is used. This is sometimes reported as a z-index issue, but I don’t believe it is. Rather, it’s an artefact of that weird way the filter gets applied to the document almost outside of the normal render process. Often this can be solved by giving the links or form elements hasLayout using position: relative; where possible. However, this doesn’t always work and the non-interaction problem cannot always be solved. You may find yourself having to go back to the drawing board. Sidestepping the danger zones Frankly, it’s pretty bad news if you design a site, have that design signed off by your client, build it and then find out only at the end (because you don’t know what might trigger a problem) that your search field can’t be focused in IE6. That’s an absolute nightmare, and whilst it’s not likely to happen, it’s possible that it might. It’s happened to me. So what can you do? The best approach I’ve found to this scenario is Isolate the PNG or PNGs that are causing the problem. Step through the PNGs in your page, commenting them out one by one and retesting. Typically it’ll be the nearest PNG to the problem, so try there first. Keep going until you can click your links or focus your form fields. This is where you really need luck on your side, because you’re going to have to fake it. This will depend on the design of the site, but some way or other create a replacement GIF or JPEG image that will give you an acceptable result. Then use conditional comments to serve that image to only users of IE older than version 7. A hack, you say? Well, you started it chum. Applying AlphaImageLoader Because the filter property is invalid CSS, the safest pragmatic approach is to apply it selectively with JavaScript for only Internet Explorer versions 5.5 and 6. This helps ensure that by default you’re serving standard CSS to browsers that support both the CSS and PNG standards correct, and then selectively patching up only the browsers that need it. Several years ago, Aaron Boodman wrote and released a script called sleight for doing just that. However, sleight dealt only with images in the page, and not background images applied with CSS. Building on top of Aaron’s work, I hacked sleight and came up with bgsleight for applying the filter to background images instead. That was in 2003, and over the years I’ve made a couple of improvements here and there to keep it ticking over and to resolve conflicts between sleight and bgsleight when used together. However, with alpha channel PNGs becoming much more widespread, it’s time for a new version. Introducing SuperSleight SuperSleight adds a number of new and useful features that have come from the day-to-day needs of working with PNGs. Works with both inline and background images, replacing the need for both sleight and bgsleight Will automatically apply position: relative to links and form fields if they don’t already have position set. (Can be disabled.) Can be run on the entire document, or just a selected part where you know the PNGs are. This is better for performance. Detects background images set to no-repeat and sets the scaleMode to crop rather than scale. Can be re-applied by any other JavaScript in the page – useful if new content has been loaded by an Ajax request. Download SuperSleight Implementation Getting SuperSleight running on a page is quite straightforward, you just need to link the supplied JavaScript file (or the minified version if you prefer) into your document inside conditional comments so that it is delivered to only Internet Explorer 6 or older. Supplied with the JavaScript is a simple transparent GIF file. The script replaces the existing PNG with this before re-layering the PNG over the top using AlphaImageLoaded. You can change the name or path of the image in the top of the JavaScript file, where you’ll also find the option to turn off the adding of position: relative to links and fields if you don’t want that. The script is kicked off with a call to supersleight.init() at the bottom. The scope of the script can be limited to just one part of the page by passing an ID of an element to supersleight.limitTo(). And that’s all there is to it. Update March 2008: a version of this script as a jQuery plugin is also now available.",2007,Drew McLellan,drewmclellan,2007-12-01T00:00:00+00:00,,code 163,Get To Grips with Slippy Maps,"Online mapping has definitely hit mainstream. Google Maps made ‘slippy maps’ popular and made it easy for any developer to quickly add a dynamic map to his or her website. You can now find maps for store locations, friends nearby, upcoming events, and embedded in blogs. In this tutorial we’ll show you how to easily add a map to your site using the Mapstraction mapping library. There are many map providers available to choose from, each with slightly different functionality, design, and terms of service. Mapstraction makes deciding which provider to use easy by allowing you to write your mapping code once, and then easily switch providers. Assemble the pieces Utilizing any of the mapping library typically consists of similar overall steps: Create an HTML div to hold the map Include the Javascript libraries Create the Javascript Map element Set the initial map center and zoom level Add markers, lines, overlays and more Create the Map Div The HTML div is where the map will actually show up on your page. It needs to have a unique id, because we’ll refer to that later to actually put the map here. This also lets you have multiple maps on a page, by creating individual divs and Javascript map elements. The size of the div also sets the height and width of the map. You set the size using CSS, either inline with the element, or via a CSS reference to the element id or class. For this example, we’ll use inline styling.
    Include Javascript libraries A mapping library is like any Javascript library. You need to include the library in your page before you use the methods of that library. For our tutorial, we’ll need to include at least two libraries: Mapstraction, and the mapping API(s) we want to display. Our first example we’ll use the ubiquitous Google Maps library. However, you can just as easily include Yahoo, MapQuest, or any of the other supported libraries. Another important aspect of the mapping libraries is that many of them require an API key. You will need to agree to the terms of service, and get an API key these. Create the Map Great, we’ve now put in all the pieces we need to start actually creating our map. This is as simple as creating a new Mapstraction object with the id of the HTML div we created earlier, and the name of the mapping provider we want to use for this map. With several of the mapping libraries you will need to set the map center and zoom level before the map will appear. The map centering actually triggers the initialization of the map. var mapstraction = new Mapstraction('map','google'); var myPoint = new LatLonPoint(37.404,-122.008); mapstraction.setCenterAndZoom(myPoint, 10); A note about zoom levels. The setCenterAndZoom function takes two parameters, the center as a LatLonPoint, and a zoom level that has been defined by mapping libraries. The current usage is for zoom level 1 to be “zoomed out”, or view the entire earth – and increasing the zoom level as you zoom in. Typically 17 is the maximum zoom, which is about the size of a house. Different mapping providers have different quality of zoomed in maps over different parts of the world. This is a perfect reason why using a library like Mapstraction is very useful, because you can quickly change mapping providers to accommodate users in areas that have bad coverage with some maps. To switch providers, you just need to include the Javascript library, and then change the second parameter in the Mapstraction creation. Or, you can call the switch method to dynamically switch the provider. So for Yahoo Maps (demo): var mapstraction = new Mapstraction('map','yahoo'); or Microsoft Maps (demo): var mapstraction = new Mapstraction('map','microsoft'); want a 3D globe in your browser? try FreeEarth (demo): var mapstraction = new Mapstraction('map','freeearth'); or even OpenStreetMap (free your data!) (demo): var mapstraction = new Mapstraction('map','openstreetmap'); Visit the Mapstraction multiple map demo page for an example of how easy it is to have many maps on your page, each with a different provider. Adding Markers While adding your first map is fun, and you can probably spend hours just sliding around, the point of adding a map to your site is usually to show the location of something. So now you want to add some markers. There are a couple of ways to add to your map. The simplest is directly creating markers. You could either hard code this into a rather static page, or dynamically generate these using whatever tools your site is built on. var marker = new Marker( new LatLonPoint(37.404,-122.008) ); marker.setInfoBubble(""It's easy to add maps to your site""); mapstraction.addMarker( marker ); There is a lot more you can do with markers, including changing the icon, adding timestamps, automatically opening the bubble, or making them draggable. While it is straight-forward to create markers one by one, there is a much easier way to create a large set of markers. And chances are, you can make it very easy by extending some data you already are sharing: RSS. Specifically, using GeoRSS you can easily add a large set of markers directly to a map. GeoRSS is a community built standard (like Microformats) that added geographic markup to RSS and Atom entries. It’s as simple as adding 42 -83 to your feeds to share items via GeoRSS. Once you’ve done that, you can add that feed as an ‘overlay’ to your map using the function: mapstraction.addOverlay(""""); Mapstraction also supports KML for many of the mapping providers. So it’s easy to add various data sources together with your own data. Check out Mapufacture for a growing index of available GeoRSS feeds and KML documents. Play with your new toys Mapstraction offers a lot more functionality you can utilize for demonstrating a lot of geographic data on your website. It also includes geocoding and routing abstraction layers for making sure your users know where to go. You can see more on the Mapstraction website:",2007,Andrew Turner,andrewturner,2007-12-02T00:00:00+00:00,,code 145,The Neverending (Background Image) Story,"Everyone likes candy for Christmas, and there’s none better than eye candy. Well, that, and just more of the stuff. Today we’re going to combine both of those good points and look at how to create a beautiful background image that goes on and on… forever! Of course, each background image is different, so instead of agonising over each and every pixel, I’m going to concentrate on five key steps that you can apply to any of your own repeating background images. In this example, we’ll look at the Miami Beach background image used on the new FOWA site, which I’m afraid is about as un-festive as you can get. 1. Choose your image wisely I find there are three main criteria when judging photos you’re considering for repetition manipulation (or ‘repetulation’, as I like to say)… simplicity (beware of complex patterns) angle and perspective (watch out for shadows and obvious vanishing points) consistent elements (for easy cloning) You might want to check out this annotated version of the image, where I’ve highlighted elements of the photo that led me to choose it as the right one. The original image purchased from iStockPhoto. The Photoshopped version used on the FOWA site. 2. The power of horizontal lines With the image chosen and your cursor poised for some Photoshop magic, the most useful thing you can do is drag out the edge pixels from one side of the image to create a kind of rough colour ‘template’ on which to work over. It doesn’t matter which side you choose, although you might find it beneficial to use the one with the simplest spread of colour and complex elements. Click and hold on the marquee tool in the toolbar and select the ‘single column marquee tool’, which will span the full height of your document but will only be one pixel wide. Make the selection right at the edge of your document, press ctrl-c / cmd-c to copy the selection you made, create a new layer, and hit ctrl-v / cmd-v to paste the selection onto your new layer. using free transform (ctrl-t / cmd-t), drag out your selection so that it becomes as wide as your entire canvas. A one-pixel-wide selection stretched out to the entire width of the canvas. 3. Cloning It goes without saying that the trusty clone tool is one of the most important in the process of creating a seamlessly repeating background image, but I think it’s important to be fairly loose with it. Always clone on to a new layer so that you’ve got the freedom to move it around, but above all else, use the eraser tool to tweak your cloned areas: let that handle the precision stuff and you won’t have to worry about getting your clones right first time. In the example below, you can see how I overcame the problem of the far-left tree shadow being chopped off by cloning the shadow from the tree on its right. The edge of the shadow is cut off and needs to be ‘made’ from a pre-existing element. The successful clone completes the missing shadow. The two elements are obviously very similar but it doesn’t look like a clone because the majority of the shape is ‘genuine’ and only a small part is a duplicate. Also, after cloning I transformed the duplicate, erased parts of it, used gradients, and — ooh, did someone mention gradients? 4. Never underestimate a gradient For this image, I used gradients in a similar way to a brush: covering large parts of the canvas with a colour that faded out to a desired point, before erasing certain parts for accuracy. Several of the gradients and brushes that make up the ‘customised’ part of the image, visible when the main photograph layer is hidden. The full composite. Gradients are also a bit of an easy fix: you can use a gradient on one side of the image, flip it horizontally, and then use it again on the opposite side to make a more seamless join. Speaking of which… 5. Sewing the seams No matter what kind of magic Photoshop dust you sprinkle over your image, there will still always be the area where the two edges meet: that scary ‘loop’ point. Fret ye not, however, for there’s help at hand in the form of a nice little cheat. Even though the loop point might still be apparent, we can help hide it by doing something to throw viewers off the scent. The seam is usually easy to spot because it’s a blank area with not much detail or colour variation, so in order to disguise it, go against the rule: put something across it! This isn’t quite as challenging as it may sound, because if we intentionally make our own ‘object’ to span the join, we can accurately measure the exact halfway point where we need to split it across the two sides of the image. This is exactly what I did with the FOWA background image: I made some clouds! A sky with no clouds in an unhappy one. A simple soft white brush creates a cloud-like formation in the sky. After taking the cloud’s opacity down to 20%, I used free transform to highlight the boundaries of the layer. I then moved it over to the right, so that the middle of the layer perfectly aligned with the right side of the canvas. Finally, I duplicated the layer and did the same in reverse: dragging the layer over to the left and making sure that the middle of the duplicate layer perfectly aligned with the left side of the canvas. And there you have it! Boom! Ta-da! Et Voila! To see the repeating background image in action, visit on a large widescreen monitor or see a simulation of the effect. Thanks for reading, folks. Have a great Christmas!",2007,Elliot Jay Stocks,elliotjaystocks,2007-12-03T00:00:00+00:00,,code 157,Capturing Caps Lock,"One of the more annoying aspects of having to remember passwords (along with having to remember loads of them) is that if you’ve got Caps Lock turned on accidentally when you type one in, it won’t work, and you won’t know why. Most desktop computers alert you in some way if you’re trying to enter your password to log on and you’ve enabled Caps Lock; there’s no reason why the web can’t do the same. What we want is a warning – maybe the user wants Caps Lock on, because maybe their password is in capitals – rather than something that interrupts what they’re doing. Something subtle. But that doesn’t answer the question of how to do it. Sadly, there’s no way of actually detecting whether Caps Lock is on directly. However, there’s a simple work-around; if the user presses a key, and it’s a capital letter, and they don’t have the Shift key depressed, why then they must have Caps Lock on! Simple. DOM scripting allows your code to be notified when a key is pressed in an element; when the key is pressed, you get the ASCII code for that key. Capital letters, A to Z, have ASCII codes 65 to 90. So, the code would look something like: on a key press if the ASCII code for the key is between 65 and 90 *and* if shift is pressed warn the user that they have Caps Lock on, but let them carry on end if end keypress The actual JavaScript for this is more complicated, because both event handling and keypress information differ across browsers. Your event handling functions are passed an event object, except in Internet Explorer where you use the global event object; the event object has a which parameter containing the ASCII code for the key pressed, except in Internet Explorer where the event object has a keyCode parameter; some browsers store whether the shift key is pressed in a shiftKey parameter and some in a modifiers parameter. All this boils down to code that looks something like this: keypress: function(e) { var ev = e ? e : window.event; if (!ev) { return; } var targ = ? : ev.srcElement; // get key pressed var which = -1; if (ev.which) { which = ev.which; } else if (ev.keyCode) { which = ev.keyCode; } // get shift status var shift_status = false; if (ev.shiftKey) { shift_status = ev.shiftKey; } else if (ev.modifiers) { shift_status = !!(ev.modifiers & 4); } // At this point, you have the ASCII code in “which”, // and shift_status is true if the shift key is pressed } Then it’s just a check to see if the ASCII code is between 65 and 90 and the shift key is pressed. (You also need to do the same work if the ASCII code is between 97 (a) and 122 (z) and the shift key is not pressed, because shifted letters are lower-case if Caps Lock is on.) if (((which >= 65 && which <= 90) && !shift_status) || ((which >= 97 && which <= 122) && shift_status)) { // uppercase, no shift key /* SHOW THE WARNING HERE */ } else { /* HIDE THE WARNING HERE */ } The warning can be implemented in many different ways: highlight the password field that the user is typing into, show a tooltip, display text next to the field. For simplicity, this code shows the warning as a previously created image, with appropriate alt text. Showing the warning means creating a new tag with DOM scripting, dropping it into the page, and positioning it so that it’s next to the appropriate field. The image looks like this: You know the position of the field the user is typing into (from its offsetTop and offsetLeft properties) and how wide it is (from its offsetWidth properties), so use createElement to make the new img element, and then absolutely position it with style properties so that it appears in the appropriate place (near to the text field). The image is a transparent PNG with an alpha channel, so that the drop shadow appears nicely over whatever else is on the page. Because Internet Explorer version 6 and below doesn’t handle transparent PNGs correctly, you need to use the AlphaImageLoader technique to make the image appear correctly. newimage = document.createElement('img'); newimage.src = """"; = ""absolute""; = (targ.offsetTop - 73) + ""px""; = (targ.offsetLeft + targ.offsetWidth - 5) + ""px""; = ""999""; newimage.setAttribute(""alt"", ""Warning: Caps Lock is on""); if (newimage.runtimeStyle) { // PNG transparency for IE newimage.runtimeStyle.filter += ""progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='',sizingMethod='scale')""; } document.body.appendChild(newimage); Note that the alt text on the image is also correctly set. Next, all these parts need to be pulled together. On page load, identify all the password fields on the page, and attach a keypress handler to each. (This only needs to be done for password fields because the user can see if Caps Lock is on in ordinary text fields.) var inps = document.getElementsByTagName(""input""); for (var i=0, l=inps.length; i The “create an image” code from above should only be run if the image is not already showing, so instead of creating a newimage object, create the image and attach it to the password field so that it can be checked for later (and not shown if it’s already showing). For safety, all the code should be wrapped up in its own object, so that its functions don’t collide with anyone else’s functions. So, create a single object called capslock and make all the functions be named methods of the object: var capslock = { ... keypress: function(e) { } ... } Also, the “create an image” code is saved into its own named function, show_warning(), and the converse “remove the image” code into hide_warning(). This has the advantage that developers can include the JavaScript library that has been written here, but override what actually happens with their own code, using something like: And that’s all. Simply include the JavaScript library in your pages, override what happens on a warning if that’s more appropriate for what you’re doing, and that’s all you need. See the script in action.",2007,Stuart Langridge,stuartlangridge,2007-12-04T00:00:00+00:00,,code 164,My Other Christmas Present Is a Definition List,"A note from the editors: readers should note that the HTML5 redefinition of definition lists has come to pass and is now à la mode. Last year, I looked at how the markup for tag clouds was generally terrible. I thought this year I would look not at a method of marking up a common module, but instead just at a simple part of HTML and how it generally gets abused. No, not tables. Definition lists. Ah, definition lists. Often used but rarely understood. Examining the definition of definitions To start with, let’s see what the HTML spec has to say about them. Definition lists vary only slightly from other types of lists in that list items consist of two parts: a term and a description. The canonical example of a definition list is a dictionary. Words can have multiple descriptions (even the word definition has at least five). Also, many terms can share a single definition (for example, the word colour can also be spelt color, but they have the same definition). Excellent, we can all grasp that. But it very quickly starts to fall apart. Even in the HTML specification the definition list is mis-used. Another application of DL, for example, is for marking up dialogues, with each DT naming a speaker, and each DD containing his or her words. Wrong. Completely and utterly wrong. This is the biggest flaw in the HTML spec, along with dropping support for the start attribute on ordered lists. “Why?”, you may ask. Let me give you an example from Romeo and Juliet, act 2, scene 2.
    My niesse?
    At what o'clock tomorrow shall I send to thee?
    At the hour of nine.
    Now, the problem here is that a given definition can have multiple descriptions (the DD). Really the dialog “descriptions” should be rolled up under the terms, like so:
    At what o'clock tomorrow shall I send to thee?
    My niesse?
    At the hour of nine.
    Suddenly the play won’t make anywhere near as much sense. (If it’s anything, the correct markup for a play is an ordered list of CITE and BLOCKQUOTE elements.) This is the first part of the problem. That simple example has turned definition lists in everyone’s mind from pure definitions to more along the lines of a list with pre-configured heading(s) and text(s). Screen reader, enter stage left. In many screen readers, a simple definition list would be read out as “definition term equals definition description”. So in our play excerpt, Juliet equals Romeo! That’s not right, either. But this also leads a lot of people astray with definition lists to believing that they are useful for key/value pairs. Behaviour and convention The WHAT-WG have noticed the common mis-use of the DL, and have codified it into the new spec. In the HTML5 draft, a definition list is no longer a definition list. The dl element introduces an unordered association list consisting of zero or more name-value groups (a description list). Each group must consist of one or more names (dt elements) followed by one or more values (dd elements). They also note that the “dl element is inappropriate for marking up dialogue, since dialogue is ordered”. So for that example they have created a DIALOG (sic) element. Strange, then, that they keep DL as-is but instead refer to it an “association list”. They have not created a new AL element, and kept DL for the original purpose. They have chosen not to correct the usage or to create a new opportunity for increased specificity in our HTML, but to “pave the cowpath” of convention. How to use a definition list Given that everyone else is using a DL incorrectly, should we? Well, if they all jumped off a bridge, would you too? No, of course you wouldn’t. We don’t have HTML5 yet, so we’re stuck with the existing semantics of HTML4 and XHTML1. Which means that: Listing dialogue is not defining anything. Listing the attributes of a piece of hardware (resolution = 1600×1200) is illustrating sample values, not defining anything (however, stating what ‘resolution’ actually means in this context would be a definition). Listing the cast and crew of a given movie is not defining the people involved in making movies. (Stuart Gordon may have been the director of Space Truckers, but that by no means makes him the true definition of a director.) A menu of navigation items is simply a nested ordered or unordered list of links, not a definition list. Applying styling handles to form labels and elements is not a good use for a definition list. And so on. Living by the specification, a definition list should be used for term definitions – glossaries, lexicons and dictionaries – only. Anything else is a crime against markup.",2007,Mark Norman Francis,marknormanfrancis,2007-12-05T00:00:00+00:00,,code 153,JavaScript Internationalisation,"or: Why Rudolph Is More Than Just a Shiny Nose Dunder sat, glumly staring at the computer screen. “What’s up, Dunder?” asked Rudolph, entering the stable and shaking off the snow from his antlers. “Well,” Dunder replied, “I’ve just finished coding the new reindeer intranet Santa Claus asked me to do. You know how he likes to appear to be at the cutting edge, talking incessantly about Web 2.0, AJAX, rounded corners; he even spooked Comet recently by talking about him as if he were some pushy web server. “I’ve managed to keep him happy, whilst also keeping it usable, accessible, and gleaming — and I’m still on the back row of the sleigh! But anyway, given the elves will be the ones using the site, and they come from all over the world, the site is in multiple languages. Which is great, except when it comes to the preview JavaScript I’ve written for the reindeer order form. Here, have a look…” As he said that, he brought up the textileRef:8234272265470b85d91702:linkStartMarker:“order form in French”:/examples/javascript-internationalisation/ on the screen. (Same in English). “Looks good,” said Rudolph. “But if I add some items,” said Dunder, “the preview appears in English, as it’s hard-coded in the JavaScript. I don’t want separate code for each language, as that’s just silly — I thought about just having if statements, but that doesn’t scale at all…” “And there’s more, you aren’t displaying large numbers in French properly, either,” added Rudolph, who had been playing and looking at part of the source code: function update_text() { var hay = getValue('hay'); var carrots = getValue('carrots'); var bells = getValue('bells'); var total = 50 * bells + 30 * hay + 10 * carrots; var out = 'You are ordering ' + pretty_num(hay) + ' bushel' + pluralise(hay) + ' of hay, ' + pretty_num(carrots) + ' carrot' + pluralise(carrots) + ', and ' + pretty_num(bells) + ' shiny bell' + pluralise(bells) + ', at a total cost of ' + pretty_num(total) + ' gold pieces. Thank you.'; document.getElementById('preview').innerHTML = out; } function pretty_num(n) { n += ''; var o = ''; for (i=n.length; i>3; i-=3) { o = ',' + n.slice(i-3, i) + o; } o = n.slice(0, i) + o; return o; } function pluralise(n) { if (n!=1) return 's'; return ''; } “Oh, botheration!” cried Dunder. “This is just so complicated.” “It doesn’t have to be,” said Rudolph, “you just have to think about things in a slightly different way from what you’re used to. As we’re only a simple example, we won’t be able to cover all possibilities, but for starters, we need some way of providing different information to the script dependent on the language. We’ll create a global i18n object, say, and fill it with the correct language information. The first variable we’ll need will be a thousands separator, and then we can change the pretty_num function to use that instead: function pretty_num(n) { n += ''; var o = ''; for (i=n.length; i>3; i-=3) { o = i18n.thousands_sep + n.slice(i-3, i) + o; } o = n.slice(0, i) + o; return o; } “The i18n object will also contain our translations, which we will access through a function called _() — that’s just an underscore. Other languages have a function of the same name doing the same thing. It’s very simple: function _(s) { if (typeof(i18n)!='undefined' && i18n[s]) { return i18n[s]; } return s; } “So if a translation is available and provided, we’ll use that; otherwise we’ll default to the string provided — which is helpful if the translation begins to lag behind the site’s text at all, as at least something will be output.” “Got it,” said Dunder. “ _('Hello Dunder') will print the translation of that string, if one exists, ‘Hello Dunder’ if not.” “Exactly. Moving on, your plural function breaks even in English if we have a word where the plural doesn’t add an s — like ‘children’.” “You’re right,” said Dunder. “How did I miss that?” “No harm done. Better to provide both singular and plural words to the function and let it decide which to use, performing any translation as well: function pluralise(s, p, n) { if (n != 1) return _(p); return _(s); } “We’d have to provide different functions for different languages as we employed more elves and got more complicated — for example, in Polish, the word ‘file’ pluralises like this: 1 plik, 2-4 pliki, 5-21 plików, 22-24 pliki, 25-31 plików, and so on.” (More information on plural forms) “Gosh!” “Next, as different languages have different word orders, we must stop using concatenation to construct sentences, as it would be impossible for other languages to fit in; we have to keep coherent strings together. Let’s rewrite your update function, and then go through it: function update_text() { var hay = getValue('hay'); var carrots = getValue('carrots'); var bells = getValue('bells'); var total = 50 * bells + 30 * hay + 10 * carrots; hay = sprintf(pluralise('%s bushel of hay', '%s bushels of hay', hay), pretty_num(hay)); carrots = sprintf(pluralise('%s carrot', '%s carrots', carrots), pretty_num(carrots)); bells = sprintf(pluralise('%s shiny bell', '%s shiny bells', bells), pretty_num(bells)); var list = sprintf(_('%s, %s, and %s'), hay, carrots, bells); var out = sprintf(_('You are ordering %s, at a total cost of %s gold pieces.'), list, pretty_num(total)); out += ' '; out += _('Thank you.'); document.getElementById('preview').innerHTML = out; } “ sprintf is a function in many other languages that, given a format string and some variables, slots the variables into place within the string. JavaScript doesn’t have such a function, so we’ll write our own. Again, keep it simple for now, only integers and strings; I’m sure more complete ones can be found on the internet. function sprintf(s) { var bits = s.split('%'); var out = bits[0]; var re = /^([ds])(.*)$/; for (var i=1; i%s
    gold pieces."": '', ""Thank you."": '' }; “If you implement this across the intranet, you’ll want to investigate the xgettext program, which can automatically extract all strings that need translating from all sorts of code files into a standard .po file (I think Python mode works best for JavaScript). You can then use a different program to take the translated .po file and automatically create the language-specific JavaScript files for us.” (e.g. German .po file for PledgeBank, mySociety’s .po-.js script, example output) With a flourish, Rudolph finished editing. “And there we go, localised JavaScript in English, French, or German, all using the same main code.” “Thanks so much, Rudolph!” said Dunder. “I’m not just a pretty nose!” Rudolph quipped. “Oh, and one last thing — please comment liberally explaining the context of strings you use. Your translator will thank you, probably at the same time as they point out the four hundred places you’ve done something in code that only works in your language and no-one else’s…” Thanks to Tim Morley and Edmund Grimley Evans for the French and German translations respectively.",2007,Matthew Somerville,matthewsomerville,2007-12-08T00:00:00+00:00,,code 168,Unobtrusively Mapping Microformats with jQuery,"Microformats are everywhere. You can’t shake an electronic stick these days without accidentally poking a microformat-enabled site, and many developers use microformats as a matter of course. And why not? After all, why invent your own class names when you can re-use pre-defined ones that give your site extra functionality for free? Nevertheless, while it’s good to know that users of tools such as Tails and Operator will derive added value from your shiny semantics, it’s nice to be able to reuse that effort in your own code. We’re going to build a map of some of my favourite restaurants in Brighton. Fitting with the principles of unobtrusive JavaScript, we’ll start with a semantically marked up list of restaurants, then use JavaScript to add the map, look up the restaurant locations and plot them as markers. We’ll be using a couple of powerful tools. The first is jQuery, a JavaScript library that is ideally suited for unobtrusive scripting. jQuery allows us to manipulate elements on the page based on their CSS selector, which makes it easy to extract information from microformats. The second is Mapstraction, introduced here by Andrew Turner a few days ago. We’ll be using Google Maps in the background, but Mapstraction makes it easy to change to a different provider if we want to later. Getting Started We’ll start off with a simple collection of microformatted restaurant details, representing my seven favourite restaurants in Brighton. The full, unstyled list can be seen in restaurants-plain.html. Each restaurant listing looks like this:
  • Riddle & Finns

    12b Meeting House Lane

    Brighton, UK

    BN1 1HB

    Telephone: +44 (0)1273 323 008


  • Since we’re dealing with a list of restaurants, each hCard is marked up inside a list item. Each restaurant is an organisation; we signify this by placing the classes fn and org on the element surrounding the restaurant’s name (according to the hCard spec, setting both fn and org to the same value signifies that the hCard represents an organisation rather than a person). The address information itself is contained within a div of class adr. Note that the HTML
    element is not suitable here for two reasons: firstly, it is intended to mark up contact details for the current document rather than generic addresses; secondly, address is an inline element and as such cannot contain the paragraphs elements used here for the address information. A nice thing about microformats is that they provide us with automatic hooks for our styling. For the moment we’ll just tidy up the whitespace a bit; for more advanced style tips consult John Allsop’s guide from 24 ways 2006. .vcard p { margin: 0; } .adr { margin-bottom: 0.5em; } To plot the restaurants on a map we’ll need latitude and longitude for each one. We can find this out from their address using geocoding. Most mapping APIs include support for geocoding, which means we can pass the API an address and get back a latitude/longitude point. Mapstraction provides an abstraction layer around these APIs which can be included using the following script tag: While we’re at it, let’s pull in the other external scripts we’ll be using: That’s everything set up: let’s write some JavaScript! In jQuery, almost every operation starts with a call to the jQuery function. The function simulates method overloading to behave in different ways depending on the arguments passed to it. When writing unobtrusive JavaScript it’s important to set up code to execute when the page has loaded to the point that the DOM is available to be manipulated. To do this with jQuery, pass a callback function to the jQuery function itself: jQuery(function() { // This code will be executed when the DOM is ready }); Initialising the map The first thing we need to do is initialise our map. Mapstraction needs a div with an explicit width, height and ID to show it where to put the map. Our document doesn’t currently include this markup, but we can insert it with a single line of jQuery code: jQuery(function() { // First create a div to host the map var themap = jQuery('
    ').css({ 'width': '90%', 'height': '400px' }).insertBefore('ul.restaurants'); }); While this is technically just a single line of JavaScript (with line-breaks added for readability) it’s actually doing quite a lot of work. Let’s break it down in to steps: var themap = jQuery('
    ') Here’s jQuery’s method overloading in action: if you pass it a string that starts with a < it assumes that you wish to create a new HTML element. This provides us with a handy shortcut for the more verbose DOM equivalent: var themap = document.createElement('div'); = 'themap'; Next we want to apply some CSS rules to the element. jQuery supports chaining, which means we can continue to call methods on the object returned by jQuery or any of its methods: var themap = jQuery('
    ').css({ 'width': '90%', 'height': '400px' }) Finally, we need to insert our new HTML element in to the page. jQuery provides a number of methods for element insertion, but in this case we want to position it directly before the
      we are using to contain our restaurants. jQuery’s insertBefore() method takes a CSS selector indicating an element already on the page and places the current jQuery selection directly before that element in the DOM. var themap = jQuery('
      ').css({ 'width': '90%', 'height': '400px' }).insertBefore('ul.restaurants'); Finally, we need to initialise the map itself using Mapstraction. The Mapstraction constructor takes two arguments: the first is the ID of the element used to position the map; the second is the mapping provider to use (in this case google ): // Initialise the map var mapstraction = new Mapstraction('themap','google'); We want the map to appear centred on Brighton, so we’ll need to know the correct co-ordinates. We can use to find both the co-ordinates and the initial map zoom level. // Show map centred on Brighton mapstraction.setCenterAndZoom( new LatLonPoint(50.82423734980143, -0.14007568359375), 15 // Zoom level appropriate for Brighton city centre ); We also want controls on the map to allow the user to zoom in and out and toggle between map and satellite view. mapstraction.addControls({ zoom: 'large', map_type: true }); Adding the markers It’s finally time to parse some microformats. Since we’re using hCard, the information we want is wrapped in elements with the class vcard. We can use jQuery’s CSS selector support to find them: var vcards = jQuery('.vcard'); Now that we’ve found them, we need to create a marker for each one in turn. Rather than using a regular JavaScript for loop, we can instead use jQuery’s each() method to execute a function against each of the hCards. jQuery('.vcard').each(function() { // Do something with the hCard }); Within the callback function, this is set to the current DOM element (in our case, the list item). If we want to call the magic jQuery methods on it we’ll need to wrap it in another call to jQuery: jQuery('.vcard').each(function() { var hcard = jQuery(this); }); The Google maps geocoder seems to work best if you pass it the street address and a postcode. We can extract these using CSS selectors: this time, we’ll use jQuery’s find() method which searches within the current jQuery selection: var streetaddress = hcard.find('.street-address').text(); var postcode = hcard.find('.postal-code').text(); The text() method extracts the text contents of the selected node, minus any HTML markup. We’ve got the address; now we need to geocode it. Mapstraction’s geocoding API requires us to first construct a MapstractionGeocoder, then use the geocode() method to pass it an address. Here’s the code outline: var geocoder = new MapstractionGeocoder(onComplete, 'google'); geocoder.geocode({'address': 'the address goes here'); The onComplete function is executed when the geocoding operation has been completed, and will be passed an object with the resulting point on the map. We just want to create a marker for the point: var geocoder = new MapstractionGeocoder(function(result) { var marker = new Marker(result.point); mapstraction.addMarker(marker); }, 'google'); For our purposes, joining the street address and postcode with a comma to create the address should suffice: geocoder.geocode({'address': streetaddress + ', ' + postcode}); There’s one last step: when the marker is clicked, we want to display details of the restaurant. We can do this with an info bubble, which can be configured by passing in a string of HTML. We’ll construct that HTML using jQuery’s html() method on our hcard object, which extracts the HTML contained within that DOM node as a string. var marker = new Marker(result.point); marker.setInfoBubble( '
      ' + hcard.html() + '
      ' ); mapstraction.addMarker(marker); We’ve wrapped the bubble in a div with class bubble to make it easier to style. Google Maps can behave strangely if you don’t provide an explicit width for your info bubbles, so we’ll add that to our CSS now: .bubble { width: 300px; } That’s everything we need: let’s combine our code together: jQuery(function() { // First create a div to host the map var themap = jQuery('
      ').css({ 'width': '90%', 'height': '400px' }).insertBefore('ul.restaurants'); // Now initialise the map var mapstraction = new Mapstraction('themap','google'); mapstraction.addControls({ zoom: 'large', map_type: true }); // Show map centred on Brighton mapstraction.setCenterAndZoom( new LatLonPoint(50.82423734980143, -0.14007568359375), 15 // Zoom level appropriate for Brighton city centre ); // Geocode each hcard and add a marker jQuery('.vcard').each(function() { var hcard = jQuery(this); var streetaddress = hcard.find('.street-address').text(); var postcode = hcard.find('.postal-code').text(); var geocoder = new MapstractionGeocoder(function(result) { var marker = new Marker(result.point); marker.setInfoBubble( '
      ' + hcard.html() + '
      ' ); mapstraction.addMarker(marker); }, 'google'); geocoder.geocode({'address': streetaddress + ', ' + postcode}); }); }); Here’s the finished code. There’s one last shortcut we can add: jQuery provides the $ symbol as an alias for jQuery. We could just go through our code and replace every call to jQuery() with a call to $(), but this would cause incompatibilities if we ever attempted to use our script on a page that also includes the Prototype library. A more robust approach is to start our code with the following: jQuery(function($) { // Within this function, $ now refers to jQuery // ... }); jQuery cleverly passes itself as the first argument to any function registered to the DOM ready event, which means we can assign a local $ variable shortcut without affecting the $ symbol in the global scope. This makes it easy to use jQuery with other libraries. Limitations of Geocoding You may have noticed a discrepancy creep in to the last example: whereas my original list included seven restaurants, the geocoding example only shows five. This is because the Google Maps geocoder incorporates a rate limit: more than five lookups in a second and it starts returning error messages instead of regular results. In addition to this problem, geocoding itself is an inexact science: while UK postcodes generally get you down to the correct street, figuring out the exact point on the street from the provided address usually isn’t too accurate (although Google do a pretty good job). Finally, there’s the performance overhead. We’re making five geocoding requests to Google for every page served, even though the restaurants themselves aren’t likely to change location any time soon. Surely there’s a better way of doing this? Microformats to the rescue (again)! The geo microformat suggests simple classes for including latitude and longitude information in a page. We can add specific points for each restaurant using the following markup:
    • E-Kagen

      22-23 Sydney Street

      Brighton, UK

      BN1 4EN

      Telephone: +44 (0)1273 687 068

      Lat/Lon: 50.827917, -0.137764

    • As before, I used to find the exact locations – I find satellite view is particularly useful for locating individual buildings. Latitudes and longitudes are great for machines but not so useful for human beings. We could hide them entirely with display: none, but I prefer to merely de-emphasise them (someone might want them for their GPS unit): .vcard .geo { margin-top: 0.5em; font-size: 0.85em; color: #ccc; } It’s probably a good idea to hide them completely when they’re displayed inside an info bubble: .bubble .geo { display: none; } We can extract the co-ordinates in the same way we extracted the address. Since we’re no longer geocoding anything our code becomes a lot simpler: $('.vcard').each(function() { var hcard = $(this); var latitude = hcard.find('.geo .latitude').text(); var longitude = hcard.find('.geo .longitude').text(); var marker = new Marker(new LatLonPoint(latitude, longitude)); marker.setInfoBubble( '
      ' + hcard.html() + '
      ' ); mapstraction.addMarker(marker); }); And here’s the finished geo example. Further reading We’ve only scratched the surface of what’s possible with microformats, jQuery (or just regular JavaScript) and a bit of imagination. If this example has piqued your interest, the following links should give you some more food for thought. The hCard specification Notes on parsing hCards jQuery for JavaScript programmers – my extended tutorial on jQuery. Dann Webb’s Sumo – a full JavaScript library for parsing microformats, based around some clever metaprogramming techniques. Jeremy Keith’s Adactio Austin – the first place I saw using microformats to unobtrusively plot locations on a map. Makes clever use of hEvent as well.",2007,Simon Willison,simonwillison,2007-12-12T00:00:00+00:00,,code 162,Conditional Love,"“Browser.” The four-letter word of web design. I mean, let’s face it: on the good days, when things just work in your target browsers, it’s marvelous. The air smells sweeter, birds’ songs sound more melodious, and both your design and your code are looking sharp. But on the less-than-good days (which is, frankly, most of them), you’re compelled to tie up all your browsers in a sack, heave them into the nearest river, and start designing all-imagemap websites. We all play favorites, after all: some will swear by Firefox, Opera fans are allegedly legion, and others still will frown upon anything less than the latest WebKit nightly. Thankfully, we do have an out for those little inconsistencies that crop up when dealing with cross-browser testing: CSS patches. Spare the Rod, Hack the Browser Before committing browsercide over some rendering bug, a designer will typically reach for a snippet of CSS fix the faulty browser. Historically referred to as “hacks,” I prefer Dan Cederholm’s more client-friendly alternative, “patches”. But whatever you call them, CSS patches all work along the same principle: supply the proper property value to the good browsers, while giving higher maintenance other browsers an incorrect value that their frustrating idiosyncratic rendering engine can understand. Traditionally, this has been done either by exploiting incomplete CSS support: #content { height: 1%; // Let's force hasLayout for old versions of IE. line-height: 1.6; padding: 1em; } html>body #content { height: auto; // Modern browsers get a proper height value. } or by exploiting bugs in their rendering engine to deliver alternate style rules: #content p { font-size: .8em; /* Hide from Mac IE5 \*/ font-size: .9em; /* End hiding from Mac IE5 */ } We’ve even used these exploits to serve up whole stylesheets altogether: @import url(""core.css""); @media tty { i{content:""\"";/*"" ""*/}} @import 'windows-ie5.css'; /*"";} }/* */ The list goes on, and on, and on. For every browser, for every bug, there’s a patch available to fix some rendering bug. But after some time working with standards-based layouts, I’ve found that CSS patches, as we’ve traditionally used them, become increasingly difficult to maintain. As stylesheets are modified over the course of a site’s lifetime, inline fixes we’ve written may become obsolete, making them difficult to find, update, or prune out of our CSS. A good patch requires a constant gardener to ensure that it adds more than just bloat to a stylesheet, and inline patches can be very hard to weed out of a decently sized CSS file. Giving the Kids Separate Rooms Since I joined Airbag Industries earlier this year, every project we’ve worked on has this in the head of its templates: The first element is, simply enough, a link element that points to the project’s main CSS file. No patches, no hacks: just pure, modern browser-friendly style rules. Which, nine times out of ten, will net you a design that looks like spilled eggnog in various versions of Internet Explorer. But don’t reach for the mulled wine quite yet. Immediately after, we’ve got a brace of conditional comments wrapped around two other link elements. These odd-looking comments allow us to selectively serve up additional stylesheets just to the version of IE that needs them. We’ve got one for IE 6 and below: And another for IE7 and above: Microsoft’s conditional comments aren’t exactly new, but they can be a valuable alternative to cooking CSS patches directly into a master stylesheet. And though they’re not a W3C-approved markup structure, I think they’re just brilliant because they innovate within the spec: non-IE devices will assume that the comments are just that, and ignore the markup altogether. This does, of course, mean that there’s a little extra markup in the head of our documents. But this approach can seriously cut down on the unnecessary patches served up to the browsers that don’t need them. Namely, we no longer have to write rules like this in our main stylesheet: #content { height: 1%; // Let's force hasLayout for old versions of IE. line-height: 1.6; padding: 1em; } html>body #content { height: auto; // Modern browsers get a proper height value. } Rather, we can simply write an un-patched rule in our core stylesheet: #content { line-height: 1.6; padding: 1em; } And now, our patch for older versions of IE goes in—you guessed it—the stylesheet for older versions of IE: #content { height: 1%; } The hasLayout patch is applied, our design’s repaired, and—most importantly—the patch is only seen by the browser that needs it. The “good” browsers don’t have to incur any added stylesheet weight from our IE patches, and Internet Explorer gets the conditional love it deserves. Most importantly, this “compartmentalized” approach to CSS patching makes it much easier for me to patch and maintain the fixes applied to a particular browser. If I need to track down a bug for IE7, I don’t need to scroll through dozens or hundreds of rules in my core stylesheet: instead, I just open the considerably slimmer IE7-specific patch file, make my edits, and move right along. Even Good Children Misbehave While IE may occupy the bulk of our debugging time, there’s no denying that other popular, modern browsers will occasionally disagree on how certain bits of CSS should be rendered. But without something as, well, pimp as conditional comments at our disposal, how do we bring the so-called “good browsers” back in line with our design? Assuming you’re loving the “one patch file per browser” model as much as I do, there’s just one alternative: JavaScript. function isSaf() { var isSaf = (document.childNodes && !document.all && !navigator.taintEnabled && !navigator.accentColorName) ? true : false; return isSaf; } function isOp() { var isOp = (window.opera) ? true : false; return isOp; } Instead of relying on dotcom-era tactics of parsing the browser’s user-agent string, we’re testing here for support for various DOM objects, whose presence or absence we can use to reasonably infer the browser we’re looking at. So running the isOp() function, for example, will test for Opera’s proprietary window.opera object, and thereby accurately tell you if your user’s running Norway’s finest browser. With scripts such as isOp() and isSaf() in place, you can then reasonably test which browser’s viewing your content, and insert additional link elements as needed. function loadPatches(dir) { if (document.getElementsByTagName() && document.createElement()) { var head = document.getElementsByTagName(""head"")[0]; if (head) { var css = new Array(); if (isSaf()) { css.push(""saf.css""); } else if (isOp()) { css.push(""opera.css""); } if (css.length) { var link = document.createElement(""link""); link.setAttribute(""rel"", ""stylesheet""); link.setAttribute(""type"", ""text/css""); link.setAttribute(""media"", ""screen, projection""); for (var i = 0; i < css.length; i++) { var tag = link.cloneNode(true); tag.setAttribute(""href"", dir + css[0]); head.appendChild(tag); } } } } } Here, we’re testing the results of isSaf() and isOp(), one after the other. For each function that returns true, then the name of a new stylesheet is added to the oh-so-cleverly named css array. Then, for each entry in css, we create a new link element, point it at our patch file, and insert it into the head of our template. Fire it up using your favorite onload or DOMContentLoaded function, and you’re good to go. Scripteat Emptor At this point, some of the audience’s more conscientious ‘scripters may be preparing to lob figgy pudding at this author’s head. And that’s perfectly understandable; relying on JavaScript to patch CSS chafes a bit against the normally clean separation we have between our pages’ content, presentation, and behavior layers. And beyond the philosophical concerns, this approach comes with a few technical caveats attached: Browser detection? So un-133t. Browser detection is not something I’d typically recommend. Whenever possible, a proper DOM script should check for the support of a given object or method, rather than the device with which your users view your content. It’s JavaScript, so don’t count on it being available. According to one site, roughly four percent of Internet users don’t have JavaScript enabled. Your site’s stats might be higher or lower than this number, but still: don’t expect that every member of your audience will see these additional stylesheets, and ensure that your content’s still accessible with JS turned off. Be a constant gardener. The sample isSaf() and isOp() functions I’ve written will tell you if the user’s browser is Safari or Opera. As a result, stylesheets written to patch issues in an old browser may break when later releases repair the relevant CSS bugs. You can, of course, add logic to these simple little scripts to serve up version-specific stylesheets, but that way madness may lie. In any event, test your work vigorously, and keep testing it when new versions of the targeted browsers come out. Make sure that a patch written today doesn’t become a bug tomorrow. Patching Firefox, Opera, and Safari isn’t something I’ve had to do frequently: still, there have been occasions where the above script’s come in handy. Between conditional comments, careful CSS auditing, and some judicious JavaScript, browser-based bugs can be handled with near-surgical precision. So pass the ‘nog. It’s patchin’ time.",2007,Ethan Marcotte,ethanmarcotte,2007-12-15T00:00:00+00:00,,code 161,Keeping JavaScript Dependencies At Bay,"As we are writing more and more complex JavaScript applications we run into issues that have hitherto (god I love that word) not been an issue. The first decision we have to make is what to do when planning our app: one big massive JS file or a lot of smaller, specialised files separated by task. Personally, I tend to favour the latter, mainly because it allows you to work on components in parallel with other developers without lots of clashes in your version control. It also means that your application will be more lightweight as you only include components on demand. Starting with a global object This is why it is a good plan to start your app with one single object that also becomes the namespace for the whole application, say for example myAwesomeApp: var myAwesomeApp = {}; You can nest any necessary components into this one and also make sure that you check for dependencies like DOM support right up front. Adding the components The other thing to add to this main object is a components object, which defines all the components that are there and their file names. var myAwesomeApp = { components :{ formcheck:{ url:'formcheck.js', loaded:false }, dynamicnav:{ url:'dynamicnav.js', loaded:false }, gallery:{ url:'gallery.js', loaded:false }, lightbox:{ url:'lightbox.js', loaded:false } } }; Technically you can also omit the loaded properties, but it is cleaner this way. The next thing to add is an addComponent function that can load your components on demand by adding new SCRIPT elements to the head of the documents when they are needed. var myAwesomeApp = { components :{ formcheck:{ url:'formcheck.js', loaded:false }, dynamicnav:{ url:'dynamicnav.js', loaded:false }, gallery:{ url:'gallery.js', loaded:false }, lightbox:{ url:'lightbox.js', loaded:false } }, addComponent:function(component){ var c = this.components[component]; if(c && c.loaded === false){ var s = document.createElement('script'); s.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); s.setAttribute('src',c.url); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s); } } }; This allows you to add new components on the fly when they are not defined: if(!{ myAwesomeApp.addComponent('gallery'); }; Verifying that components have been loaded However, this is not safe as the file might not be available. To make the dynamic adding of components safer each of the components should have a callback at the end of them that notifies the main object that they indeed have been loaded: var myAwesomeApp = { components :{ formcheck:{ url:'formcheck.js', loaded:false }, dynamicnav:{ url:'dynamicnav.js', loaded:false }, gallery:{ url:'gallery.js', loaded:false }, lightbox:{ url:'lightbox.js', loaded:false } }, addComponent:function(component){ var c = this.components[component]; if(c && c.loaded === false){ var s = document.createElement('script'); s.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); s.setAttribute('src',c.url); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s); } }, componentAvailable:function(component){ this.components[component].loaded = true; } } For example the gallery.js file should call this notification as a last line: = function(){ // [... other code ...] }(); myAwesomeApp.componentAvailable('gallery'); Telling the implementers when components are available The last thing to add (actually as a courtesy measure for debugging and implementers) is to offer a listener function that gets notified when the component has been loaded: var myAwesomeApp = { components :{ formcheck:{ url:'formcheck.js', loaded:false }, dynamicnav:{ url:'dynamicnav.js', loaded:false }, gallery:{ url:'gallery.js', loaded:false }, lightbox:{ url:'lightbox.js', loaded:false } }, addComponent:function(component){ var c = this.components[component]; if(c && c.loaded === false){ var s = document.createElement('script'); s.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); s.setAttribute('src',c.url); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s); } }, componentAvailable:function(component){ this.components[component].loaded = true; if(this.listener){ this.listener(component); }; } }; This allows you to write a main listener function that acts when certain components have been loaded, for example: myAwesomeApp.listener = function(component){ if(component === 'gallery'){ showGallery(); } }; Extending with other components As the main object is public, other developers can extend the components object with own components and use the listener function to load dependent components. Say you have a bespoke component with data and labels in extra files: myAwesomeApp.listener = function(component){ if(component === 'bespokecomponent'){ myAwesomeApp.addComponent('bespokelabels'); }; if(component === 'bespokelabels'){ myAwesomeApp.addComponent('bespokedata'); }; if(component === 'bespokedata'){ myAwesomeApp,bespokecomponent.init(); }; }; myAwesomeApp.components.bespokecomponent = { url:'bespoke.js', loaded:false }; myAwesomeApp.components.bespokelabels = { url:'bespokelabels.js', loaded:false }; myAwesomeApp.components.bespokedata = { url:'bespokedata.js', loaded:false }; myAwesomeApp.addComponent('bespokecomponent'); Following this practice you can write pretty complex apps and still have full control over what is available when. You can also extend this to allow for CSS files to be added on demand. Influences If you like this idea and wondered if someone already uses it, take a look at the Yahoo! User Interface library, and especially at the YAHOO_config option of the global YAHOO.js object.",2007,Christian Heilmann,chrisheilmann,2007-12-18T00:00:00+00:00,,code 147,Christmas Is In The AIR,"That’s right, Christmas is coming up fast and there’s plenty of things to do. Get the tree and lights up, get the turkey, buy presents and who know what else. And what about Santa? He’s got a list. I’m pretty sure he’s checking it twice. Sure, we could use an existing list making web site or even a desktop widget. But we’re geeks! What’s the fun in that? Let’s build our own to-do list application and do it with Adobe AIR! What’s Adobe AIR? Adobe AIR, formerly codenamed Apollo, is a runtime environment that runs on both Windows and OSX (with Linux support to follow). This runtime environment lets you build desktop applications using Adobe technologies like Flash and Flex. Oh, and HTML. That’s right, you web standards lovin’ maniac. You can build desktop applications that can run cross-platform using the trio of technologies, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. If you’ve tried developing with AIR before, you’ll need to get re-familiarized with the latest beta release as many things have changed since the last one (such as the API and restrictions within the sandbox.) To get started To get started in building an AIR application, you’ll need two basic things: The AIR runtime. The runtime is needed to run any AIR-based application. The SDK. The software development kit gives you all the pieces to test your application. Unzip the SDK into any folder you wish. You’ll also want to get your hands on the JavaScript API documentation which you’ll no doubt find yourself getting into before too long. (You can download it, too.) Also of interest, some development environments have support for AIR built right in. Aptana doesn’t have support for beta 3 yet but I suspect it’ll be available shortly. Within the SDK, there are two main tools that we’ll use: one to test the application (ADL) and another to build a distributable package of our application (ADT). I’ll get into this some more when we get to that stage of development. Building our To-do list application The first step to building an application within AIR is to create an XML file that defines our default application settings. I call mine application.xml, mostly because Aptana does that by default when creating a new AIR project. It makes sense though and I’ve stuck with it. Included in the templates folder of the SDK is an example XML file that you can use. The first key part to this after specifying things like the application ID, version, and filename, is to specify what the default content should be within the content tags. Enter in the name of the HTML file you wish to load. Within this HTML file will be our application. ui.html Create a new HTML document and name it ui.html and place it in the same directory as the application.xml file. The first thing you’ll want to do is copy over the AIRAliases.js file from the frameworks folder of the SDK and add a link to it within your HTML document. The aliases create shorthand links to all of the Flash-based APIs. Now is probably a good time to explain how to debug your application. Debugging our application So, with our XML file created and HTML file started, let’s try testing our ‘application’. We’ll need the ADL application located in BIN folder of the SDK and tell it to run the application.xml file. /path/to/adl /path/to/application.xml You can also just drag the XML file onto ADL and it’ll accomplish the same thing. If you just did that and noticed that your blank application didn’t load, you’d be correct. It’s running but isn’t visible. Which at this point means you’ll have to shut down the ADL process. Sorry about that! Changing the visibility You have two ways to make your application visible. You can do it automatically by setting the placing true in the visible tag within the application.xml file. true The other way is to do it programmatically from within your application. You’d want to do it this way if you had other startup tasks to perform before showing the interface. To turn the UI on programmatically, simple set the visible property of nativeWindow to true. Sandbox Security Now that we have an application that we can see when we start it, it’s time to build the to-do list application. In doing so, you’d probably think that using a JavaScript library is a really good idea — and it can be but there are some limitations within AIR that have to be considered. An HTML document, by default, runs within the application sandbox. You have full access to the AIR APIs but once the onload event of the window has fired, you’ll have a limited ability to make use of eval and other dynamic script injection approaches. This limits the ability of external sources from gaining access to everything the AIR API offers, such as database and local file system access. You’ll still be able to make use of eval for evaluating JSON responses, which is probably the most important if you wish to consume JSON-based services. If you wish to create a greater wall of security between AIR and your HTML document loading in external resources, you can create a child sandbox. We won’t need to worry about it for our application so I won’t go any further into it but definitely keep this in mind. Finally, our application Getting tired of all this preamble? Let’s actually build our to-do list application. I’ll use jQuery because it’s small and should suit our needs nicely. Let’s begin with some structure:
        Now we need to wire up that button to actually add a new item to our to-do list. And just like that, we’ve got a to-do list! That’s it! Just never close your application and you’ll remember everything. Okay, that’s not very practical. You need to have some way of storing your to-do items until the next time you open up the application. Storing Data You’ve essentially got 4 different ways that you can store data: Using the local database. AIR comes with SQLLite built in. That means you can create tables and insert, update and select data from that database just like on a web server. Using the file system. You can also create files on the local machine. You have access to a few folders on the local system such as the documents folder and the desktop. Using EcryptedLocalStore. I like using the EcryptedLocalStore because it allows you to easily save key/value pairs and have that information encrypted. All this within just a couple lines of code. Sending the data to a remote API. Our to-do list could sync up with Remember the Milk, for example. To demonstrate some persistence, we’ll use the file system to store our files. In addition, we’ll let the user specify where the file should be saved. This way, we can create multiple to-do lists, keeping them separate and organized. The application is now broken down into 4 basic tasks: Load data from the file system. Perform any interface bindings. Manage creating and deleting items from the list. Save any changes to the list back to the file system. Loading in data from the file system When the application starts up, we’ll prompt the user to select a file or specify a new to-do list. Within AIR, there are 3 main file objects: File, FileMode, and FileStream. File handles file and path names, FileMode is used as a parameter for the FileStream to specify whether the file should be read-only or for write access. The FileStream object handles all the read/write activity. The File object has a number of shortcuts to default paths like the documents folder, the desktop, or even the application store. In this case, we’ll specify the documents folder as the default location and then use the browseForSave method to prompt the user to specify a new or existing file. If the user specifies an existing file, they’ll be asked whether they want to overwrite it. var store = air.File.documentsDirectory; var fileStream = new air.FileStream(); store.browseForSave(""Choose To-do List""); Then we add an event listener for when the user has selected a file. When the file is selected, we check to see if the file exists and if it does, read in the contents, splitting the file on new lines and creating our list items within the interface. store.addEventListener(air.Event.SELECT, fileSelected); function fileSelected() { air.trace(store.nativePath); // load in any stored data var byteData = new air.ByteArray(); if(store.exists) {, air.FileMode.READ); fileStream.readBytes(byteData, 0, store.size); fileStream.close(); if(byteData.length > 0) { var s = byteData.readUTFBytes(byteData.length); oldlist = s.split(“\r\n”); // create todolist items for(var i=0; i < oldlist.length; i++) { createItem(oldlist[i], (new Date()).getTime() + i ); } } } } Perform Interface Bindings This is similar to before where we set the click event on the Add button but we’ve moved the code to save the list into a separate function. $('#add').click(function(){ var t = $('#text').val(); if(t){ // create an ID using the time createItem(t, (new Date()).getTime() ); } }) Manage creating and deleting items from the list The list management is now in its own function, similar to before but with some extra information to identify list items and with calls to save our list after each change. function createItem(t, id) { if(t.length == 0) return; // add it to the todo list todolist[id] = t; // use DOM methods to create the new list item var li = document.createElement('li'); // the extra space at the end creates a buffer between the text // and the delete link we're about to add li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(t + ' ')); // create the delete link var del = document.createElement('a'); // this makes it a true link. I feel dirty doing this. del.setAttribute('href', '#'); del.addEventListener('click', function(evt){ var id =; delete todolist[id]; // remove the item from the list this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode); saveList(); }); del.appendChild(document.createTextNode('[del]')); = 'd' + id; li.appendChild(del); // append everything to the list $('#list').append(li); //reset the text box $('#text').val(''); saveList(); } Save changes to the file system Any time a change is made to the list, we update the file. The file will always reflect the current state of the list and we’ll never have to click a save button. It just iterates through the list, adding a new line to each one. function saveList(){ if(store.isDirectory) return; var packet = ''; for(var i in todolist) { packet += todolist[i] + '\r\n'; } var bytes = new air.ByteArray(); bytes.writeUTFBytes(packet);, air.FileMode.WRITE); fileStream.writeBytes(bytes, 0, bytes.length); fileStream.close(); } One important thing to mention here is that we check if the store is a directory first. The reason we do this goes back to our browseForSave call. If the user cancels the dialog without selecting a file first, then the store points to the documentsDirectory that we set it to initially. Since we haven’t specified a file, there’s no place to save the list. Hopefully by this point, you’ve been thinking of some cool ways to pimp out your list. Now we need to package this up so that we can let other people use it, too. Creating a Package Now that we’ve created our application, we need to package it up so that we can distribute it. This is a two step process. The first step is to create a code signing certificate (or you can pay for one from Thawte which will help authenticate you as an AIR application developer). To create a self-signed certificate, run the following command. This will create a PFX file that you’ll use to sign your application. adt -certificate -cn todo24ways 1024-RSA todo24ways.pfx mypassword After you’ve done that, you’ll need to create the package with the certificate adt -package -storetype pkcs12 -keystore todo24ways.pfx todo24ways.air application.xml . The important part to mention here is the period at the end of the command. We’re telling it to package up all files in the current directory. After that, just run the AIR file, which will install your application and run it. Important things to remember about AIR When developing an HTML application, the rendering engine is Webkit. You’ll thank your lucky stars that you aren’t struggling with cross-browser issues. (My personal favourites are multiple backgrounds and border radius!) Be mindful of memory leaks. Things like Ajax calls and event binding can cause applications to slowly leak memory over time. Web pages are normally short lived but desktop applications are often open for hours, if not days, and you may find your little desktop application taking up more memory than anything else on your machine! The WebKit runtime itself can also be a memory hog, usually taking about 15MB just for itself. If you create multiple HTML windows, it’ll add another 15MB to your memory footprint. Our little to-do list application shouldn’t be much of a concern, though. The other important thing to remember is that you’re still essentially running within a Flash environment. While you probably won’t notice this working in small applications, the moment you need to move to multiple windows or need to accomplish stuff beyond what HTML and JavaScript can give you, the need to understand some of the Flash-based elements will become more important. Lastly, the other thing to remember is that HTML links will load within the AIR application. If you want a link to open in the users web browser, you’ll need to capture that event and handle it on your own. The following code takes the HREF from a clicked link and opens it in the default web browser. air.navigateToURL(new air.URLRequest(this.href)); Only the beginning Of course, this is only the beginning of what you can do with Adobe AIR. You don’t have the same level of control as building a native desktop application, such as being able to launch other applications, but you do have more control than what you could have within a web application. Check out the Adobe AIR Developer Center for HTML and Ajax for tutorials and other resources. Now, go forth and create your desktop applications and hopefully you finish all your shopping before Christmas! Download the example files.",2007,Jonathan Snook,jonathansnook,2007-12-19T00:00:00+00:00,,code 104,Sitewide Search On A Shoe String,"One of the questions I got a lot when I was building web sites for smaller businesses was if I could create a search engine for their site. Visitors should be able to search only this site and find things without the maintainer having to put “related articles” or “featured content” links on every page by hand. Back when this was all fields this wasn’t easy as you either had to write your own scraping tool, use ht://dig or a paid service from providers like Yahoo, Altavista or later on Google. In the former case you had to swallow the bitter pill of computing and indexing all your content and storing it in a database for quick access and in the latter it hurt your wallet. Times have moved on and nowadays you can have the same functionality for free using Yahoo’s “Build your own search service” – BOSS. The cool thing about BOSS is that it allows for a massive amount of hits a day and you can mash up the returned data in any format you want. Another good feature of it is that it comes with JSON-P as an output format which makes it possible to use it without any server-side component! Starting with a working HTML form In order to add a search to your site, you start with a simple HTML form which you can use without JavaScript. Most search engines will allow you to filter results by domain. In this case we will search “”. If you use Yahoo as your standard search, this could be:
        The Google equivalent is:
        In any case make sure to use the ID term for the search term and site for the site, as this is what we are going to use for the script. To make things easier, also have an ID called customsearch on the form. To use BOSS, you should get your own developer API for BOSS and replace the one in the demo code. There is click tracking on the search results to see how successful your app is, so you should make it your own. Adding the BOSS magic BOSS is a REST API, meaning you can use it in any HTTP request or in a browser by simply adding the right parameters to a URL. Say for example you want to search “” for “christmas” all you need to do is open the following URL: Try it out and click it to see the results in XML. We don’t want XML though, which is why we get rid of the format=xml parameter which gives us the same information in JSON: JSON makes most sense when you can send the output to a function and immediately use it. For this to happen all you need is to add a callback parameter and the JSON will be wrapped in a function call. Say for example we want to call SITESEARCH.found() when the data was retrieved we can do it this way: You can use this immediately in a script node if you want to. The following code would display the total amount of search results for the term christmas on as an alert: However, for our example, we need to be a bit more clever with this. Enhancing the search form Here’s the script that enhances a search form to show results below it. SITESEARCH = function(){ var config = { IDs:{ searchForm:'customsearch', term:'term', site:'site' }, loading:'Loading results...', noresults:'No results found.', appID:'YOUR-APP-ID', results:20 }; var form; var out; function init(){ if(config.appID === 'YOUR-APP-ID'){ alert('Please get a real application ID!'); } else { form = document.getElementById(config.IDs.searchForm); if(form){ form.onsubmit = function(){ var site = document.getElementById(; var term = document.getElementById(config.IDs.term).value; if(typeof site === 'string' && typeof term === 'string'){ if(typeof out !== 'undefined'){ out.parentNode.removeChild(out); } out = document.createElement('p'); out.appendChild(document.createTextNode(config.loading)); form.appendChild(out); var APIurl = '' + term + '?callback=SITESEARCH.found&sites=' + site + '&count=' + config.results + '&appid=' + config.appID; var s = document.createElement('script'); s.setAttribute('src',APIurl); s.setAttribute('type','text/javascript'); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s); return false; } }; } } }; function found(o){ var list = document.createElement('ul'); var results = o.ysearchresponse.resultset_web; if(results){ var item,link,description; for(var i=0,j=results.length;i
        Where to go from here This is just a very simple example of what you can do with BOSS. You can define languages and regions, retrieve and display images and news and mix the results with other data sources before displaying them. One very cool feature is that by adding a view=keyterms parameter to the URL you can get the keywords of each of the results to drill deeper into the search. An example for this written in PHP is available on the YDN blog. For JavaScript solutions there is a handy wrapper called yboss available to help you go nuts.",2008,Christian Heilmann,chrisheilmann,2008-12-04T00:00:00+00:00,,code 116,The IE6 Equation,"It is the destiny of one browser to serve as the nemesis of web developers everywhere. At the birth of the Web Standards movement, that role was played by Netscape Navigator 4; an outdated browser that refused to die. Its tenacious existence hampered the adoption of modern standards. Today that role is played by Internet Explorer 6. There’s a sensation that I’m sure you’re familiar with. It’s a horrible mixture of dread and nervousness. It’s the feeling you get when—after working on a design for a while in a standards-compliant browser like Firefox, Safari or Opera—you decide that you can no longer put off the inevitable moment when you must check the site in IE6. Fingers are crossed, prayers are muttered, but alas, to no avail. The nemesis browser invariably screws something up. What do you do next? If the differences in IE6 are minor, you could just leave it be. After all, websites don’t need to look exactly the same in all browsers. But if there are major layout issues and a significant portion of your audience is still using IE6, you’ll probably need to roll up your sleeves and start fixing the problems. A common approach is to quarantine IE6-specific CSS in a separate stylesheet. This stylesheet can then be referenced from the HTML document using conditional comments like this: That stylesheet will only be served up to Internet Explorer where the version number is less than 7. You can put anything inside a conditional comment. You could put a script element in there. So as well as serving up browser-specific CSS, it’s possible to serve up browser-specific JavaScript. A few years back, before Microsoft released Internet Explorer 7, JavaScript genius Dean Edwards wrote a script called IE7. This amazing piece of code uses JavaScript to make Internet Explorer 5 and 6 behave like a standards-compliant browser. Dean used JavaScript to bootstrap IE’s CSS support. Because the script is specifically targeted at Internet Explorer, there’s no point in serving it up to other browsers. Conditional comments to the rescue: Standards-compliant browsers won’t fetch the script. Users of IE6, on the hand, will pay a kind of bad browser tax by having to download the JavaScript file. So when should you develop an IE6-specific stylesheet and when should you just use Dean’s JavaScript code? This is the question that myself and my co-worker Natalie Downe set out to answer one morning at Clearleft. We realised that in order to answer that question you need to first answer two other questions, how much time does it take to develop for IE6? and how much of your audience is using IE6? Let’s say that t represents the total development time. Let t6 represent the portion of that time you spend developing for IE6. If your total audience is a, then a6 is the portion of your audience using IE6. With some algebraic help from our mathematically minded co-worker Cennydd Bowles, Natalie and I came up with the following equation to calculate the percentage likelihood that you should be using Dean’s IE7 script: p = 50 [ log ( at6 / ta6 ) + 1 ] Try plugging in your own numbers. If you spend a lot of time developing for IE6 and only a small portion of your audience is using that browser, you’ll get a very high number out of the equation; you should probably use the IE7 script. But if you only spend a little time developing for IE6 and a significant portion of you audience are still using that browser, you’ll get a very small value for p; you might as well write an IE6-specific stylesheet. Of course this equation is somewhat disingenuous. While it’s entirely possible to research the percentage of your audience still using IE6, it’s not so easy to figure out how much of your development time will be spent developing for that one browser. You can’t really know until you’ve already done the development, by which time the equation is irrelevant. Instead of using the equation, you could try imposing a limit on how long you will spend developing for IE6. Get your site working in standards-compliant browsers first, then give yourself a time limit to get it working in IE6. If you can’t solve all the issues in that time limit, switch over to using Dean’s script. You could even make the time limit directly proportional to the percentage of your audience using IE6. If 20% of your audience is still using IE6 and you’ve just spent five days getting the site working in standards-compliant browsers, give yourself one day to get it working in IE6. But if 50% of your audience is still using IE6, be prepared to spend 2.5 days wrestling with your nemesis. All of these different methods for dealing with IE6 demonstrate that there’s no one single answer that works for everyone. They also highlight a problem with the current debate around dealing with IE6. There’s no shortage of blog posts, articles and even entire websites discussing when to drop support for IE6. But very few of them take the time to define what they mean by “support.” This isn’t a binary issue. There is no Boolean answer. Instead, there’s a sliding scale of support: Block IE6 users from your site. Develop with web standards and don’t spend any development time testing in IE6. Use the Dean Edwards IE7 script to bootstrap CSS support in IE6. Write an IE6 stylesheet to address layout issues. Make your site look exactly the same in IE6 as in any other browser. Each end of that scale is extreme. I don’t think that anybody should be actively blocking any browser but neither do I think that users of an outdated browser should get exactly the same experience as users of a more modern browser. The real meanings of “supporting” or “not supporting” IE6 lie somewhere in-between those extremes. Just as I think that semantics are important in markup, they are equally important in our discussion of web development. So let’s try to come up with some better terms than using the catch-all verb “support.” If you say in your client contract that you “support” IE6, define exactly what that means. If you find yourself in a discussion about “dropping support” for IE6, take the time to explain what you think that entails. The web developers at Yahoo! are on the right track with their concept of graded browser support. I’m interested in hearing more ideas of how to frame this discussion. If we can all agree to use clear and precise language, we stand a better chance of defeating our nemesis.",2008,Jeremy Keith,jeremykeith,2008-12-08T00:00:00+00:00,,code 99,A Christmas hCard From Me To You,"So apparently Christmas is coming. And what is Christmas all about? Well, cleaning out your address book, of course! What better time to go through your contacts, making sure everyone’s details are up date and that you’ve deleted all those nasty clients who never paid on time? It’s also a good time to make sure your current clients and colleagues have your most up-to-date details, so instead of filling up their inboxes with e-cards, why not send them something useful? Something like a… vCard! (See what I did there?) Just in case you’ve been working in a magical toy factory in the upper reaches of Scandinavia for the last few years, I’m going to tell you that now would also be the perfect time to get into microformats. Using the hCard format, we’ll build a very simple web page and markup our contact details in such a way that they’ll be understood by microformats plugins, like Operator or Tails for Firefox, or the cross-browser Microformats Bookmarklet. Oh, and because Christmas is all about dressing up and being silly, we’ll make the whole thing look nice and have a bit of fun with some CSS3 progressive enhancement. If you can’t wait to see what we end up with, you can preview it here. Step 1: Contact Details First, let’s decide what details we want to put on the page. I’d put my full name, my email address, my phone number, and my postal address, but I’d rather not get surprise visits from strangers when I’m fannying about with my baubles, so I’m going to use Father Christmas instead (that’s Santa to you Yanks). Father Christmas 25 Laughingallthe Way Snow Falls Lapland Finland 010 60 58 000 Step 2: hCard Creator Now I’m not sure about you, but I rather like getting the magical robot pixies to do the work for me, so head on over to the hCard Creator and put those pixies to work! Pop in your details and they’ll give you some nice microformatted HTML in turn.
        Father Christmas
        25 Laughingallthe Way
        Snow Falls , Lapland , FI-00101 Finland
        010 60 58 000

        This hCard created with the hCard creator.

        Step 3: Editing The Code One of the great things about microformats is that you can use pretty much whichever HTML tags you want, so just because the hCard Creator Fairies say something should be wrapped in a doesn’t mean you can’t change it to a . Actually, no, don’t do that. That’s not even excusable at Christmas. I personally have a penchant for marking up each line of an address inside a
      • tag, where the parent url retains the class of adr. As long as you keep the class names the same, you’ll be fine.

        Father Christmas
        • 25 Laughingallthe Way
        • Snow Falls
        • Lapland
        • FI-00101
        • Finland
        010 60 58 000
        Step 4: Testing The Microformats With our microformats in place, now would be a good time to test that they’re working before we start making things look pretty. If you’re on Firefox, you can install the Operator or Tails extensions, but if you’re on another browser, just add the Microformats Bookmarklet. Regardless of your choice, the results is the same: if you’ve code microformatted content on a web page, one of these bad boys should pick it up for you and allow you to export the contact info. Give it a try and you should see father Christmas appearing in your address book of choice. Now you’ll never forget where to send those Christmas lists! Step 5: Some Extra Markup One of the first things we’re going to do is put a photo of Father Christmas on the hCard. We’ll be using CSS to apply a background image to a div, so we’ll be needing an extra div with a class name of “photo”. In turn, we’ll wrap the text-based elements of our hCard inside a div cunningly called “text”. Unfortunately, because of the float technique we’ll be using, we’ll have to use one of those nasty float-clearing techniques. I shall call this “christmas-cheer”, since that is what its presence will inevitably bring, of course. Oh, and let’s add a bit of text to give the page context, too:

        Send your Christmas lists my way...

        Father Christmas
        • 25 Laughingallthe Way
        • Snow Falls
        • Lapland
        • FI-00101
        • Finland
        010 60 58 000

        A tutorial by Elliot Jay Stocks for 24 Ways

        Background: stock.xchng | Father Christmas: iStockPhoto

        Step 6: Some Christmas Sparkle So far, our hCard-housing web page is slightly less than inspiring, isn’t it? It’s time to add a bit of CSS. There’s nothing particularly radical going on here; just a simple layout, some basic typographic treatment, and the placement of the Father Christmas photo. I’d usually use a more thorough CSS reset like the one found in the YUI or Eric Meyer’s, but for this basic page, the simple * solution will do. Check out the step 6 demo to see our basic styles in place. From this… … to this: Step 7: Fun With imagery Now it’s time to introduce a repeating background image to the element. This will seamlessly repeat for as wide as the browser window becomes. But that’s fairly straightforward. How about having some fun with the Father Christmas image? If you look at the image file itself, you’ll see that it’s twice as wide as the area we can see and contains a ‘hidden’ photo of our rather camp St. Nick. As a light-hearted visual… er… ‘treat’ for users who move their mouse over the image, we move the position of the background image on the “photo” div. Check out the step 7 demo to see it working. Step 8: Progressive Enhancement Finally, this fun little project is a great opportunity for us to mess around with some advanced CSS features (some from the CSS3 spec) that we rarely get to use on client projects. (Don’t forget: no Christmas pressies for clients who want you to support IE6!) Here are the rules we’re using to give some browsers a superior viewing experience: @font-face allows us to use Jos Buivenga’s free font ‘Fertigo Pro’ on all text; text-shadow adds a little emphasis on the opening paragraph; body > p:first-child causes only the first paragraph to receive this treatment; border-radius created rounded corners on our main div and the links within it; and webkit-transition allows us to gently fade in between the default and hover states of those links. And with that, we’re done! You can see the results here. It’s time to customise the page to your liking, upload it to your site, and send out the URL. And do it quickly, because I’m sure you’ve got some last-minute Christmas shopping to finish off!",2008,Elliot Jay Stocks,elliotjaystocks,2008-12-10T00:00:00+00:00,,code 117,The First Tool You Reach For,"Microsoft recently announced that Internet Explorer 8 will be released in the first half of 2009. Compared to the standards support of other major browsers, IE8 will not be especially great, but it will finally catch up with the state of the art in one specific area: support for CSS tables. This milestone has the potential to trigger an important change in the way you approach web design. To show you just how big a difference CSS tables can make, think about how you might code a fluid, three-column layout from scratch. Just to make your life more difficult, give it one fixed-width column, with a background colour that differs from the rest of the page. Ready? Go! Okay, since you’re the sort of discerning web designer who reads 24ways, I’m going to assume you at least considered doing this without using HTML tables for the layout. If you’re especially hardcore, I imagine you began thinking of CSS floats, negative margins, and faux columns. If you did, colour me impressed! Now admit it: you probably also gave an inward sigh about the time it would take to figure out the math on the negative margin overlaps, check for dropped floats in Internet Explorer and generally wrestle each of the major browsers into giving you what you want. If after all that you simply gave up and used HTML tables, I can’t say I blame you. There are plenty of professional web designers out there who still choose to use HTML tables as their main layout tool. Sure, they may know that users with screen readers get confused by inappropriate use of tables, but they have a job to do, and they want tools that will make that job easy, not difficult. Now let me show you how to do it with CSS tables. First, we have a div element for each of our columns, and we wrap them all in another two divs:
        Don’t sweat the “div clutter” in this code. Unlike tables, divs have no semantic meaning, and can therefore be used liberally (within reason) to provide hooks for the styles you want to apply to your page. Using CSS, we can set the outer div to display as a table with collapsed borders (i.e. adjacent cells share a border) and a fixed layout (i.e. cell widths unaffected by their contents): .container { display: table; border-collapse: collapse; table-layout: fixed; } With another two rules, we set the middle div to display as a table row, and each of the inner divs to display as table cells: .container > div { display: table-row; } .container > div > div { display: table-cell; } Finally, we can set the widths of the cells (and of the table itself) directly: .container { width: 100%; } #menu { width: 200px; } #content { width: auto; } #sidebar { width: 25%; } And, just like that, we have a rock solid three-column layout, ready to be styled to your own taste, like in this example: This example will render perfectly in reasonably up-to-date versions of Firefox, Safari and Opera, as well as the current beta release of Internet Explorer 8. CSS tables aren’t only useful for multi-column page layout; they can come in handy in most any situation that calls for elements to be displayed side-by-side on the page. Consider this simple login form layout: The incantation required to achieve this layout using CSS floats may be old hat to you by now, but try to teach it to a beginner, and watch his eyes widen in horror at the hoops you have to jump through (not to mention the assumptions you have to build into your design about the length of the form labels). Here’s how to do it with CSS tables:
        This time, we’re using a mixture of divs and spans as semantically transparent styling hooks. Let’s look at the CSS code. First, we set up the outer div to display as a table, the inner divs to display as table rows, and the labels and spans as table cells (with right-aligned text): form > div { display: table; } form > div > div { display: table-row; } form label, form span { display: table-cell; text-align: right; } We want the first column of the table to be wide enough to accommodate our labels, but no wider. With CSS float techniques, we had to guess at what that width was likely to be, and adjust it whenever we changed our form labels. With CSS tables, we can simply set the width of the first column to something very small (1em), and then use the white-space property to force the column to the required width: form label { white-space: nowrap; width: 1em; } To polish off the layout, we’ll make our text and password fields occupy the full width of the table cells that contain them: input[type=text], input[type=password] { width: 100%; } The rest is margins, padding and borders to get the desired look. Check out the finished example. As the first tool you reach for when approaching any layout task, CSS tables make a lot more sense to your average designer than the cryptic incantations called for by CSS floats. When IE8 is released and all major browsers support CSS tables, we can begin to gradually deploy CSS table-based layouts on sites that are more and more mainstream. In our new book, Everything You Know About CSS Is Wrong!, Rachel Andrew and I explore in much greater detail how CSS tables work as a page layout tool in the real world. CSS tables have their quirks just like floats do, but they don’t tend to affect common layout tasks, and the workarounds tend to be less fiddly too. Check it out, and get ready for the next big step forward in web design with CSS.",2008,Kevin Yank,kevinyank,2008-12-13T00:00:00+00:00,,code 110,Shiny Happy Buttons,"Since Mac OS X burst onto our screens, glossy, glassy, shiny buttons have been almost de rigeur, and have essentially, along with reflections and rounded corners, become a cliché of Web 2.0 “design”. But if you can’t beat ‘em you’d better join ‘em. So, in this little contribution to our advent calendar, we’re going to take a plain old boring HTML button, and 2.0 it up the wazoo. But, here’s the catch. We’ll use no images, either in our HTML or our CSS. No sliding doors, no image replacement techniques. Just straight up, CSS, CSS3 and a bit of experimental CSS. And, it will be compatible with pretty much any browser (though with some progressive enhancement for those who keep up with the latest browsers). The HTML We’ll start with our HTML. OK, so it’s not shiny yet – but boy will it ever be. Before styling, that’s going to look like this. Ironically, depending on the operating system and browser you are using, it may well be a shiny button already, but that’s not the point. We want to make it shiny 2.0. Our mission is to make it look something like this If you want to follow along at home keep in mind that depending on which browser you are using you may see fewer of the CSS effects we’ve added to create the button. As of writing, only in Safari are all the effects we’ll apply supported. Taking a look at our finished product, here’s what we’ve done to it: We’ve given the button some padding and a width. We’ve changed the text color, and given the text a drop shadow. We’ve given the button a border. We’ve given the button some rounded corners. We’ve given the button a drop shadow. We’ve given the button a gradient background. and remember, all without using any images. Styling the button So, let’s get to work. First, we’ll add given the element some padding and a width: button { padding: .5em; width: 15em; } Next, we’ll add the text color, and the drop shadow: color: #ffffff; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000; A note on text-shadow If you’ve not seen text-shadows before well, here’s the quick back-story. Text shadow was introduced in CSS2, but only supported in Safari (version 1!) some years later. It was removed from CSS2.1, but returned in CSS3 (in the text module). It’s now supported in Safari, Opera and Firefox (3.1). Internet Explorer has a shadow filter, but the syntax is completely different. So, how do text-shadows work? The three length values specify respectively a horizontal offset, a vertical offset and a blur (the greater the number the more blurred the shadow will be), and finally a color value for the shadow. Rounding the corners Now we’ll add a border, and round the corners of the element: border: solid thin #882d13; -webkit-border-radius: .7em; -moz-border-radius: .7em; border-radius: .7em; Here, we’ve used the same property in three slightly different forms. We add the browser specific prefix for Webkit and Mozilla browsers, because right now, both of these browsers only support border radius as an experimental property. We also add the standard property name, for browsers that do support the property fully in the future. The benefit of the browser specific prefix is that if a browser only partly supports a given property, we can easily avoid using the property with that browser simply by not adding the browser specific prefix. At present, as you might guess, border-radius is supported in Safari and Firefox, but in each the relevant prefix is required. border-radius takes a length value, such as pixels. (It can also take two length values, but that’s for another Christmas.) In this case, as with padding, I’ve used ems, which means that as the user scales the size of text up and down, the radius will scale as well. You can test the difference by making the radius have a value of say 5px, and then zooming up and down the text size. We’re well and truly on the way now. All we need to do is add a shadow to the button, and then a gradient background. In CSS3 there’s the box-shadow property, currently only supported in Safari 3. It’s very similar to text-shadow – you specify a horizontal and vertical offset, a blur value and a color. -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 3px #999; box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #bbb; Once more, we require the “experimental” -webkit- prefix, as Safari’s support for this property is still considered by its developers to be less than perfect. Gradient Background So, all we have left now is to add our shiny gradient effect. Now of course, people have been doing this kind of thing with images for a long time. But if we can avoid them all the better. Smaller pages, faster downloads, and more scalable designs that adapt better to the user’s font size preference. But how can we add a gradient background without an image? Here we’ll look at the only property that is not as yet part of the CSS standard – Apple’s gradient function for use anywhere you can use images with CSS (in this case backgrounds). In essence, this takes SVG gradients, and makes them available via CSS syntax. Here’s what the property and its value looks like: background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#e9ede8), to(#ce401c),color-stop(0.4, #8c1b0b)); Zooming in on the gradient function, it has this basic form: -webkit-gradient(type, point, point, from(color), to(color),color-stop(where, color)); Which might look complicated, but is less so than at first glance. The name of the function is gradient (and in this case, because it is an experimental property, we use the -webkit- prefix). You might not have seen CSS functions before, but there are others, including the attr() function, used with generated content. A function returns a value that can be used as a property value – here we are using it as a background image. Next we specify the type of the gradient. Here we have a linear gradient, and there are also radial gradients. After that, we specify the start and end points of the gradient – in our case the top and bottom of the element, in a vertical line. We then specify the start and end colors – and finally one stop color, located at 40% of the way down the element. Together, this creates a gradient that smoothly transitions from the start color in the top, vertically to the stop color, then smoothly transitions to the end color. There’s one last thing. What color will the background of our button be if the browser doesn’t support gradients? It will be white (or possibly some default color for buttons). Which may make the text difficult or impossible to read. So, we’ll add a background color as well (see why the validator is always warning you when a color but not a background color is specified for an element?). If we put it all together, here’s what we have: button { width: 15em; padding: .5em; color: #ffffff; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000; border: solid thin #882d13; -webkit-border-radius: .7em; -moz-border-radius: .7em; border-radius: .7em; -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 3px #999; box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #bbb; background-color: #ce401c; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#e9ede8), to(#ce401c),color-stop(0.4, #8c1b0b)); } Which looks like this in various browsers: In Safari (3) In Firefox 3.1 (3.0 supports border-radius but not text-shadow) In Opera 10 and of course in Internet Explorer (version 8 shown here) But it looks different in different browsers Yes, it does look different in different browsers, but we all know the answer to the question “do web sites need to look the same in every browser?“. Even if you really think sites should look the same in every browser, hopefully this little tutorial has whet your appetite for what CSS3 and experimental CSS that’s already supported in widely used browsers (and we haven’t even touched on animations and similar effects!). I hope you’ve enjoyed out little CSSMas present, and look forward to seeing your shiny buttons everywhere on the web. Oh, and there’s just a bit of homework – your job is to use the :hover selector, and make a gradient in the hover state.",2008,John Allsopp,johnallsopp,2008-12-18T00:00:00+00:00,,code 100,Moo'y Christmas,"A note from the editors: Moo has changed their API since this article was written. As the web matures, it is less and less just about the virtual world. It is becoming entangled with our world and it is harder to tell what is virtual and what is real. There are several companies who are blurring this line and make the virtual just an extension of the physical. Moo is one such company. Moo offers simple print on demand services. You can print business cards, moo mini cards, stickers, postcards and more. They give you the ability to upload your images, customize them, then have them sent to your door. Many companies allow this sort of digital to physical interaction, but Moo has taken it one step further and has built an API. Printable stocking stuffers The Moo API consists of a simple XML file that is sent to their servers. It describes all the information needed to dynamically assemble and print your object. This is very helpful, not just for when you want to print your own stickers, but when you want to offer them to your customers, friends, organization or community with no hassle. Moo handles the check-out and shipping, all you need to do is what you do best, create! Now using an API sounds complicated, but it is actually very easy. I am going to walk you through the options so you can easily be printing in no time. Before you can begin sending data to the Moo API, you need to register and get an API key. This is important, because it allows Moo to track usage and to credit you. To register, visit and click “Request an API key”. In the following examples, I will use {YOUR API KEY HERE} as a place holder, replace that with your API key and everything will work fine. First thing you need to do is to create an XML file to describe the check-out basket. Open any text-editor and start with some XML basics. Don’t worry, this is pretty simple and Moo gives you a few tools to check your XML for errors before you order. 0.7 {YOUR API KEY HERE} build ... Much like HTML’s and , Moo has created and elements all wrapped in a element. The element contains a few pieces of information that is the same across all the API calls. The element describes which version of the API is being used. This is more important for Moo than for you, so just stick with “0.7” for now. The allows Moo to track sales, referrers and credit your account. The element can only take “build” so that is pretty straight forward. The and elements are URLs. These are optional and are the URLs the customer is redirected to if there is an error, or when the check out process is complete. This allows for some basic branding and a custom “thank you” page which is under your control. That’s it for the element, pretty easy so far! Next up is the element. What goes inside here describes what is to be printed. There are two possible elements, we can put or we can put directly inside . They work in a similar ways, but they drop the customer into different parts of the Moo checkout process. If you specify then you send the customer straight to the Moo payment process. If you specify then you send the customer one-step earlier where they are allowed to pick and choose some images, remove the ones they don’t like, adjust the crop, etc. The example here will use but with a little bit of homework you can easily adjust to if you desire. ... sticker ... Inside the element, we can see there are two basic piece of information. The type of product we want to print, and the images that are to be printed. The element can take one of five options and is required! The possibilities are: minicard, notecard, sticker, postcard or greetingcard. We’ll now look at two of these more closely. Moo Stickers In the Moo sticker books you get 90 small squarish stickers in a small little booklet. The simplest XML you could send would be something like the following payload: ... sticker ... This creates a sticker book with only 3 unique images, but 30 copies of each image. The Sticker books always print 90 stickers in multiples of the images you uploaded. That example only has 3 elements, but you can easily duplicate the XML and send up to 90. The should be the full path to your image and the image needs to be a minimum of 300 pixels by 300 pixels. You can add more XML to describe cropping, but the simplest option is to either, let your customers choose or to pre-crop all your images square so there are no issues. The full XML you would post to the Moo API to print sticker books would look like this: 0.7 {YOUR API KEY HERE} build sticker Mini-cards The mini-cards are the small cute business cards in 14×35 dimensions and come in packs of 100. Since the mini-cards are print on demand, this allows you to have 100 unique images on the back of the cards. Just like the stickers example, we need the same XML setup. The element and elements will be the same as before. The part you will focus on is the section. Since you are sending along specific information, we can’t use the option any more. Switch this to which has a child of , which in turn has a and . This might seem like a lot of work, but once you have it set up you won’t need to change it. ... minicard ... ... So now that we have the basic framework, we can talk about the information specific to minicards. Inside the element, you will have one for each card. Much like before, this contains a way to describe the image. Note that this time the element is called , not images plural. Inside the element you have a which points to where the image lives and a . The should just be set to ‘variable’. You can pass crop information here instead, but we’re going to keep it simple for this tutorial. If you are interested in how that works, you should refer to the official API documentation. ... variable ... So far, we have managed to build a pack of 100 Moo mini-cards with the same image on the front. If you wanted 100 different images, you just need to replicate this snippit, 99 more times. That describes the front design, but the flip-side of your mini-cards can contain 6 lines of text, which is customizable in a variety of colors, fonts and styles. The API allows you to create different text on the back of each mini-card, something the web interface doesn’t implement. To describe the text on the mini-card we need to add a element inside the element. If you skip this element, the back of your mini-card will just be blank, but that’s not very festive! Inside the element, we need to describe the type of text we want to format, so we add a element, which in turn contains all the lines of text. Each of Moo’s printed products take different numbers of lines of text, so if you are not planning on making mini-cards, be sure to consult the documentation. For mini-cards, we can have 6 distinct lines, each with their own style and layout. Each line is represented by an element which has several optional children. The tells which line of the 6 to print the text one. The is the text you want to print and it must be shorter than 38 characters. The element is false by default, but if you want your text bolded, then add this and set it to true. The element is also optional. By default it is set to align left. You can also set this to right or center if you desirer. The element takes one of 3 types, modern, traditional or typewriter. The default is modern. Finally, you can set the , yes that’s color with a ‘u’, Moo is a British company, so they get to make the rules. When you start a print on demand company, you can spell it however you want. The element takes a 6 character hex value with a leading #. ... (1-6) String, I must be less than 38 chars! true left modern #ff0000 If you combine all of this into a mini-card request you’d get this example: 0.7 {YOUR API KEY HERE} build minicard variable 1 String, I must be less than 38 chars! true left modern #ff0000 Now you know how to construct the XML that describes what to print. Next, you need to know how to send it to Moo to make it happen! Posting to the API So your XML is file ready to go. First thing we need to do is check it to make sure it’s valid. Moo has created a simple validator where you paste in your XML, and it alerts you to problems. When you have a fully valid XML file, you’ll want to send that to the Moo API. There are a few ways to do this, but the simplest is with an HTML form. This is the sample code for an HTML form with a big “Buy My Stickers” button. Once you know that it is working, you can use all your existing HTML knowledge to style it up any way you like.
        .... ... ""> This is just a basic
        element that submits to the Moo API,, when someone clicks the button. There is a hidden input called “xml” which contains the value the XML file we created previously. For those of you who need to “view source” to fully understand what’s happening can see a working version and peek under the hood. Using the API has advantages over uploading the images directly yourself. The images and text that you send via the API can be dynamic. Some companies, like Dopplr, have taken user profiles and dynamic data that changes every minute to generate customer stickers of places that you’ve travelled to or mini-cards with a world map of all the cities you have visited. Every single customer has different travel plans and therefore different sets of stickers and mini-card maps. The API allows for the utmost current information to be printed, on demand, in real-time. Go forth and Moo’ltiply See, making an API call wasn’t that hard was it? You are now 90% of the way to creating anything with the Moo API. With a bit of reading, you can learn that extra 10% and print any Moo product. Be on the lookout in 2009 for the official release of the 1.0 API with improvements and some extras that were not available when this article was written. This article is released under the creative-commons attribution share-a-like license. That means you are free to re-distribute it, mash it up, translate it and otherwise re-using it ways the author never considered, in return he only asks you mention his name. This work by Brian Suda is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.",2008,Brian Suda,briansuda,2008-12-19T00:00:00+00:00,,code 109,Geotag Everywhere with Fire Eagle,"A note from the editors: Since this article was written Yahoo! has retired the Fire Eagle service. Location, they say, is everywhere. Everyone has one, all of the time. But on the web, it’s taken until this year to see the emergence of location in the applications we use and build. The possibilities are broad. Increasingly, mobile phones provide SDKs to approximate your location wherever you are, browser extensions such as Loki and Mozilla’s Geode provide browser-level APIs to establish your location from the proximity of wireless networks to your laptop. Yahoo’s Brickhouse group launched Fire Eagle, an ambitious location broker enabling people to take their location from any of these devices or sources, and provide it to a plethora of web services. It enables you to take the location information that only your iPhone knows about and use it anywhere on the web. That said, this is still a time of location as an emerging technology. Fire Eagle stores your location on the web (protected by application-specific access controls), but to try and give an idea of how useful and powerful your location can be — regardless of the services you use now — today’s 24ways is going to build a bookmarklet to call up your location on demand, in any web application. Location Support on the Web Over the past year, the number of applications implementing location features has increased dramatically. Plazes and Brightkite are both full featured social networks based around where you are, whilst Pownce rolled in Fire Eagle support to allow geotagging of all the content you post to their microblogging service. Dipity’s beautiful timeline shows for you moving from place to place and Six Apart’s activity stream for Movable Type started exposing your movements. The number of services that hook into Fire Eagle will increase as location awareness spreads through the developer community, but you can use your location on other sites indirectly too. Consider Flickr. Now world renowned for their incredible mapping and places features, geotagging on Flickr started out as a grassroots extension of regular tagging. That same technique can be used to start rolling geotagging in any publishing platform you come across, for any kind of content. Machine-tags (geo:lat= and geo:lon=) and the adr and geo microformats can be used to enhance anything you write with location information. A crash course in avian inflammability Fire Eagle is a location store. A broker between services and devices which provide location and those which consume it. It’s a switchboard that controls which pieces of your location different applications can see and use, and keeps hidden anything you want kept private. A blog widget that displays your current location in public can be restricted to display just your current city, whilst a service that provides you with a list of the nearest ATMs will operate better with a precise street address. Even if your iPhone tells Fire Eagle exactly where you are, consuming applications only see what you want them to see. That’s important for users to realise that they’re in control, but also important for application developers to remember that you cannot rely on having super-accurate information available all the time. You need to build location aware applications which degrade gracefully, because users will provide fuzzier information — either through choice, or through less accurate sources. Application specific permissions are controlled through an OAuth API. Each application has a unique key, used to request a second, user-specific key that permits access to that user’s information. You store that user key and it remains valid until such a time as the user revokes your application’s access. Unlike with passwords, these keys are unique per application, so revoking the access rights of one application doesn’t break all the others. Building your first Fire Eagle app; Geomarklet Fire Eagle’s developer documentation can take you through examples of writing simple applications using server side technologies (PHP, Python). Here, we’re going to write a client-side bookmarklet to make your location available in every site you use. It’s designed to fast-track the experience of having location available everywhere on web, and show you how that can be really handy. Hopefully, this will set you thinking about how location can enhance the new applications you build in 2009. An oddity of bookmarklets Bookmarklets (or ‘favlets’, for those of an MSIE persuasion) are a strange environment to program in. Critically, you have no persistent storage available. As such, using token-auth APIs in a static environment requires you to build you application in a slightly strange way; authing yourself in advance and then hardcoding the keys into your script. Get started Before you do anything else, go to and log in, get set up if you need to and by all means take a look around. Take a look at the mobile updaters section of the application gallery and perhaps pick out an app that will update Fire Eagle from your phone or laptop. Once that’s done, you need to register for an application key in the developer section. Head straight to /developer/create and complete the form. Since you’re building a standalone application, choose ‘Auth for desktop applications’ (rather than web applications), and select that you’ll be ‘accessing location’, not updating. At the end of this process, you’ll have two application keys, a ‘Consumer Key’ and a ‘Consumer Secret’, which look like these: Consumer Key luKrM9U1pMnu Consumer Secret ZZl9YXXoJX5KLiKyVrMZffNEaBnxnd6M These keys combined allow your application to make requests to Fire Eagle. Next up, you need to auth yourself; granting your new application permission to use your location. Because bookmarklets don’t have local storage, you can’t integrate the auth process into the bookmarklet itself — it would have no way of storing the returned key. Instead, I’ve put together a simple web frontend through which you can auth with your application. Head to Auth me, Amadeus!, enter the application keys you just generated and hit ‘Authorize with Fire Eagle’. You’ll be taken to the Fire Eagle website, just as in regular Fire Eagle applications, and after granting access to your app, be redirected back to Amadeus which will provide you your user tokens. These tokens are used in subsequent requests to read your location. And, skip to the end… The process of building the bookmarklet, making requests to Fire Eagle, rendering it to the page and so forth follows, but if you’re the impatient type, you might like to try this out right now. Take your four API keys from above, and drag the following link to your Bookmarks Toolbar; it contains all the code described below. Before you can use it, you need to edit in your own API keys. Open your browser’s bookmark editor and where you find text like ‘YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY_HERE’, swap in the corresponding key you just generated. Get Location Bookmarklet Basics To start on the bookmarklet code, set out a basic JavaScript module-pattern structure: var Geomarklet = function() { return ({ callback: function(json) {}, run: function() {} }); };; Next we’ll add the keys obtained in the setup step, and also some basic Fire Eagle support objects: var Geomarklet = function() { var Keys = { consumer_key: 'IuKrJUHU1pMnu', consumer_secret: 'ZZl9YXXoJX5KLiKyVEERTfNEaBnxnd6M', user_token: 'xxxxxxxxxxxx', user_secret: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' }; var LocationDetail = { EXACT: 0, POSTAL: 1, NEIGHBORHOOD: 2, CITY: 3, REGION: 4, STATE: 5, COUNTRY: 6 }; var index_offset; return ({ callback: function(json) {}, run: function() {} }); };; The Location Hierarchy A successful Fire Eagle query returns an object called the ‘location hierarchy’. Depending on the level of detail shared, the index of a particular piece of information in the array will vary. The LocationDetail object maps the array indices of each level in the hierarchy to something comprehensible, whilst the index_offset variable is an adjustment based on the detail of the result returned. The location hierarchy object looks like this, providing a granular breakdown of a location, in human consumable and machine-friendly forms. ""user"": { ""location_hierarchy"": [{ ""level"": 0, ""level_name"": ""exact"", ""name"": ""707 19th St, San Francisco, CA"", ""normal_name"": ""94123"", ""geometry"": { ""type"": ""Point"", ""coordinates"": [ - 0.2347530752, 67.232323] }, ""label"": null, ""best_guess"": true, ""id"": , ""located_at"": ""2008-12-18T00:49:58-08:00"", ""query"": ""q=707%2019th%20Street,%20Sf"" }, { ""level"": 1, ""level_name"": ""postal"", ""name"": ""San Francisco, CA 94114"", ""normal_name"": ""12345"", ""woeid"": , ""place_id"": """", ""geometry"": { ""type"": ""Polygon"", ""coordinates"": [], ""bbox"": [] }, ""label"": null, ""best_guess"": false, ""id"": 59358791, ""located_at"": ""2008-12-18T00:49:58-08:00"" }, { ""level"": 2, ""level_name"": ""neighborhood"", ""name"": ""The Mission, San Francisco, CA"", ""normal_name"": ""The Mission"", ""woeid"": 23512048, ""place_id"": ""Y12JWsKbApmnSQpbQg"", ""geometry"": { ""type"": ""Polygon"", ""coordinates"": [], ""bbox"": [] }, ""label"": null, ""best_guess"": false, ""id"": 59358801, ""located_at"": ""2008-12-18T00:49:58-08:00"" }, } In this case the first object has a level of 0, so the index_offset is also 0. Prerequisites To query Fire Eagle we call in some existing libraries to handle the OAuth layer and the Fire Eagle API call. Your bookmarklet will need to add the following scripts into the page: The SHA1 encryption algorithm The OAuth wrapper An extension for the OAuth wrapper The Fire Eagle wrapper itself When the bookmarklet is first run, we’ll insert these scripts into the document. We’re also inserting a stylesheet to dress up the UI that will be generated. If you want to follow along any of the more mundane parts of the bookmarklet, you can download the full source code. Rendering This bookmarklet can be extended to support any formatting of your location you like, but for sake of example I’m going to build three common formatters that you’ll find useful for common location scenarios: Sites which already ask for your location; and in publishing systems that accept tags or HTML mark-up. All the rendering functions are items in a renderers object, so they can be iterated through easily, making it trivial to add new formatting functions as your find new use cases (just add another function to the object). var renderers = { geotag: function(user) { if(LocationDetail.EXACT !== index_offset) { return false; } else { var coords = user.location_hierarchy[LocationDetail.EXACT].geometry.coordinates; return ""geo:lat="" + coords[0] + "", geo:lon="" + coords[1]; } }, city: function(user) { if(LocationDetail.CITY < index_offset) { return false; } else { return user.location_hierarchy[LocationDetail.CITY - index_offset].name; } } You should always fail gracefully, and in line with catering to users who choose not to share their location precisely, always check that the location has been returned at the level you require. Geotags are expected to be precise, so if an exact location is unavailable, returning false will tell the rendering aspect of the bookmarklet to ignore the function altogether. These first two are quite simple, geotag returns geo:lat=-0.2347530752, geo:lon=67.232323 and city returns San Francisco, CA. This final renderer creates a chunk of HTML using the adr and geo microformats, using all available aspects of the location hierarchy, and can be used to geotag any content you write on your blog or in comments: html: function(user) { var geostring = ''; var adrstring = ''; var adr = []; adr.push('

        '); // city if(LocationDetail.CITY >= index_offset) { adr.push( '\n ' + user.location_hierarchy[LocationDetail.CITY-index_offset].normal_name + ',' ); } // county if(LocationDetail.REGION >= index_offset) { adr.push( '\n ' + user.location_hierarchy[LocationDetail.REGION-index_offset].normal_name + ',' ); } // locality if(LocationDetail.STATE >= index_offset) { adr.push( '\n ' + user.location_hierarchy[LocationDetail.STATE-index_offset].normal_name + ',' ); } // country if(LocationDetail.COUNTRY >= index_offset) { adr.push( '\n ' + user.location_hierarchy[LocationDetail.COUNTRY-index_offset].normal_name + '' ); } // postal if(LocationDetail.POSTAL >= index_offset) { adr.push( '\n ' + user.location_hierarchy[LocationDetail.POSTAL-index_offset].normal_name + ',' ); } adr.push('\n

        \n'); adrstring = adr.join(''); if(LocationDetail.EXACT === index_offset) { var coords = user.location_hierarchy[LocationDetail.EXACT].geometry.coordinates; geostring = '

        ' +'\n ' + coords[0] + ';' + '\n ' + coords[1] + '\n

        \n'; } return (adrstring + geostring); } Here we check the availability of every level of location and build it into the adr and geo patterns as appropriate. Just as for the geotag function, if there’s no exact location the geo markup won’t be returned. Finally, there’s a rendering method which creates a container for all this data, renders all the applicable location formats and then displays them in the page for a user to copy and paste. You can throw this together with DOM methods and some simple styling, or roll in some components from YUI or JQuery to handle drawing full featured overlays. You can see this simple implementation for rendering in the full source code. Make the call With a framework in place to render Fire Eagle’s location hierarchy, the only thing that remains is to actually request your location. Having already authed through Amadeus earlier, that’s as simple as instantiating the Fire Eagle JavaScript wrapper and making a single function call. It’s a big deal that whilst a lot of new technologies like OAuth add some complexity and require new knowledge to work with, APIs like Fire Eagle are really very simple indeed. return { run: function() { insert_prerequisites(); setTimeout( function() { var fe = new FireEagle( Keys.consumer_key, Keys.consumer_secret, Keys.user_token, Keys.user_secret ); var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = fe.getUserUrl( FireEagle.RESPONSE_FORMAT.json, 'Geomarklet.callback' ); document.body.appendChild(script); }, 2000 ); }, callback: function(json) { if(json.rsp && 'fail' == json.rsp.stat) { alert('Error ' + json.rsp.code + "": "" + json.rsp.message); } else { index_offset = json.user.location_hierarchy[0].level; draw_selector(json); } } }; We first insert the prerequisite scripts required for the Fire Eagle request to function, and to prevent trying to instantiate the FireEagle object before it’s been loaded over the wire, the remaining instantiation and request is wrapped inside a setTimeout delay. We then create the request URL, referencing the Geomarklet.callback callback function and then append the script to the document body — allowing a cross-domain request. The callback itself is quite simple. Check for the presence and value of rsp.status to test for errors, and display them as required. If the request is successful set the index_offset — to adjust for the granularity of the location hierarchy — and then pass the object to the renderer. The result? When is called, your location from Fire Eagle is read, and each renderer displayed on the page in an easily copy and pasteable form, ready to be used however you need. Deploy The final step is to convert this code into a long string for use as a bookmarklet. Easiest for Mac users is the JavaScript bundle in TextMate — choose Bundles: JavaScript: Copy as Bookmarklet to Clipboard. Then create a new ‘Get Location’ bookmark in your browser of choice and paste in. Those without TextMate can shrink their code down into a single line by first running their code through the JSLint tool (to ensure the code is free from errors and has all the required semi-colons) and then use a find-and-replace tool to remove line breaks from your code (or even run your code through JSMin to shrink it down). With the bookmarklet created and added to your bookmarks bar, you can now call up your location on any page at all. Get a feel for a web where your location is just another reliable part of the browsing experience. Where next? So, the Geomarklet you’ve been guided through is a pretty simple premise and pretty simple output. But from this base you can start to extend: Add code that will insert each of the location renderings directly into form fields, perhaps, or how about site-specific handlers to add your location tags into the correct form field in Wordpress or Tumblr? Paste in your current location to Google Maps? Or Flickr? Geomarklet gives you a base to start experimenting with location on your own pages and the sites you browse daily. The introduction of consumer accessible geo to the web is an adventure of discovery; not so much discovering new locations, but discovering location itself.",2008,Ben Ward,benward,2008-12-21T00:00:00+00:00,,code 98,Absolute Columns,"CSS layouts have come quite a long way since the dark ages of web publishing, with all sorts of creative applications of floats, negative margins, and even background images employed in order to give us that most basic building block, the column. As the title implies, we are indeed going to be discussing columns today—more to the point, a handy little application of absolute positioning that may be exactly what you’ve been looking for… Care for a nightcap? If you’ve been developing for the web for long enough, you may be familiar with this little children’s fable, passed down from wizened Shaolin monks sitting atop the great Mt. Geocities: “Once upon a time, multiple columns of the same height could be easily created using TABLES.” Now, though we’re all comfortably seated on the standards train (and let’s be honest: even if you like to think you’ve fallen off, if you’ve given up using tables for layout, rest assured your sleeper car is still reserved), this particular—and as page layout goes, quite basic—trick is still a thorn in our CSSides compared to the ease of achieving the same effect using said Tables of Evil™. See, the orange juice masks the flavor… Creative solutions such as Dan Cederholm’s Faux Columns do a good job of making it appear as though adjacent columns maintain equal height as content expands, using a background image to fill the space that the columns cannot. Now, the Holy Grail of CSS columns behaving exactly how they would as table cells—or more to the point, as columns—still eludes us (cough CSS3 Multi-column layout module cough), but sometimes you just need, for example, a secondary column (say, a sidebar) to match the height of a primary column, without involving the creation of images. This is where a little absolute positioning can save you time, while possibly giving your layout a little more flexibility. Shaken, not stirred You’re probably familiar by now with the concept of Making the Absolute, Relative as set forth long ago by Doug Bowman, but let’s quickly review just in case: an element set to position:absolute will position itself relative to its nearest ancestor set to position:relative, rather than the browser window (see Figure 1). Figure 1. However, what you may not know is that we can anchor more than two sides of an absolutely positioned element. Yes, that’s right, all four sides (top, right, bottom, left) can be set, though in this example we’re only going to require the services of three sides (see Figure 2 for the end result). Figure 2. Trust me, this will make you feel better Our requirements are essentially the same as the standard “absolute-relative” trick—a container
        set to position:relative, and our sidebar
        set to position:absolute — plus another
        that will serve as our main content column. We’ll also add a few other common layout elements (wrapper, header, and footer) so our example markup looks more like a real layout and less like a test case:



        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…



        In this example, our main column (#column-left) is only being given a width to fit within the context of the layout, and is otherwise untouched (though we’re using pixels here, this trick will of course work with fluid layouts as well), and our right keeping our styles nice and minimal: #container { position: relative; } #column-left { width: 480px; } #column-right { position: absolute; top: 10px; right: 10px; bottom: 10px; width: 250px; } The trick is a simple one: the #container
        will expand vertically to fit the content within #column-left. By telling our sidebar
        (#column-right) to attach itself not only to the top and right edges of #container, but also to the bottom, it too will expand and contract to match the height of the left column (duplicate the “lorem ipsum” paragraph a few times to see it in action). Figure 3. On the rocks “But wait!” I hear you exclaim, “when the right column has more content than the left column, it doesn’t expand! My text runneth over!” Sure enough, that’s exactly what happens, and what’s more, it’s supposed to: Absolutely positioned elements do exactly what you tell them to do, and unfortunately aren’t very good at thinking outside the box (get it? sigh…). However, this needn’t get your spirits down, because there’s an easy way to address the issue: by adding overflow:auto to #column-right, a scrollbar will automatically appear if and when needed: #column-right { position: absolute; top: 10px; right: 10px; bottom: 10px; width: 250px; overflow: auto; } While this may limit the trick’s usefulness to situations where the primary column will almost always have more content than the secondary column—or where the secondary column’s content can scroll with wild abandon—a little prior planning will make it easy to incorporate into your designs. Driving us to drink It just wouldn’t be right to have a friendly, festive holiday tutorial without inviting IE6, though in this particular instance there will be no shaming that old browser into admitting it has a problem, nor an intervention and subsequent 12-step program. That’s right my friends, this tutorial has abstained from IE6-abuse now for 30 days, thanks to the wizard Dean Edwards and his amazingly talented IE7 Javascript library. Simply drop the Conditional Comment and Slideshow plugin If you’re not familiar with jQuery or how to write and author your own plugin there are plenty of articles to help you out. jQuery has a chainable interface and this is something your plugin must implement. This is easy to achieve, so your plugin simply returns the collection it is using: return this.each( function () {} }; Local Variables To keep the JavaScript clean and avoid any conflicts, you must set up any variables which are local to the plugin and should be used on each collection item. Defining all your variables at the top under one statement makes adding more and finding which variables are used easier. For other tips, conventions and improvements check out JSLint, the “JavaScript Code Quality Tool”. var $$, $div, $images, $arrows, $pager, id, selector, path, o, options, height, width, list = [], li = 0, parts = [], pi = 0, arrows = ['Previous', 'Next']; Cache jQuery Objects It is good practice to cache any calls made to jQuery. This reduces wasted DOM calls, can improve the speed of your JavaScript code and makes code more reusable. The following code snippet caches the current selected DOM element as a jQuery object using the variable name $$. Secondly, the plugin makes its settings available to the Metadata plugin‡ which is best practice within jQuery plugins. For each slideshow the plugin generates a
        with a class of slideshow and a unique id. This is used to wrap the slideshow images, pagination and controls. The base path which is used for all the images in the slideshow is calculated based on the existing image which appears on the page. For example, if the path to the image on the page was /img/flowers/1.jpg the plugin would use the path /img/flowers/ to load the other images. $$ = $(this); o = $.metadata ? $.extend({}, settings, $$.metadata()) : settings; id = 'slideshow-' + (i++ + 1); $div = $('
        ').addClass('slideshow').attr('id', id); selector = '#' + id + ' '; path = $$.attr('src').replace(/[0-9]\.jpg/g, ''); options = {}; height = $$.height(); width = $$.width(); Note: the plugin uses conventions such as folder structure and numeric filenames. These conventions help with the reusable aspect of plugins and best practices. Build the Images The cycle plugin uses a list of images to create the slideshow. Because we chose to start with one image we must now build the list programmatically. This is a case of looping through the images which were added via the plugin options, building the appropriate HTML and appending the resulting
          to the DOM. $.each(o.images, function () { list[li++] = '
        • '; list[li++] = ''; list[li++] = '
        • '; }); $images = $('
            ').addClass('cycle-images'); $images.append(list.join('')).appendTo($div); Although jQuery provides the append method it is much faster to create one really long string and append it to the DOM at the end. Update the Options Here are some of the options we’re making available by simply adding classes to the . You can change the slideshow effect from the default fade to the sliding effect. By adding the class of stopped the slideshow will not auto-play and must be controlled via pagination or previous and next links. // different effect if ($$.is('.slide')) { options.fx = 'scrollHorz'; } // don't move by default if ($$.is('.stopped')) { options.timeout = 0; } If you are using the same set of images throughout a website you may wish to start on a different image on each page or section. This can be easily achieved by simply adding the appropriate starting class to the . // based on the class name on the image if ($$.is('[class*=start-]')) { options.startingSlide = parseInt($$.attr('class').replace(/.*start-([0-9]+).*/g, ""$1""), 10) - 1; } For example: By default, and without JavaScript, the third image in this slideshow is shown. When the JavaScript is applied to the page the slideshow must know to start from the correct place, this is why the start class is required. You could capture the default image name and parse it to get the position, but only the default image needs to be numeric to work with this plugin (and could easily be changed in future). Therefore, this extra specifically defined option means the plugin is more tolerant. Previous/Next Links A common feature of slideshows is previous and next links enabling the user to manually progress the images. The Cycle plugin supports this functionality, but you must generate the markup yourself. Most people add these directly in the HTML but normally only support their behaviour when JavaScript is enabled. This goes against progressive enhancement. To keep with the best practice progress enhancement method the previous/next links should be generated with JavaScript. The follow snippet checks whether the slideshow requires the previous/next links, via the arrows class. It restricts the Cycle plugin to the specific slideshow using the selector we created at the top of the plugin. This means multiple slideshows can run on one page without conflicting each other. The code creates a
              using the arrows array we defined at the top of the plugin. It also adds a class to the slideshow container, meaning you can style different combinations of options in your CSS. // create the arrows if ($$.is('.arrows') && list.length > 1) { = selector + '.next'; options.prev = selector + '.previous'; $arrows = $('
                ').addClass('cycle-arrows'); $.each(arrows, function (i, val) { parts[pi++] = '
              • '; parts[pi++] = ''; parts[pi++] = '' + val + ''; parts[pi++] = ''; parts[pi++] = '
              • '; }); $arrows.append(parts.join('')).appendTo($div); $div.addClass('has-cycle-arrows'); } The arrow array could be placed inside the plugin settings to allow for localisation. Pagination The Cycle plugin creates its own HTML for the pagination of the slideshow. All our plugin needs to do is create the list and selector to use. This snippet creates the pagination container and appends it to our specific slideshow container. It sets the Cycle plugin pager option, restricting it to the specific slideshow using the selector we created at the top of the plugin. Like the previous/next links, a class is added to the slideshow container allowing you to style the slideshow itself differently. // create the clickable pagination if ($$.is('.pagination') && list.length > 1) { options.pager = selector + '.cycle-pagination'; $pager = $('
                  ').addClass('cycle-pagination'); $pager.appendTo($div); $div.addClass('has-cycle-pagination'); } Note: the Cycle plugin creates a
                    with anchors listed directly inside without the surrounding
                  • . Unfortunately this is invalid markup but the code still works. Demos Well, that describes all the ins-and-outs of the plugin, but demos make it easier to understand! Viewing the source on the demo page shows some of the combinations you can create with a simple , a few classes and some thought-out JavaScript. View the demos → Decide on defaults The slideshow plugin uses the exact same settings as the Cycle plugin, but some are explicitly set within the slideshow plugin when using the classes you have set. When deciding on what functionality is going to be controlled via this class method, be careful to choose your defaults wisely. If all slideshows should auto-play, don’t make this an option — make the option to stop the auto-play. Similarly, if every slideshow should have previous/next functionality make this the default and expose the ability to remove them with a class such as “no-pagination”. In the examples presented on this article I have used a class on each . You can easily change this to anything you want and simply apply the plugin based on the jQuery selector required. Grab your images If you are using AJAX to load in your images, you can speed up development by deciding on and keeping to a folder structure and naming convention. There are two methods: basing the image path based on the current URL; or based on the src of the image. The first allows a different slideshow on each page, but in many instances a site will have a couple of sets of images and therefore the second method is probably preferred. Metadata ‡ A method which allows you to directly modify settings in certain plugins, which also uses the classes from your HTML already exists. This is a jQuery plugin called Metadata. This method allows for finer control over the plugin settings themselves. Some people, however, may dislike the syntax and prefer using normal classes, like above which when sprinkled with a bit more JavaScript allows you to control what you need to control. The takeaway Hopefully you have understood not only what goes in to a basic jQuery plugin but also learnt a new and powerful idea which you can apply to other areas of your website. The idea can also be applied to other common interfaces such as lightboxes or mapping services such as Google Maps — for example creating markers based on a list of places, each with different pin icons based the anchor class.",2009,Trevor Morris,trevormorris,2009-12-06T00:00:00+00:00,,code 188,Don't Lose Your :focus,"For many web designers, accessibility conjures up images of blind users with screenreaders, and the difficulties in making sites accessible to this particular audience. Of course, accessibility covers a wide range of situations that go beyond the extreme example of screenreader users. And while it’s true that making a complex site accessible can often be a daunting prospect, there are also many small things that don’t take anything more than a bit of judicious planning, are very easy to test (without having to buy expensive assistive technology), and can make all the difference to certain user groups. In this short article we’ll focus on keyboard accessibility and how careless use of CSS can potentially make your sites completely unusable. Keyboard Access Users who for whatever reason can’t use a mouse will employ a keyboard (or keyboard-like custom interface) to navigate around web pages. By default, they will use TAB and SHIFT + TAB to move from one focusable element (links, form controls and area) of a page to the next. Note: in OS X, you’ll first need to turn on full keyboard access under System Preferences > Keyboard and Mouse > Keyboard Shortcuts. Safari under Windows needs to have the option Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage in Preferences > Advanced enabled. Opera is the odd one out, as it has a variety of keyboard navigation options – the most relevant here being spatial navigation via Shift+Down, Shift+Up, Shift+Left, and Shift+Right). But I Don’t Like Your Dotted Lines… To show users where they are within a page, browsers place an outline around the element that currently has focus. The “problem” with these default outlines is that some browsers (Internet Explorer and Firefox) also display them when a user clicks on a focusable element with the mouse. Particularly on sites that make extensive use of image replacement on links with “off left” techniques this can create very unsightly outlines that stretch from the replaced element all the way to the left edge of the browser. Outline bleeding off to the left (image-replacement example from There is a trivial workaround to prevent outlines from “spilling over” by adding a simple overflow:hidden, which keeps the outline in check around the clickable portion of the image-replaced element itself. Outline tamed with overflow:hidden But for many designers, even this is not enough. As a final solution, many actively suppress outlines altogether in their stylesheets. Controversially, even Eric Meyer’s popular reset.css – an otherwise excellent set of styles that levels the playing field of varying browser defaults – suppresses outlines. html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe ... { ... outline: 0; ... } /* remember to define focus styles! */ :focus { outline: 0; } Yes, in his explanation (and in the CSS itself) Eric does remind designers to define relevant styles for :focus… but judging by the number of sites that seem to ignore this (and often remove the related comment from the stylesheet altogether), the message doesn’t seem to have sunk in. Anyway… hurrah! No more unsightly dotted lines on our lovely design. But what about keyboard users? Although technically they can still TAB from one element to the next, they now get no default cue as to where they are within the page (one notable exception here is Opera, where the outline is displayed regardless of stylesheets)… and if they’re Safari users, they won’t even get an indication of a link’s target in the status bar, like they would if they hovered over it with the mouse. Only Suppress outline For Mouse Users Is there a way to allow users navigating with the keyboard to retain the standard outline behaviour they’ve come to expect from their browser, while also ensuring that it doesn’t show display for mouse users? Testing some convoluted style combinations After playing with various approaches (see Better CSS outline suppression for more details), the most elegant solution also seemed to be the simplest: don’t remove the outline on :focus, do it on :active instead – after all, :active is the dynamic pseudo-class that deals explicitly with the styles that should be applied when a focusable element is clicked or otherwise activated. a:active { outline: none; } The only minor issues with this method: if a user activates a link and then uses the browser’s back button, the outline becomes visible. Oh, and old versions of Internet Explorer notoriously get confused by the exact meaning of :focus, :hover and :active, so this method fails in IE6 and below. Personally, I can live with both of these. Note: at the last minute before submitting this article, I discovered a fatal flaw in my test. It appears that outline still manages to appear in the time between activating a link and the link target loading (which in hindsight is logical – after activation, the link does indeed receive focus). As my test page only used in-page links, this issue never came up before. The slightly less elegant solution is to also suppress the outline on :hover. a:hover, a:active { outline: none; } In Conclusion Of course, many web designers may argue that they know what’s best, even for their keyboard-using audience. Maybe they’ve removed the default outline and are instead providing some carefully designed :focus styles. If they know for sure that these custom styles are indeed a reliable alternative for their users, more power to them… but, at the risk of sounding like Jakob “blue underlined links” Nielsen, I’d still argue that sometimes the default browser behaviours are best left alone. Complemented, yes (and if you’re already defining some fancy styles for :hover, by all means feel free to also make them display on :focus)… but not suppressed.",2009,Patrick Lauke,patricklauke,2009-12-09T00:00:00+00:00,,code 169,Incite A Riot,"Given its relatively limited scope, HTML can be remarkably expressive. With a bit of lateral thinking, we can mark up content such as tag clouds and progress meters, even when we don’t have explicit HTML elements for those patterns. Suppose we want to mark up a short conversation: Alice: I think Eve is watching. Bob: This isn’t a cryptography tutorial …we’re in the wrong example! A note in the the HTML 4.01 spec says it’s okay to use a definition list: Another application of DL, for example, is for marking up dialogues, with each DT naming a speaker, and each DD containing his or her words. That would give us:
                    I think Eve is watching.
                    This isn't a cryptography tutorial ...we're in the wrong example!
                    This usage of a definition list is proof that writing W3C specifications and smoking crack are not mutually exclusive activities. “I think Eve is watching” is not a definition of “Alice.” If you (ab)use a definition list in this way, Norm will hunt you down. The conversation problem was revisited in HTML5. What if dt and dd didn’t always mean “definition title” and “definition description”? A new element was forged: dialog. Now the the “d” in dt and dd doesn’t stand for “definition”, it stands for “dialog” (or “dialogue” if you can spell):
                    I think Eve is watching.
                    This isn't a cryptography tutorial ...we're in the wrong example!
                    Problem solved …except that dialog is no longer in the HTML5 spec. Hixie further expanded the meaning of dt and dd so that they could be used inside details (which makes sense—it starts with a “d”) and figure (…um). At the same time as the content model of details and figure were being updated, the completely-unrelated dialog element was dropped. Back to the drawing board, or in this case, the HTML 4.01 specification. The spec defines the cite element thusly: Contains a citation or a reference to other sources. Perfect! There’s even an example showing how this can applied when attributing quotes to people: As Harry S. Truman said, The buck stops here. For longer quotes, the blockquote element might be more appropriate. In a conversation, where the order matters, I think an ordered list would make a good containing element for this pattern:
                    1. Alice: I think Eve is watching.
                    2. Bob: This isn't a cryptography tutorial ...we're in the wrong example!
                    Problem solved …except that the cite element has been redefined in the HTML5 spec: The cite element represents the title of a work … A person’s name is not the title of a work … and the element must therefore not be used to mark up people’s names. HTML5 is supposed to be backwards compatible with previous versions of HTML, yet here we have a semantic pattern already defined in HTML 4.01 that is now non-conforming in HTML5. The entire justification for the change boils down to this line of reasoning: Given that: titles of works are often italicised and given that: people’s names are not often italicised and given that: most browsers italicise the contents of the cite element, therefore: the cite element should not be used to mark up people’s names. In other words, the default browser styling is now dictating semantic meaning. The tail is wagging the dog. Not to worry, the HTML5 spec tells us how we can mark up names in conversations without using the cite element: In some cases, the b element might be appropriate for names I believe the colloquial response to this is a combination of the letters W, T and F, followed by a question mark. The non-normative note continues: In other cases, if an element is really needed, the span element can be used. This is not a joke. We are seriously being told to use semantically meaningless elements to mark up content that is semantically meaningful. We don’t have to take it. Firstly, any conformance checker—that’s the new politically correct term for “validator”—cannot possibly check every instance of the cite element to see if it’s really the title of a work and not the name of a person. So we can disobey the specification without fear of invalidating our documents. Secondly, Hixie has repeatedly stated that browser makers have a powerful voice in deciding what goes into the HTML5 spec; if a browser maker refuses to implement a feature, then that feature should come out of the spec because otherwise, the spec is fiction. Well, one of the design principles of HTML5 is the Priority of Constituencies: In case of conflict, consider users over authors over implementors over specifiers over theoretical purity. That places us—authors—above browser makers. If we resolutely refuse to implement part of the HTML5 spec, then the spec becomes fiction. Join me in a campaign of civil disobedience against the unnecessarily restrictive, backwards-incompatible change to the cite element. Start using HTML5 but start using it sensibly. Let’s ensure that bad advice remains fictitious. Tantek has set up a page on the WHATWG wiki to document usage of the cite element for conversations. Please contribute to it.",2009,Jeremy Keith,jeremykeith,2009-12-11T00:00:00+00:00,,code 171,Rock Solid HTML Emails,"At some stage in your career, it’s likely you’ll be asked by a client to design a HTML email. Before you rush to explain that all the cool kids are using social media, keep in mind that when done correctly, email is still one of the best ways to promote you and your clients online. In fact, a recent survey showed that every dollar spent on email marketing this year generated more than $40 in return. That’s more than any other marketing channel, including the cool ones. There are a whole host of ingredients that contribute to a good email marketing campaign. Permission, relevance, timeliness and engaging content are all important. Even so, the biggest challenge for designers still remains building an email that renders well across all the popular email clients. Same same, but different Before getting into the details, there are some uncomfortable facts that those new to HTML email should be aware of. Building an email is not like building for the web. While web browsers continue their onward march towards standards, many email clients have stubbornly stayed put. Some have even gone backwards. In 2007, Microsoft switched the Outlook rendering engine from Internet Explorer to Word. Yes, as in the word processor. Add to this the quirks of the major web-based email clients like Gmail and Hotmail, sprinkle in a little Lotus Notes and you’ll soon realize how different the email game is. While it’s not without its challenges, rest assured it can be done. In my experience the key is to focus on three things. First, you should keep it simple. The more complex your email design, the more likely is it to choke on one of the popular clients with poor standards support. Second, you need to take your coding skills back a good decade. That often means nesting tables, bringing CSS inline and following the coding guidelines I’ll outline below. Finally, you need to test your designs regularly. Just because a template looks nice in Hotmail now, doesn’t mean it will next week. Setting your lowest common denominator To maintain your sanity, it’s a good idea to decide exactly which email clients you plan on supporting when building a HTML email. While general research is helpful, the email clients your subscribers are using can vary significantly from list to list. If you have the time there are a number of tools that can tell you specifically which email clients your subscribers are using. Trust me, if the testing shows almost none of them are using a client like Lotus Notes, save yourself some frustration and ignore it altogether. Knowing which email clients you’re targeting not only makes the building process easier, it can save you lots of time in the testing phase too. For the purpose of this article, I’ll be sharing techniques that give the best results across all of the popular clients, including the notorious ones like Gmail, Lotus Notes 6 and Outlook 2007. Just remember that pixel perfection in all email clients is a pipe dream. Let’s get started. Use tables for layout Because clients like Gmail and Outlook 2007 have poor support for float, margin and padding, you’ll need to use tables as the framework of your email. While nested tables are widely supported, consistent treatment of width, margin and padding within table cells is not. For the best results, keep the following in mind when coding your table structure. Set the width in each cell, not the table When you combine table widths, td widths, td padding and CSS padding into an email, the final result is different in almost every email client. The most reliable way to set the width of your table is to set a width for each cell, not for the table itself.
      Never assume that if you don’t specify a cell width the email client will figure it out. It won’t. Also avoid using percentage based widths. Clients like Outlook 2007 don’t respect them, especially for nested tables. Stick to pixels. If you want to add padding to each cell, use either the cellpadding attribute of the table or CSS padding for each cell, but never combine the two. Err toward nesting Table nesting is far more reliable than setting left and right margins or padding for table cells. If you can achieve the same effect by table nesting, that will always give you the best result across the buggier email clients. Use a container table for body background colors Many email clients ignore background colors specified in your CSS or the tag. To work around this, wrap your entire email with a 100% width table and give that a background color.
      Your email code goes here.
      You can use the same approach for background images too. Just remember that some email clients don’t support them, so always provide a fallback color. Avoid unnecessary whitespace in table cells Where possible, avoid whitespace between your tags. Some email clients (ahem, Yahoo! and Hotmail) can add additional padding above or below the cell contents in some scenarios, breaking your design for no apparent reason. CSS and general font formatting While some email designers do their best to avoid CSS altogether and rely on the dreaded tag, the truth is many CSS properties are well supported by most email clients. See this comprehensive list of CSS support across the major clients for a good idea of the safe properties and those that should be avoided. Always move your CSS inline Gmail is the culprit for this one. By stripping the CSS from the and of any email, we’re left with no choice but to move all CSS inline. The good news is this is something you can almost completely automate. Free services like Premailer will move all CSS inline with the click of a button. I recommend leaving this step to the end of your build process so you can utilize all the benefits of CSS. Avoid shorthand for fonts and hex notation A number of email clients reject CSS shorthand for the font property. For example, never set your font styles like this. p { font:bold 1em/1.2em georgia,times,serif; } Instead, declare the properties individually like this. p { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.2em; font-family: georgia,times,serif; } While we’re on the topic of fonts, I recently tested every conceivable variation of @font-face across the major email clients. The results were dismal, so unfortunately it’s web-safe fonts in email for the foreseeable future. When declaring the color property in your CSS, some email clients don’t support shorthand hexadecimal colors like color:#f60; instead of color:#ff6600;. Stick to the longhand approach for the best results. Paragraphs Just like table cell spacing, paragraph spacing can be tricky to get a consistent result across the board. I’ve seen many designers revert to using double
      or DIVs with inline CSS margins to work around these shortfalls, but recent testing showed that paragraph support is now reliable enough to use in most cases (there was a time when Yahoo! didn’t support the paragraph tag at all). The best approach is to set the margin inline via CSS for every paragraph in your email, like so: p { margin: 0 0 1.6em 0; } Again, do this via CSS in the head when building your email, then use Premailer to bring it inline for each paragraph later. If part of your design is height-sensitive and calls for pixel perfection, I recommend avoiding paragraphs altogether and setting the text formatting inline in the table cell. You might need to use table nesting or cellpadding / CSS to get the desired result. Here’s an example: your height sensitive text Links Some email clients will overwrite your link colors with their defaults, and you can avoid this by taking two steps. First, set a default color for each link inline like so: this is a link Next, add a redundant span inside the a tag. this is a link To some this may be overkill, but if link color is important to your design then a superfluous span is the best way to achieve consistency. Images in HTML emails The most important thing to remember about images in email is that they won’t be visible by default for many subscribers. If you start your design with that assumption, it forces you to keep things simple and ensure no important content is suppressed by image blocking. With this in mind, here are the essentials to remember when using images in HTML email: Avoid spacer images While the combination of spacer images and nested tables was popular on the web ten years ago, image blocking in many email clients has ruled it out as a reliable technique today. Most clients replace images with an empty placeholder in the same dimensions, others strip the image altogether. Given image blocking is on by default in most email clients, this can lead to a poor first impression for many of your subscribers. Stick to fixed cell widths to keep your formatting in place with or without images. Always include the dimensions of your image If you forget to set the dimensions for each image, a number of clients will invent their own sizes when images are blocked and break your layout. Also, ensure that any images are correctly sized before adding them to your email. Some email clients will ignore the dimensions specified in code and rely on the true dimensions of your image. Avoid PNGs Lotus Notes 6 and 7 don’t support 8-bit or 24-bit PNG images, so stick with the GIF or JPG formats for all images, even if it means some additional file size. Provide fallback colors for background images Outlook 2007 has no support for background images (aside from this hack to get full page background images working). If you want to use a background image in your design, always provide a background color the email client can fall back on. This solves both the image blocking and Outlook 2007 problem simultaneously. Don’t forget alt text Lack of standards support means email clients have long destroyed the chances of a semantic and accessible HTML email. Even still, providing alt text is important from an image blocking perspective. Even with images suppressed by default, many email clients will display the provided alt text instead. Just remember that some email clients like Outlook 2007, Hotmail and Apple Mail don’t support alt text at all when images are blocked. Use the display hack for Hotmail For some inexplicable reason, Windows Live Hotmail adds a few pixels of additional padding below images. A workaround is to set the display property like so. img {display:block;} This removes the padding in Hotmail and still gives you the predicable result in other email clients. Don’t use floats Both Outlook 2007 and earlier versions of Notes offer no support for the float property. Instead, use the align attribute of the img tag to float images in your email. If you’re seeing strange image behavior in Yahoo! Mail, adding align=“top” to your images can often solve this problem. Video in email With no support for JavaScript or the object tag, video in email (if you can call it that) has long been limited to animated gifs. However, some recent research I did into the HTML5 video tag in email showed some promising results. Turns out HTML5 video does work in many email clients right now, including Apple Mail, Entourage 2008, MobileMe and the iPhone. The real benefit of this approach is that if the video isn’t supported, you can provide reliable fallback content such as an animated GIF or a clickable image linking to the video in the browser. Of course, the question of whether you should add video to email is another issue altogether. If you lean toward the “yes” side check out the technique with code samples. What about mobile email? The mobile email landscape was a huge mess until recently. With the advent of the iPhone, Android and big improvements from Palm and RIM, it’s becoming less important to think of mobile as a different email platform altogether. That said, there are a few key pointers to keep in mind when coding your emails to get a decent result for your more mobile subscribers. Keep the width less than 600 pixels Because of email client preview panes, this rule was important long before mobile email clients came of age. In truth, the iPhone and Pre have a viewport of 320 pixels, the Droid 480 pixels and the Blackberry models hover around 360 pixels. Sticking to a maximum of 600 pixels wide ensures your design should still be readable when scaled down for each device. This width also gives good results in desktop and web-based preview panes. Be aware of automatic text resizing In what is almost always a good feature, email clients using webkit (such as the iPhone, Pre and Android) can automatically adjust font sizes to increase readability. If testing shows this feature is doing more harm than good to your design, you can always disable it with the following CSS rule: -webkit-text-size-adjust: none; Don’t forget to test While standards support in email clients hasn’t made much progress in the last few years, there has been continual change (for better or worse) in some email clients. Web-based providers like Yahoo!, Hotmail and Gmail are notorious for this. On countless occasions I’ve seen a proven design suddenly stop working without explanation. For this reason alone it’s important to retest your email designs on a regular basis. I find a quick test every month or so does the trick, especially in the web-based clients. The good news is that after designing and testing a few HTML email campaigns, you will find that order will emerge from the chaos. Many of these pitfalls will become quite predictable and your inbox-friendly designs will take shape with them in mind. Looking ahead Designing HTML email can be a tough pill for new designers and standardistas to swallow, especially given the fickle and retrospective nature of email clients today. With HTML5 just around the corner we are entering a new, uncertain phase. Will email client developers take the opportunity to repent on past mistakes and bring email clients into the present? The aim of groups such as the Email Standards Project is to make much of the above advice as redundant as the long-forgotten and tags, however, only time will tell if this is to become a reality. Although not the most compliant (or fashionable) medium, the results speak for themselves – email is, and will continue to be one of the most successful and targeted marketing channels available to you. As a designer with HTML email design skills in your arsenal, you have the opportunity to not only broaden your service offering, but gain a unique appreciation of how vital standards are. Next steps Ready to get started? There are a number of HTML email design galleries to provide ideas and inspiration for your own designs. Enjoy!",2009,David Greiner,davidgreiner,2009-12-13T00:00:00+00:00,,code 180,Going Nuts with CSS Transitions,"I’m going to show you how CSS 3 transforms and WebKit transitions can add zing to the way you present images on your site. Laying the foundations First we are going to make our images look like mini polaroids with captions. Here’s the markup:

      Found this little cutie on a walk in New Zealand!

      You’ll notice we’re using a somewhat presentational class of pull-right here. This means the logic is kept separate from the code that applies the polaroid effect. The polaroid class has no positioning, which allows it to be used generically anywhere that the effect is required. The pull classes set a float and add appropriate margins—they can be used for things like blockquotes as well. .polaroid { width: 150px; padding: 10px 10px 20px 10px; border: 1px solid #BFBFBF; background-color: white; -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 3px rgba(135, 139, 144, 0.4); -moz-box-shadow: 2px 2px 3px rgba(135, 139, 144, 0.4); box-shadow: 2px 2px 3px rgba(135, 139, 144, 0.4); } The actual polaroid effect itself is simply applied using padding, a border and a background colour. We also apply a nice subtle box shadow, using a property that is supported by modern WebKit browsers and Firefox 3.5+. We include the box-shadow property last to ensure that future browsers that support the eventual CSS3 specified version natively will use that implementation over the legacy browser specific version. The box-shadow property takes four values: three lengths and a colour. The first is the horizontal offset of the shadow—positive values place the shadow on the right, while negative values place it to the left. The second is the vertical offset, positive meaning below. If both of these are set to 0, the shadow is positioned equally on all four sides. The last length value sets the blur radius—the larger the number, the blurrier the shadow (therefore the darker you need to make the colour to have an effect). The colour value can be given in any format recognised by CSS. Here, we’re using rgba as explained by Drew behind the first door of this year’s calendar. Rotation For browsers that understand it (currently our old favourites WebKit and FF3.5+) we can add some visual flair by rotating the image, using the transform CSS 3 property. -webkit-transform: rotate(9deg); -moz-transform: rotate(9deg); transform: rotate(9deg); Rotations can be specified in degrees, radians (rads) or grads. WebKit also supports turns unfortunately Firefox doesn’t just yet. For our example, we want any polaroid images on the left hand side to be rotated in the opposite direction, using a negative degree value: .pull-left.polaroid { -webkit-transform: rotate(-9deg); -moz-transform: rotate(-9deg); transform: rotate(-9deg); } Multiple class selectors don’t work in IE6 but as luck would have it, the transform property doesn’t work in any current IE version either. The above code is a good example of progressive enrichment: browsers that don’t support box-shadow or transform will still see the image and basic polaroid effect. Animation WebKit is unique amongst browser rendering engines in that it allows animation to be specified in pure CSS. Although this may never actually make it in to the CSS 3 specification, it degrades nicely and more importantly is an awful lot of fun! Let’s go nuts. In the next demo, the image is contained within a link and mousing over that link causes the polaroid to animate from being angled to being straight. Here’s our new markup: White water rafting in Queenstown And here are the relevant lines of CSS: a.polaroid { /* ... */ -webkit-transform: rotate(10deg); -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.5s ease-in; } a.polaroid:hover, a.polaroid:focus, a.polaroid:active { /* ... */ -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); } The @-webkit-transition@ property is the magic wand that sets up the animation. It takes three values: the property to be animated, the duration of the animation and a ‘timing function’ (which affects the animation’s acceleration, for a smoother effect). -webkit-transition only takes affect when the specified property changes. In pure CSS, this is done using dynamic pseudo-classes. You can also change the properties using JavaScript, but that’s a story for another time. Throwing polaroids at a table Imagine there are lots of differently sized polaroid photos scattered on a table. That’s the effect we are aiming for with our next demo. As an aside: we are using absolute positioning to arrange the images inside a flexible width container (with a minimum and maximum width specified in pixels). As some are positioned from the left and some from the right when you resize the browser they shuffle underneath each other. This is an effect used on the UX London site. This demo uses a darker colour shadow with more transparency than before. The grey shadow in the previous example worked fine, but it was against a solid background. Since the images are now overlapping each other, the more opaque shadow looked fake. -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px rgba(0,0, 0, 0.3); -moz-box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px rgba(0,0, 0, 0.3); box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px rgba(0,0, 0, 0.3); On hover, as well as our previous trick of animating the image rotation back to straight, we are also making the shadow darker and setting the z-index to be higher than the other images so that it appears on top. And Finally… Finally, for a bit more fun, we’re going to simulate the images coming towards you and lifting off the page. We’ll achieve this by making them grow larger and by offsetting the shadow & making it longer. Screenshot 1 shows the default state, while 2 shows our previous hover effect. Screenshot 3 is the effect we are aiming for, illustrated by demo 4. a.polaroid { /* ... */ z-index: 2; -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px rgba(0,0, 0, 0.3); -moz-box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px rgba(0,0, 0, 0.3); box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px rgba(0,0, 0, 0.3); -webkit-transform: rotate(10deg); -moz-transform: rotate(10deg); transform: rotate(10deg); -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in; } a.polaroid:hover, a.polaroid:focus, a.polaroid:active { z-index: 999; border-color: #6A6A6A; -webkit-box-shadow: 15px 15px 20px rgba(0,0, 0, 0.4); -moz-box-shadow: 15px 15px 20px rgba(0,0, 0, 0.4); box-shadow: 15px 15px 20px rgba(0,0, 0, 0.4); -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg) scale(1.05); -moz-transform: rotate(0deg) scale(1.05); transform: rotate(0deg) scale(1.05); } You’ll notice we are now giving the transform property another transform function: scale, which takes increases the size by the specified factor. Other things you can do with transform include skewing, translating or you can go mad creating your own transforms with a matrix. The box-shadow has both its offset and blur radius increased dramatically, and is darkened using the alpha channel of the rgba colour. And because we want the effects to all animate smoothly, we pass a value of all to the -webkit-transition property, ensuring that any changed property on that link will be animated. Demo 5 is the finished example, bringing everything nicely together. CSS transitions and transforms are a great example of progressive enrichment, which means improving the experience for a portion of the audience without negatively affecting other users. They are also a lot of fun to play with! Further reading -moz-transform – the mozilla developer center has a comprehensive explanation of transform that also applies to -webkit-transform and transform. CSS: Animation Using CSS Transforms – this is a good, more indepth tutorial on animations. CSS Animation – the Safari blog explains the usage of -webkit-transform. Dinky pocketbooks with transform – another use for transforms, create your own printable pocketbook. A while back, Simon wrote a little bookmarklet to spin the entire page… warning: this will spin the entire page.",2009,Natalie Downe,nataliedowne,2009-12-14T00:00:00+00:00,,code 191,CSS Animations,"Friend: You should learn how to write CSS! Me: … Friend: CSS; Cascading Style Sheets. If you’re serious about web design, that’s the next thing you should learn. Me: What’s wrong with tags? That was 8 years ago. Thanks to the hard work of Jeffrey, Andy, Andy, Cameron, Colly, Dan and many others, learning how to decently markup a website and write lightweight stylesheets was surprisingly easy. They made it so easy even a complete idiot (OH HAI) was able to quickly master it. And then… nothing. For a long time, it seemed like there wasn’t happening anything in the land of CSS, time stood still. Once you knew the basics, there wasn’t anything new to keep up with. It looked like a great band split, but people just kept re-releasing their music in various “Best Of!” or “Remastered!” albums. Fast forward a couple of years to late 2006. On the official WebKit blog Surfin’ Safari, there’s an article about something called CSS animations. Great new stuff to play with, but only supported by nightly builds (read: very, very beta) of WebKit. In the following months, they release other goodies, like CSS gradients, CSS reflections, CSS masks, and even more CSS animation sexiness. Whoa, looks like the band got back together, found their second youth, and went into overdrive! The problem was that if you wanted to listen to their new albums, you had to own some kind of new high-tech player no one on earth (besides some early adopters) owned. Back in the time machine. It is now late 2009, close to Christmas. Things have changed. Browsers supporting these new toys are widely available left and right. Even non-techies are using these advanced browsers to surf the web on a daily basis! Epic win? Almost, but at least this gives us enough reason to start learning how we could use all this new CSS voodoo. On Monday, Natalie Downe showed you a good tutorial on Going Nuts with CSS Transitions. Today, I’m taking it one step further… Howto: A basic spinner No matter how fast internet tubes or servers are, we’ll always need spinners to indicate something’s happening behind the scenes. Up until now, people would go to some site, pick one of the available templates, customize their foreground and background colors, and download a beautiful GIF image. There are some downsides to this though: It’s only _semi_-transparent: If you change your mind and pick a slightly different background color, you need to go back to the site, set all the parameters again, and replace your current image. There isn’t even a way to pick an image or gradient as background. Limited number of frames, probable to keep the file-size as small as possible (don’t forget this thing needs to be loaded before whatever process is finished in the background), and you don’t have that 24 frames per second smoothness. This is just too fucking easy. As a front-end code geek, there must be a “cooler” way to do this! What do we need to make a spinner with CSS animations? One image, and one element on our webpage we can hook on to. Yes, that’s it. I created a simple transparent PNG that looks it might be a spinner, and for the element on the page, I wrote this piece of genius HTML:

      Please wait while we do what we do best.

      Looks semantic enough to me! Here’s the basic HTML I’m using to position the element in the center of the screen, and make the text inside it disappear: #spinner { position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; margin: -100px 0 0 -100px; height: 200px; width: 200px; text-indent: 250px; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; } Cool, but now we don’t see anything. Let’s pull rabbit number one out of the hat: -webkit-mask-image (accompanied by the previously mentioned transparent PNG image): #spinner { ... -webkit-mask-image: url(../img/spinner.png); } By now you should be feeling like a magician already. Oh, wait, we still have a blank screen, looks like we left something in the hat (tip: not rabbit droppings): #spinner { ... -webkit-mask-image: url(../img/spinner.png); background-color: #000; } Nice! What we’ve done right here is telling the element to clip onto the PNG. It’s a lot like clipping layers in Photoshop. So, spinners, they move, right? Into the hat again, and look what we pull out this time: CSS animations! #spinner { ... -webkit-mask-image: url(../img/spinner.png); background-color: #000; -webkit-animation-name: spinnerRotate; -webkit-animation-duration: 2s; -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite; -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear; } Some explanation: -webkit-animation-name: Name of the animation we’ll be defining later. -webkit-animation-duration: The timespan of the animation. -webkit-animation-iteration-count: Repeat once, a defined number of times or infinitely? -webkit-animation-timing-function: Linear is the one you’ll be using mostly. Other options are ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out… Let’s define spinnerRotate: @-webkit-keyframes spinnerRotate { from { -webkit-transform:rotate(0deg); } to { -webkit-transform:rotate(360deg); } } En Anglais: Rotate #spinner starting at 0 degrees, ending at 360 degrees, over a timespan of 2 seconds, at a constant speed, and keep repeating this animation forever. That’s it! See it in action on the demo page. Note: these examples only work when you’re using a WebKit-based browser like Safari, Mobile Safari or Google Chrome. I’m confident though that Mozilla and Opera will try their very best catching up with all this new CSS goodness soon. When looking at this example, you see the possibilities are endless. Another advantage is you can change the look of it entirely by only changing a couple of lines of CSS, instead of re-creating and re-downloading the image from some website smelling like web 2.0 gone bad. I made another demo that shows how great it is to be able to change background and foreground colors (even on the fly!). So there you have it, a smoothly animated, fully transparent and completely customizable spinner. Cool? I think so. (Ladies?) But you can do a lot more with CSS animations than just create pretty spinners. Since I was fooling around with it anyway, I decided to test how far you can push this, space is the final limit, right? Conclusion CSS has never been more exciting than it is right now. I’m even prepared to say CSS is “cool” again, both for the more experienced front-end developers as for the new designers discovering CSS every day now. But… Remember when Javascript became popular? Remember when Flash became popular? Every time we’re been given new toys, some people aren’t ashamed to use it in a way you can barely call constructive. I’m thinking of Geocities websites, loaded with glowing blocks of text, moving images, bad color usage… In the wise words of Stan Lee: With great power there must also come great responsibility! A sprinkle of CSS animations is better than a bucket load. Apply with care.",2009,Tim Van Damme,timvandamme,2009-12-15T00:00:00+00:00,,code 186,The Web Is Your CMS,"It is amazing what you can do these days with the services offered on the web. Flickr stores terabytes of photos for us and converts them automatically to all kind of sizes, finds people in them and even allows us to edit them online. YouTube does almost the same complete job with videos, LinkedIn allows us to maintain our CV, Delicious our bookmarks and so on. We don’t have to do these tasks ourselves any more, as all of these systems also come with ways to use the data in the form of Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs for short. APIs give us raw data when we send requests telling the system what we want to get back. The problem is that every API has a different idea of what is a simple way of accessing this data and in which format to give it back. Making it easier to access APIs What we need is a way to abstract the pains of different data formats and authentication formats away from the developer — and this is the purpose of the Yahoo Query Language, or YQL for short. Libraries like jQuery and YUI make it easy and reliable to use JavaScript in browsers (yes, even IE6) and YQL allows us to access web services and even the data embedded in web documents in a simple fashion – SQL style. Select * from the web and filter it the way I want YQL is a web service that takes a few inputs itself: A query that tells it what to get, update or access An output format – XML, JSON, JSON-P or JSON-P-X A callback function (if you defined JSON-P or JSON-P-X) You can try it out yourself – check out this link to get back Flickr photos for the search term ‘santa’* in XML format. The YQL query for this is select * from where text=""santa"" The easiest way to take your first steps with YQL is to look at the console. There you get sample queries, access to all the data sources available to you and you can easily put together complex queries. In this article, however, let’s use PHP to put together a web page that pulls in Flickr photos, blog posts, Videos from YouTube and latest bookmarks from Delicious. Check out the demo and get the source code on GitHub. query->results->results; /* YouTube output */ $youtube = '
        '; foreach($results[0]->item as $r){ $cleanHTML = undoYouTubeMarkupCrimes($r->description); $youtube .= '
      • '.$cleanHTML.'
      • '; } $youtube .= '
      '; /* Flickr output */ $flickr = ''; /* Delicious output */ $delicious = ''; /* Blog output */ $blog = ''; function undoYouTubeMarkupCrimes($str){ $cleaner = preg_replace('/555px/','100%',$str); $cleaner = preg_replace('/width=""[^""]+""/','',$cleaner); $cleaner = preg_replace('//','',$cleaner); return $cleaner; } ?> What we are doing here is create a few different YQL statements and queue them together with the query.multi table. Each of these can be run inside YQL itself. Check out the YouTube, Flickr, Delicious and Blog example in the console if you don’t believe me. The benefit of using this table is that we don’t make individual requests for each query but we get all the data in one single request – which means a much better performing solution as the YQL server farm is faster on the web than our servers. We point the query to the YQL web service end point and get the resulting data using cURL. All that we need to do then is to convert the returned data to HTML lists that can be printed out inside an HTML template. Mixing, matching and using HTML as a data source This was a simple example of what YQL can do for you. Where it gets really powerful however is by mixing and matching different APIs. YQL is also a good tool to get information from HTML documents. By using the html table you can load the content of an HTML document (which gets fixed automatically by HTMLTidy) and use XPATH to filter down results to what you need. Take the following example which takes headlines from the homepage and runs the results through Yahoo’s Term Extractor API to give you a list of currently hot topics. select * from search.termextract where context in ( select content from html where url="""" and xpath=""//table[@width=800]//a"" ) Try it out in the console or see the results here. In English, this means: Go to and get me the HTML Run it through HTML Tidy to clean it up. Get me only the links inside the table with an attribute of width and the value 800 Get only the content of the link and for each of the links Take the content and send it as context to the Yahoo Term Extractor API If we choose JSON-P as the output format we can use the outcome directly in JavaScript (see this demo or see its source):
        Using JSON, we can also use PHP which means the demo works for everybody – not only those with JavaScript enabled (see this demo or see its source):
        • query->results->Result); echo join('
        • ',$topics); ?>
        Summary This article could only scratch the surface of YQL. You have not only read access to the web but you can also write to web services. For example you can update Twitter, post to your WordPress blog or shorten a URL with Using Open Tables you can add any web service to the YQL interface and you can even run server-side JavaScript which is for example useful to return Flickr photos as HTML or get the HTML content from a document that needs POST data. The web of data is already here, and using YQL you don’t have to be a web services expert to use it and be part of it.",2009,Christian Heilmann,chrisheilmann,2009-12-17T00:00:00+00:00,,code 184,Spruce It Up,"The landscape of web typography is changing quickly these days. We’ve gone from the wild west days of sIFR to Cufón to finally seeing font embedding seeing wide spread adoption by browser developers (and soon web designers) with @font-face. For those who’ve felt limited by the typographic possibilities before, this has been a good year. As Mark Boulton has so eloquently elucidated, @font-face embedding doesn’t come without its drawbacks. Font files can be quite large and FOUT—that nasty flash of unstyled text—can be a distraction for users. Data URIs We can battle FOUT by using Data URIs. A Data URI allows the font to be encoded right into the CSS file. When the font comes with the CSS, the flash of unstyled text is mitigated. No extra HTTP requests are required. Don’t be a grinch, though. Sending hundreds of kilobytes down the pipe still isn’t great. Sometimes, all we want to do is spruce up our site with a little typographic sugar. Be Selective Dan Cederholm’s SimpleBits is an attractive site. Take a look at the ampersand within the header of his site. It’s the lovely (and free) Goudy Bookletter 1911 available from The League of Movable Type. The Opentype format is a respectable 28KB. Nothing too crazy but hold on here. Mr. Cederholm is only using the ampersand! Ouch. That’s a lot of bandwidth just for one character. Can we optimize a font like we can an image? Yes. Image optimization essentially works by removing unnecessary image data such as colour data, hidden comments or using compression algorithms. How do you remove unnecessary information from a font? Subsetting. If you’re the adventurous type, grab a copy of FontForge, which is an open source font editing tool. You can open the font, view and edit any of the glyphs and then re-generate the font. The interface is a little clunky but you’ll be able to select any character you don’t want and then cut the glyphs. Re-generate your font and you’ve now got a smaller file. There are certainly more optimizations that can also be made such as removing hinting and kerning information. Keep in mind that removing this information may affect how well the type renders. At this time of year, though, I’m sure you’re quite busy. Save yourself some time and head on over to the Font Squirrel Font Generator. The Font Generator is extremely handy and allows for a number of optimizations and cross-platform options to be generated instantly. Select the font from your local system—make sure that you are only using properly licensed fonts! In this particular case, we only want the ampersand. Click on Subset Fonts which will open up a new menu. Unselect any preselected sets and enter the ampersand into the Single Characters text box. Generate your font and what are you left with? 3KB. The Font Generator even generates a base64 encoded data URI stylesheet to be imported easily into your project. Check out the Demo page. (This demo won’t work in Internet Explorer as we’re only demonstrating the Data URI font embedding and not using the EOT file format that IE requires.) No Unnecessary Additives If you peeked under the hood of that demo, did you notice something interesting? There’s no around the ampersand. The great thing about this is that we can take advantage of the font stack’s natural ability to switch to a fallback font when a character isn’t available. Just like that, we’ve managed to spruce up our page with a little typographic sugar without having to put on too much weight.",2009,Jonathan Snook,jonathansnook,2009-12-19T00:00:00+00:00,,code 192,Cleaner Code with CSS3 Selectors,"The parts of CSS3 that seem to grab the most column inches on blogs and in articles are the shiny bits. Rounded corners, text shadow and new ways to achieve CSS layouts are all exciting and bring with them all kinds of possibilities for web design. However what really gets me, as a developer, excited is a bit more mundane. In this article I’m going to take a look at some of the ways our front and back-end code will be simplified by CSS3, by looking at the ways we achieve certain visual effects now in comparison to how we will achieve them in a glorious, CSS3-supported future. I’m also going to demonstrate how we can use these selectors now with a little help from JavaScript – which can work out very useful if you find yourself in a situation where you can’t change markup that is being output by some server-side code. The wonder of nth-child So why does nth-child get me so excited? Here is a really common situation, the designer would like the tables in the application to look like this: Setting every other table row to a different colour is a common way to enhance readability of long rows. The tried and tested way to implement this is by adding a class to every other row. If you are writing the markup for your table by hand this is a bit of a nuisance, and if you stick a row in the middle you have to change the rows the class is applied to. If your markup is generated by your content management system then you need to get the server-side code to add that class – if you have access to that code. Striping every other row - using classes
        Name Cards sent Cards received Cards written but not sent
        Ann 40 28 4
        Joe 2 27 29
        Paul 5 35 2
        Louise 65 65 0
        View Example 1 This situation is something I deal with on almost every project, and apart from being an extra thing to do, it just isn’t ideal having the server-side code squirt classes into the markup for purely presentational reasons. This is where the nth-child pseudo-class selector comes in. The server-side code creates a valid HTML table for the data, and the CSS then selects the odd rows with the following selector: tr:nth-child(odd) td { background-color: #86B486; } View Example 2 The odd and even keywords are very handy in this situation – however you can also use a multiplier here. 2n would be equivalent to the keyword ‘odd’ 3n would select every third row and so on. Browser support Sadly, nth-child has pretty poor browser support. It is not supported in Internet Explorer 8 and has somewhat buggy support in some other browsers. Firefox 3.5 does have support. In some situations however, you might want to consider using JavaScript to add this support to browsers that don’t have it. This can be very useful if you are dealing with a Content Management System where you have no ability to change the server-side code to add classes into the markup. I’m going to use jQuery in these examples as it is very simple to use the same CSS selector used in the CSS to target elements with jQuery – however you could use any library or write your own function to do the same job. In the CSS I have added the original class selector to the nth-child selector: tr:nth-child(odd) td, tr.odd td { background-color: #86B486; } Then I am adding some jQuery to add a class to the markup once the document has loaded – using the very same nth-child selector that works for browsers that support it. View Example 3 We could just add a background colour to the element using jQuery, however I prefer not to mix that information into the JavaScript as if we change the colour on our table rows I would need to remember to change it both in the CSS and in the JavaScript. Doing something different with the last element So here’s another thing that we often deal with. You have a list of items all floated left with a right hand margin on each element constrained within a fixed width layout. If each element has the right margin applied the margin on the final element will cause the set to become too wide forcing that last item down to the next row as shown in the below example where I have used a grey border to indicate the fixed width. Currently we have two ways to deal with this. We can put a negative right margin on the list, the same width as the space between the elements. This means that the extra margin on the final element fills that space and the item doesn’t drop down. The last item is different
        View Example 4 The other solution will be to put a class on the final element and in the CSS remove the margin for this class. li.last { margin-right: 0; } This second solution may not be easy if the content is generated from server-side code that you don’t have access to change. It could all be so different. In CSS3 we have marvellously common-sense selectors such as last-child, meaning that we can simply add rules for the last list item. li:last-child { margin-right: 0; } View Example 5 This removed the margin on the li which is the last-child of the ul with a class of gallery. No messing about sticking classes on the last item, or pushing the width of the item out wit a negative margin. If this list of items repeated ad infinitum then you could also use nth-child for this task. Creating a rule that makes every 3rd element margin-less. li:nth-child(3n) { margin-right: 0; } View Example 6 A similar example is where the designer has added borders to the bottom of each element – but the last item does not have a border or is in some other way different. Again, only a class added to the last element will save you here if you cannot rely on using the last-child selector. Browser support for last-child The situation for last-child is similar to that of nth-child, in that there is no support in Internet Explorer 8. However, once again it is very simple to replicate the functionality using jQuery. Adding our .last class to the last list item. $("" li:last-child"").addClass(""last""); We could also use the nth-child selector to add the .last class to every third list item. $("" li:nth-child(3n)"").addClass(""last""); View Example 7 Fun with forms Styling forms can be a bit of a trial, made difficult by the fact that any CSS applied to the input element will effect text fields, submit buttons, checkboxes and radio buttons. As developers we are left adding classes to our form fields to differentiate them. In most builds all of my text fields have a simple class of text whereas I wouldn’t dream of adding a class of para to every paragraph element in a document. Syling form fields

        Send your Christmas list to Santa

        View Example 8 Attribute selectors provide a way of targeting elements by looking at the attributes of those elements. Unlike the other examples in this article which are CSS3 selectors, the attribute selector is actually a CSS2.1 selector – it just doesn’t get much use because of lack of support in Internet Explorer 6. Using attribute selectors we can write rules for text inputs and form buttons without needing to add any classes to the markup. For example after removing the text and button classes from my text and submit button input elements I can use the following rules to target them: form input[type=""text""] { border: 1px solid #333; padding: 0.2em; width: 400px; } form input[type=""submit""]{ border: 1px solid #333; background-color: #eee; color: #000; padding: 0.1em; } View Example 9 Another problem that I encounter with forms is where I am using CSS to position my labels and form elements by floating the labels. This works fine as long as I want all of my labels to be floated, however sometimes we get a set of radio buttons or a checkbox, and I don’t want the label field to be floated. As you can see in the below example the label for the checkbox is squashed up into the space used for the other labels, yet it makes more sense for the checkbox to display after the text. I could use a class on this label element however CSS3 lets me to target the label attribute directly by looking at the value of the for attribute. label[for=""fOptIn""] { float: none; width: auto; } Being able to precisely target attributes in this way is incredibly useful, and once IE6 is no longer an issue this will really help to clean up our markup and save us from having to create all kinds of special cases when generating this markup on the server-side. Browser support The news for attribute selectors is actually pretty good with Internet Explorer 7+, Firefox 2+ and all other modern browsers all having support. As I have already mentioned this is a CSS2.1 selector and so we really should expect to be able to use it as we head into 2010! Internet Explorer 7 has slightly buggy support and will fail on the label example shown above however I discovered a workaround in the Sitepoint CSS reference comments. Adding the selector label[htmlFor=""fOptIn""] to the correct selector will create a match for IE7. IE6 does not support these selector but, once again, you can use jQuery to plug the holes in IE6 support. The following jQuery will add the text and button classes to your fields and also add a checks class to the label for the checkbox, which you can use to remove the float and width for this element. $('form input[type=""submit""]').addClass(""button""); $('form input[type=""text""]').addClass(""text""); $('label[for=""fOptIn""]').addClass(""checks""); View Example 10 The selectors I’ve used in this article are easy to overlook as we do have ways to achieve these things currently. As developers – especially when we have frameworks and existing code that cope with these situations – it is easy to carry on as we always have done. I think that the time has come to start to clean up our front and backend code and replace our reliance on classes with these more advanced selectors. With the help of a little JavaScript almost all users will still get the full effect and, where we are dealing with purely visual effects, there is definitely a case to be made for not worrying about the very small percentage of people with old browsers and no JavaScript. They will still receive a readable website, it may just be missing some of the finesse offered to the modern browsing experience.",2009,Rachel Andrew,rachelandrew,2009-12-20T00:00:00+00:00,,code 220,Finding Your Way with Static Maps,"Since the introduction of the Google Maps service in 2005, online maps have taken off in a way not really possible before the invention of slippy map interaction. Although quickly followed by a plethora of similar services from both commercial and non-commercial parties, Google’s first-mover advantage, and easy-to-use developer API saw Google Maps become pretty much the de facto mapping service. It’s now so easy to add a map to a web page, there’s no reason not to. Dropping an iframe map into your page is as simple as embedding a YouTube video. But there’s one crucial drawback to both the solution Google provides for you to drop into your page and the code developers typically implement themselves – they don’t work without JavaScript. A bit about JavaScript Back in October of this year, The Yahoo! Developer Network blog ran some tests to measure how many visitors to the Yahoo! home page didn’t have JavaScript available or enabled in their browser. It’s an interesting test when you consider that the audience for the Yahoo! home page (one of the most visited pages on the web) represents about as mainstream a sample as you’ll find. If there’s any such thing as an ‘average Web user’ then this is them. The results surprised me. It varied from region to region, but at most just two per cent of visitors didn’t have JavaScript running. To be honest, I was expecting it to be higher, but this quote from the article caught my attention: While the percentage of visitors with JavaScript disabled seems like a low number, keep in mind that small percentages of big numbers are also big numbers. That’s right, of course, and it got me thinking about what that two per cent means. For many sites, two per cent is the number of visitors using the Opera web browser, using IE6, or using Mobile Safari. So, although a small percentage of the total, users without JavaScript can’t just be forgotten about, and catering for them is at the very heart of how the web is supposed to work. Starting with content in HTML, we layer on presentation with CSS and then enhance interactivity with JavaScript. If anything fails along the way or the network craps out, or a browser just doesn’t support one of the technologies, the user still gets something they can work with. It’s progressive enhancement – also known as doing our jobs properly. Sorry, wasn’t this about maps? As I was saying, the default code Google provides, and the example code it gives to developers (which typically just gets followed ‘as is’) doesn’t account for users without JavaScript. No JavaScript, no content. When adding the ability to publish maps to our small content management system Perch, I didn’t want to provide a solution that only worked with JavaScript. I had to go looking for a way to provide maps without JavaScript, too. There’s a simple solution, fortunately, in the form of static map tiles. All the various slippy map services use a JavaScript interface on top of what are basically rendered map image tiles. Dragging the map loads in more image tiles in the direction you want to view. If you’ve used a slippy map on a slow connection, you’ll be familiar with seeing these tiles load in one by one. The Static Map API The good news is that these tiles (or tiles just like them) can be used as regular images on your site. Google has a Static Map API which not only gives you a handy interface to retrieve a tile for the exact area you need, but also allows you to place pins, and zoom and centre the tile so that the image looks just so. This means that you can create a static, non-JavaScript version of your slippy map’s initial (or ideal) state to load into your page as a regular image, and then have the JavaScript map hijack the image and make it slippy. Clearly, that’s not going to be a perfect solution for every map’s requirements. It doesn’t allow for panning, zooming or interrogation without JavaScript. However, for the majority of straightforward map uses online, a static map makes a great alternative for those visitors without JavaScript. Here’s the how Retrieving a static map tile is staggeringly easy – it’s just a case of forming a URL with the correct arguments and then using that as the src of an image tag. As you can see, there are a few key options that we pass along to the base URL. All of these should be familiar to anyone who’s worked with the JavaScript API. center determines the point on which the map is centred. This can be latitude and longitude values, or simply an address which is then geocoded. zoom sets the zoom level. size is the pixel dimensions of the image you require. maptype can be roadmap, satellite, terrain or hybrid. markers sets one or more pin locations. Markers can be labelled, have different colours, and so on – there’s quite a lot of control available. sensor states whether you are using a sensor to determine the user’s location. When just embedding a map in a web page, set this to false. There are many options, including plotting paths and setting the image format, which can all be found in the straightforward documentation. Adding to your page If you’ve worked with the JavaScript API, you’ll know that it needs a container element which you inject the map into:
        All you need to do is put your static image inside that container:
        And then, in your JavaScript, find the image and remove it. For example, with jQuery you’d simply use: $('#map img').remove(); Why not use a